A Way God Wants to Connect With You (You Might Not Think Much About)
The Bible’s main way of talking about God’s relationship to humanity is the image of a partnership. This video on covenants traces the way God entered into a series of formal relationships with various human partners in order to rescue the world through Jesus, the ultimate covenant partner.
#Covenant #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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Yolked with Jesus every day.
Romans 2:28-29. Romans 9:6-13.
Jesus is a better covenant.
commenting for algorithm
<3 love this
Do you think maybe God was lonely ?
There seems to be a misunderstanding of the world the God of Abraham loved and the worlds Abraham's children the Israelites are going to rule in the future.
The Bible is the story of a people/family and their covenant with their God.
Somehow over time the world their God so loved became all the world's of the earth.
They seem to over look why Christ came to die for the world God loved. Not all nations/worlds on earth. Christ came for the "Loss tribes of Israel and those scattered all over the world". Those are the people God previously*LOVED"
Those people of the seed of Abraham. He had a contract with them and came to die for them.
The Christians later claimed to be those people, similar to the Jews of today that claim to be the seed of Abraham.
Both are misleading. Both are confused in their interpretation of the intentions of the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
The God of Israel is not the God of other or all nations. It just that the story was taken from the Israelites in war and adopted as a international religion of inclusion, extended unto who so ever will.
It was a personal invitation to a personal Africa family saying who so ever of the people being written to are invited to be saved under the covenant that their ancestors entered into with the God of their ancestors.
Excuse me but that letter was not meant for you. There are many worlds on earth. Abrahams world is the world of the Israelites. Our Christ Died for US. The loss tribes. They are in captivity around the world. Not living high on the hog enjoying the riches of the world.
Why does God only choose Noah? Why not more than one person at a time?
Do a video on the concept of “standing in the gap”
Yes Teacher is our personal:
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Well done…, well done indeed.
You have yet to disappoint. GOD bless you and yours and all your endeavors, may this project continue being successful in reaching, enlightening, and liberating, with the truth, even more Children of GOD by leading them out of darkness and into the light.
As always, you provide a simplified, concise, factual, unsubverted and proper explanation on what was understandably perceived by most as too complicated or even incomprehensible (especially those who haven't actually read the Bible).
This great explanation (that both children and adults) can easily understand, also impressively denotes, through the beautiful presentation how a noncorporeal, supernatural, omnipresent, omnipotent, omnificent, omniscient, immutable, self-existing, multidimensional, timeless, boundless, flawless, immaterial, intelligent, wise, moral, just, understanding, merciful, loving, and personal triune infinite supreme being aka GOD, the Creator of the Universe (who characteristics perfectly matches those that both–and ONLY–Judeo-Christianity and Science have properly and consistently identified as the required attributes of, and for, such a being) in how His perfect and divine plan for humanity's creation, subsequent fall, merciful redemption, and undeserved salvation was already planned and known by GOD beforehand, even if humanity was not made aware of it, in its entirety, mainly because of their inability and/or unwillingness to understand it all, given their limited corporeal and linear existence; after all, one can only fully comprehend the story, if they start at the beginning (Old Testament) and finish only until it ends (New Testament). After all, the Holy Bible (and its sections) was not really written for those in the time in which each part it was written, but mainly for the posterity of those that experienced those historical events, to not only learn what happened, and why, but what not to do, and what needed to be done, and more importantly come to know the one true GOD.
Only an infinite being can create a vast but finite universe. "…a being than which no greater can be conceived…" St. Anselm of Canterbury, in Proslogion, 1078.
Joshua 24:15
John 8:32, 14:6, & 14:27
Romans 1:16-17
1 Corinthians 2:1-9 & 16:13-14
Psalms 18:1-3, 23, 28:7, 34, 35, 37:30-31, 40, 51, 55 & 91 – 95
Exodus 14:14
Isaiah 41:13 & 41:29
Ephesians 6:10-18
Strength and Honor!
