China Isn’t Leading — It’s Cowering and Afraid | James Carafano on Fox Business
James Carafano joined Fox Business, Tuesday, May 5, to talk about the latest from China, the Chinese Communist Party’s lies and deception on the coronavirus outbreak, and the steps the Trump administration should take to hold them accountable.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvZA1BZME68
James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/james-carafano
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This is just the beginning!
Hopefully Vietnam wont turn out be like the CCP Communist countries once they gain economic power become as authoritarian as they choose to be .This is why they allow economic reform In the first place its a necessity and they know it. Economic power is leverage just like military power , no military power without economic power . Mao starved millions to gain economic power just like North Korea who spend all their money on the military while the people live in poverty [except for Kim ass kissers] . Poor communist regimes are no threat .
I trust no one who is smiling all the time
This guy is goooood!
Never trust the yellow man
Yet more “Don’t upset China! We couldn’t possibly stand up to them!” I see someone who is cowering and afraid, and it isn’t China!
China : You can earn your economy by selling goods but not to kill the living things on this beautiful planet.
Im for extreme pressure. Listening to this shows how these wall street sell outs who got rich off of China, while we suffered only care about their bottom line. We got to get rid of the communists.
Watch this news …Ausome
There is a saying ‘when you keep disturbed a dog … he’ll bite you.
Trump is the murderer of Americans… more of them gets infected is better… why ???
B’cos these barstards hv been buying up many pharmaceuticals companies… $$$ into pockets.. life is NOT important 😡😡.
Then blame China 🤣🤣
People forget China is not a democracy it's an top down autocracy so nothing happens which is not decided by top brass
Embargo the Panama Canal and all US ports. sm
Just STOP ALL DEALINGS WITH CHINA. TAKE THEM TO INTERNATIONAL COURT, along with the rest of the countries damaged and infected by the virus, and sue them for tens of trillions of dollars and Billions each for every person and business killed and bankrupted by Chinese actions. BRING THE WORLD TOGETHER FOR ONCE, THE MONEY WILL COMMIT THEM IF THE DEATHS OF THEIR FAMILIES MEANS NOTHING TO THEM! SM
World should come together and end communism in china. Us India Australia Japan Taiwan South Korea Germany France Israel UK should ensure this.
If US doesn't end communism in china then it's game over US.
2020 100% china communist and Chinese will be disappeared from the earth
10,000 disasters will be came to wiped out 100% of china country Will disappeared from the earth forever
3 George dam will be crumbled down shattered the 100% of China country communist
Heritage Foundation as a credible source? Really?
People are much more suspicious of China.
China made a bad mistake, or not, according to its agenda of unleashing this death sentence on the world. Its evil.
CLOSE ALL WALMARTS!!!!!!!! I read years ago that all that money goes to their military.
Yeah right Asshole! While China uses this as a smokescreen why they take over the South China Seas……
this is bullshit! this was done deliberately! by china to get at trump! cause they don't like trump! he was bad for there business! as you herd trump say how china been ripping this country for so many years! cause this virus was around for many years before so why now all of a sudden? this is what I think really happen! I mean when bush became president it was the 911 incident! now that trump got pick it this virus spread to the world! for all we know it could be this new world order that you herd before and china is trying to claim that thrown before anyone else so this virus will slow everyone down!
James Carafano forgot to mention the need to bring home supply chains and manufacturing as part of restarting the economy. This will also HURT China and HELP the west
Hey China, BE AFRAID!!!
Oh and your industrialists are as much to blame as the CCP.
Outsourcing to slave labour. Yeah good idea. Eh, Bill.
There is a virus plaguing the world.
It might have originated in China. But we have no proof.
So I ask, what does Taiwan and boycotting China's economy have to do with anything?
Pure propaganda.
Does anyone believe that the UN and who will investigate and find anything?
It will be a fudge from day one. Whatever findings they make, if any, will be hushed up and pressure put on the who and un by anybody critised in the investigation.
Nothing will come of it and we will be forced to suck it up.
China is a cowardish country
Is he deliberately smirrkin?
China is a disease on mankind one we will destroy togather.