Do some Old Testament narratives make you uncomfortable?
Biblical narratives have been misused to promote violent conquests throughout history. But when we read the Bible through the lens of Jesus’ upside-down Kingdom, we discover a different story.
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James 4:1-3.
How refreshing to hear the Word of God with? In? clarity and accuracy. I am so grateful that – for some reason – that he has allowed me to peer into the Kingdom and down on my knees gratitude that my son has found his footsteps and travels that narrow path. His blessing to me a fool and a sinner he has given above and beyond what I could've possibly asked for.
I couldn't agree more
Listening to Edomites pretending to understand the word of the God that hates them is genuinely hilarious 😆
Amen God bless and forgive Amen
Jesus did preach love but we live in a broken world and wars are going to happen people have a right to defend themselves such as the byzantines but it comes into this idea of humanism verses God if a ruler is godly, then their nation will be godly but if they are morally corrupt then there nation will be. I think war is something that is apart of history and you can’t just say “love everyone” even Israel had to go to war with those around them and I do think loving people with God’s love is what we should do but on a realistic and political scale it won’t always happen if you don’t go to war you forfeit ground to evil such as nazi Germany or the empire of Japan the west still has this Roman idea of conquest, but God has used that in some cases as a positive such as the aztec and Mayans human sacrifice and the Spanish putting a end to it.
And yet they can't stop him. In Jesus' name I pray to the Father. God bless you all. Amen.
So cool! Love it! Keep ‘em comin’!
City of God!
There's a difference between War-Mongering, and fighting for what's right.
We are beholding War Mongering right now, with regards to Ukraine and Taiwan and Mexico and other places. Where powerful people make powerful decisions, with justifications that have no bearing on us, while profiting at the expense of war's cost.
Fighting for what's right is, for example, fighting in WWII.
Pacifism is an absolutist position.
And it achieves nothing, nor stops inhumanity.
This animation is hilarious 😂😂😂
I adore Bible Project!!! Jesus is Lord 🙌🙏💯❗
Animated Tim and John 😅 and Jesus with the key to the face😂
Jesus is the Desire of the Nations says the bible. I can't wait until Jesus returns!
May i know what podcast episode is this from??
I mean most of the bible should make you uncomfortable to the point of fear and conviction
You guys r like Christian Good Mythical Morning. you know what i mean?
I see now they act like they are doing a book report and not believing Jesus was God and the Bible is God’s word .
Kinda weird having a goofy cartoon Jesus acting all wonky like that…
This was one of my favorite episodes by far. How awesome that you guys would take a stand to separate out this portion as well. So much of churchhistory gets glossed over and filtered through a positive lens when the reality is we need to shed many tears when studying our past as believers and followers of Jesus…
Thank y’all for speaking truth and light into the darkness
Idk plenty of so-called Christians believe in violent conquest or unjustifiable violence. First they voted for Bush. Use the state for a long time to prevent people from marrying. Aka force people to live under their religious regime. And now they often promote violence against trans people. And if you don't know about that, you are purposely remaining to be uneducated because you got religious blinders on. As they say, your Jesus is cool. But most of y'all these days ain't nothing like your Jesus.
Enciclopedia of wars says 7% of all wars were about religion. Most of them were about Islam.
When Jesus said his kingdom was not of this world and that if it were, his servants would fight, he was making a statement that would not have entered the mind of any man in all of history up until that point. Of course we fight! Of course we kill and conquer! If we don’t, they’ll kill and conquer us! This is the natural response of any man in this world. It’s wired into us. It’s only due to the influence of Judeo-Christian thought over the past 2,000 years that the modern concept of human rights exists at all.
Great animation
Um.. Jesus also hand wove a whip and forced the bankers and merchants out of the Temple by force. Later, he also told his disciples and Apostles to be prepared to physically defend themselves if needed (with WEAPONS).
Sorry… I read the ENTIRE Bible. I don't cherry pick.
Emperor Constantine wasn’t the bad guy. He’s the one who extended freedom of religion to Christians in the Roman Empire
I’m yours God. Always
Would love to see you guys collaborate with some other guys who talk biblical themes and stories like Weird Bible.
Not only that but he changed God’s Sabbath and roman catholicism persecuted the world and the true christians for 1270 years or so
We must conquest the YouTube landscape!!! 👊 For Jesus!!!
We are to love our enemies but we are also to call sin, sin. Without repentance Sodomites will never see the Kingdom of God
There is no group more imperialistic than Marxism.
No, Amen.
Overheard on Deuteronomy Scroll E3: Giants and Justice