God be praised!
How to relate to a magical sky fairy delusion?
Get some psychotherapy !!
The Biblical world is flat with a dome above that hold the waters above, stop spreading lies BibleProject…
Elég lett volna az utolsó szövetséggel kezdeni! A többi ráér később. Ami azt illeti van aki nem is nézi végig miattuk így a lényegről marad le.
This is gospel! 😃
Your drawing of Jesus made me giggle 😊, but great work as always!
will there be mormon covenants coverage?
Jesus is Lord.
All Glory to the only true God, the King of Creation, Aleluia.
I’m not a Methodist, but I value the Methodist Covenant Prayer, which started with John Wesley. Here’s the version I most relate to.
I am no longer my own, but yours.
Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will;
put me to doing, put me to suffering*;
let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you,
exalted for you, or brought low for you;
let me be full,
let me be empty,
let me have all things,
let me have nothing:
I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things
to your pleasure and disposal.
And now, glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
you are mine and I am yours. So be it.
And the covenant now made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven.
(as used in the Methodist Worship Book, 1999)
* “Suffering” here denotes things happening to the pray-er, not necessarily being subject to physical, mental, emotional or existential pain. It’s the same sense as “suffering fools gladly.” “Put me to doing:” let me be a positive agent for you; “put me to suffering:” let me receive what the world does to me as a gift from you for my formation as a person fit to dwell with you in your heavenly kingdom, made perfect by the grace you have given us in Christ.
At 1 minute 12 you say that God's covenants involve a commitment commitment from the other.
Please point to the required commitment from Abraham in the Abrahamic covenant. Text please.
Humans didn't Corrupt the world on their own doing, They were revealed things they weren't supposed to know by Fallen Angels
Amen 🙏🏼
Adam and Eve were given free will, very risky giving anything free will, because one day they will do
something you may not agree with, then this loving god (their father) kicked them out of their home
and has been trying kill us ever since, you know malaria earthquakes tsunarmis, cancer, not a loving
god is it! and it gets worse if you do not love god its eternity in hell for you.
God really went "Fine, ill do it myself"
instead of partnership, it is more like obedience. Mankind rebelled against God and His instructions.
Jesus is a better Covenant Amen! Amen! Amen!
That’s why we have the Yolk to remind us it is you and Jesus plowing your life together.
Might want to read the New Covenant again… who it is about and the conditions of it.
This is a Gentile religion porn. It coddles the gentile into a false sense of security, divorced from reality. The same condemnation placed on Jews by Christians for breaking the laws of God, are neglected and called a curse by those same Christians to their glory.
Christians are not part of the covenant at all! 1John 3… read it. These “teachers” are seductive women of the night.
Sad to see how many would be righteous, lied to and told that lack of obedience is good and obedience is a curse. Sin hasn’t changed… but we were suppose to change. Christians say the nature and punishment for sin changed not the person sinning.
Sad, truly sad.
This is a concept nobody seems to understand…
There is only 1 covenant.
God makes the covenant with Adam, and then He continues to make the same covenant with the most righteous men of each subsequent generation.
Gods laws, judgements and right rulings are eternal for all people and all generations.
Jesus once again renewd the origonal covenant with the righteous apostles and promised to return and bring about the New covenant and all of its promises for those who are faithful and obedient.
The "new" covenant talked about in Jer 31 includes all of Gods laws, but this time we are given forever spirit bodies that have the eternal Laws written in our hearts so we can no longer sin.
As we are still in our mortal bodies obviously the new covenant has not happened yet.
Have you seen : Our Father's Plan
Eagle 🦅 Wings Ministries Yet ?
Nothing could be further from the truth. Millions of people have lived and died begging God for the money to do something wonderful for the masses. But Elon gets it instead. Branson gets to spoil himself rotten instead. So don't try to give us this bs.
God's like, if I want something done right, I've gotta do it myself
Great video!
Great job
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