Why I Rarely Share My Personal Testimony
For more information, read Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith (http://amzn.to/2Bvkyv4)
I’m Not a Christian For Any of These Good Reasons
In this devotional, given to the staff at Samaritan’s Purse, J. Warner describes the way contemporary Christians have reinterpreted the nature of Christian “testimony.” How did the earliest Christians use this word, and what does their use of the term tell us about our duty as Christians? Be sure to visit the great work Samaritan’s Purse is doing with Operation Heal Our Patriots: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/coldcasechristianity
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Well said Mr. Wallace.
I heard about this man a few years ago. I put his book in my Amazon cart, but at the time didn’t have the extra money to purchase so it got stuck in my save for later. With time I forgot about it. I’m so glad I clicked on this video to remind me. This short 10 minute video was powerful! I never thought that the evidence should be our testimony vs our anecdotal stories. It clicked to me, that this is true especially in the age in which we live where science is the predominant religion.
I rarely share my testimony as well. Mine is a little flip-flopped. I had followed other beliefs half-heartedly for my own gain till I decided to support my husband by going to church with him. I had no interest whatsoever in knowing Jesus. I had gone with him and my kids for a few months to a church with a pastor who educated us about the context and the culture that correlated with biblical times. He also made sure to preach the Gospel at every service. It didn’t feel like a cheesy robotic alter call. Each time I left reflecting and also wrestling with submitting to a faith I fought against for so long.
The week before Palm Sunday in 2004, the clip of the crucifixion from The Passion of the Christ was shown. I didn’t know how, but the image of a deity dying for people less than Him seemed so different from other religions. I was on the fence with tears fighting the fact that the claims of Christ could be true. I asked myself, “What if I follow Him, and all of this ends up not being true?” At that moment, I realized that for me to follow my past beliefs, I didn’t need to know if it was true. Why would this be any different? The following week, I gave my life to Christ. Initially, no knowledge of the Bible, I became a student, learning, critically thinking, praying as I was already familiar with the supernatural aspect from former occult interests. Apologetics has been an interest of mine before I ever knew there was a name for this discipline. I use the skeptical brain I once had for Christianity to prepare to answer the tough questions along with the grace I wish I would have had when I had expressed my skepticism back then. Young people absolutely need a safe place to bounce around real authentic doubts while also being taught how to critically think about these real issues. I have found myself on very rare occasions if doubting if Christianity is true. Then I would ask myself, “lf it’s not, what would I follow? There is obviously as supernatural component. And there is too much evidence that says that the claims of Christianity is true.”
Thank you for your ministry and your drive to share your skills with us, both believers and unbelievers.
Amazing! Would you come and speak at our church in Canada😀?
Jim, I have a suggestion for two more Cold Case videos: 1. The Shroud of Turin, and 2. Ron Wyatt's claim of finding the Arc of the Covenant. Both of these have "Cold Case" characteristics!
Thank you for encourage me to keep preparing myself to present evidence for the faith that I have in Jesús as my one and only saviour
This is so helpful to me as a confirmation of the very real pressure from fellow christians to express a personal testimony which does seem to put focus on self instead of our Lord Jesus Christ, and which I find discomfort in as well. Worse, it's almost like your "license" to be Christian and without it, you don't count as much.
Pastor Wallace. I tend to agree with your argument here. Personal testimony doesn’t matter here. It's interesting too: I've polled a number of Christians, and many of them admit to me that they have never actually experienced God, yet they believe anyway.
Also, what do you think of Ray Comfort's approach to evangelism? Are you familiar with him? He doesn’t rely on personal testimony either, but he is also very critical of apologetics, especially as an approach to witnessing.
My name is Dr Michael Carper, by the way. I am a Christian philosopher and theologian. I'm in the St Louis area.
May God bless J. Warner Wallace for using his experiences in cold cases to show the truth of Christ. Love watching his videos 🙏
I don't share my testimony, because following Jesus isn't about a "self help improvement program" / if it was just that, or interpreted as that , then someone can say "well my (fill in the blank) approach suits me just fine, I don't need Jesus" . But if you focus on WHY they need Jesus – ie, being lost in sin and in need of a savior, that is 100% biblical and applies to EVERYONE, unlike a personal "being delivered from" testimony.
Not saying they don't have a place, but in evangelism, stick to reason why Jesus died for us and why we need HIm!
i love you so much Jesus
There are so great testimonies on YT. Bryan Melvin and Howard Storm's lives were transformed!
But, nothing gave me more faith than Corrie Ten Boom's books The Hiding Place and Tramp for the Lord.
Awesome 👍👍👍
Thank you Sir.
God bless…