How Archaeology Supports the Bible: A Conversation with Joel Kramer
What are the top archaeological discoveries that confirm the Bible? How good is the archaeological record for Scripture? In this interview, I talk with archaeologist Joel Kramer about the top 10 archaeological findings and his latest book “Where God Came Down.”
READ: Where God Came Down, by Joel Kramer (https://amzn.to/3n3v5Ca)
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Recently finished reading Joel's book. It is really good! It was hard to put down. I highly recommend it.
Joel, thank you for being So dang good at what you do! Your obviously annointed to do this thing!❤👍
Thank you for everything you both do. All for God's glory praise JESUS YESHUAH 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
What "Bible" is Joel referring to? I'm so curious.
Great book and great gift to maybe open the mind of someone who's seeking.
The Bible is based on the writings and folklore of several different cultures, it only make sense that it will have archaeological facts
This area of study, and in depth scholarship based teaching that goes back to the original language scriptures and a thorough understanding of the scriptures, such as those from Dr. Michael Heiser's work — is something that we should be using for evangelism and trying to reach people with the gospel.
The post modern western mind is very resistant to the classical methods of putting forth the gospel, but when presented with the history and understanding of how the Bible communicates the truth as depicted in the way it would have been understood by the people who lived when they wrote the Bible scriptures. If you are willing to accept the Bible as even possibly true, then you have the only consistent and lengthy history of the world, and especially the middle East in existence. When you add Archaeology to the supernatural worldview as the ancient people understood it, you indeed have the greatest story ever told. It can be compelling to a modern person, when a basic exposition of the gospel leaves them cold and skeptical.
I love his channel and book!
It's crazy to think that modern historians, scholars and archaeologist will accept tiny broken fragmented pieces of politically biased and fictitious stories over the Bibles Written record.
An example is scholars acceptance of the Ptolemaic Kings Lists which is so full of holes that it causes countless citations and debates on timelines for every Pharaoh listed on Wikipedia.
The biggest proof for the Bible was Jesus himself who verified it, taught it and explained it's prophecies even to the point of verifying Noah's Flood happening.
However scholars wont accept Jesus. But they are easily debunked in that the Roman people who numbered fifty to sixty million all converted from worshipping multiple Gods and became Baptised Christians.
Fact is that Jesus, The twelve Disciples and Paul all performed many resurrections of the dead, healing the blind and crippled, speaking in many languages with one voice and producing foods and wine from water and empty baskets.
Well the fact that many Romans witnessed these things or they would have never all converted in such a short time.
However they did and we know this today so theirs really no exscuse to deny Jesus or the Bibles existence and or Gods miracles through both.
So, why would a poor, Jew from Nazareth, who is not a king, or Tetrarch, or Emperor, or a member of the Priesthood, not a Pharisee or member of the Sanhedrin! Not a general for the Zealots.. or the Assassins… why would anyone care about building a statue to him. Who the Romans couldn’t have cared less about, until it became a concern to a a hierarchy of the Jewish priesthood. Not the Jewish populous.
Written biographies of Jesus alongside that of Rameses II, Alexander-of Macedonia Augustus Caesar …. What evidence do you expect to find? It means nothing.
The Bible is true!
Great video
Joel Kramer has a video on testing the prophets where he challenges a Mormon with just that single parameter… its so good.
The evidence for the Truth of Abba/Jesus Lord and Savior/Holy Spirit, the Bible, and Christianity is solid and immense. The issue is not the evidence, the issue is the WILL to accept and believe the evidence, leading to true repentance and eternal Life.
Archeology and geology can date things to millions of years.
Again, could you try and have a debate with secular archeologists…….the other side needs to be heard.
Amazing video! I did not realize Joel Kramer was interviewed on this channel. He is a family friend and former neighbor on my mom’s side of the family. How cool! My grandpa would witness to the Mormons using the resources Joel created. Thanks for all that you do, Joel!
Enjoyed this video so much. One thing that struck me is he said well the archeologists might be wrong and not the Bible. It reminds me of paleontologists who find fossils in the “wrong “ era and they say well they were older than we thought instead that maybe the fossil record is wrong
Spiderman is from New York, New York is real, therefore Spiderman does the real. Your argument is laughable
👋Continue the great work and teachings Mr. Joel💯🙏🤍
Proverbs 25*2
It is God’s privilege to conceal things and the king’s privilege. Archeology?
They can use the Bible for a treasure map but can't use it as a treasure map for life.
What a great conversation. Just inciting more passion for me on this topic and I just bought Joel’s book! Joel also has a great YouTube channel with awesome content.
Really enjoyed your interview. Thank you
Wow! Absolutely amazing episode! Everything about it makes me want to praise God as He strengthens His people in all ways and this is one of them for me. Hope you bring Joel back, Sean. Thanks 🙏❤
Bought the book to share with my family and praying to visit Israel someday..
Lots of stories use real place names.
"Maybe the archeologists is wrong and the Bible is right." … well said brother!
The secular world does'nt want it to be true so they supress the truth.😢
Dr. Schmel Gibson? 2:07
The tourism industry is revolved solely upon archaeology; all things related to their ancient history.
We have written annals from Assyrian and Babylonia Kings that are consistent with the Bible, Lachish as one conquest example. A huge mound (equivalent to a 6 story building) sits in Mosul (ancient Nineveh). I am convinced that it is King Sennacherib's palace, who sacked Lachish.
Presently, I am reading research done by Gerald Gertoux, 'Assyrian and biblical chronologies are they reliable'? They are.
My idea is this; instead of doing excavations only, what if we revive the ancient palaces and administrative buildings from Nineveh, Nimrud, Ur and Sumeria, etc.? 'If we build it- they will come'.
(Babylon is the only exception. It will remain desolate forever).
We can literally bring these places back using the same mud to make the bricks. (Think of the fiery furnace of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Book of Daniel).
Iraq is truly a biblical place. Many believe the Garden of Eden is there. New evidence shows that the Tower of Babel could be in Barsippa.
Abraham and Sarah came from there. Nineveh is mentioned numerous times as well as Babylon. Nineveh was the city that God was about to destroy, but they were spared. Read Jonah.
Iraq is an open-air museum which is interconnected to the Bible. My thought is to make a Silk Road (so to speak) that will lead to all the places and events from the Bible throughout the Near East region.
People forget or simply don't know that the Bible is a historical book. Rather than show artifacts in a museum, people can see the cities, palaces, administrative buildings, Tigris/Euphrates river for themselves (in Iraq as a start).
The Iraqi Ministers must be presented with future projected dollars that pertain specifically to the tourism industry. The deal we can present them; is they have to match our money dollar for dollar. 'If we build it- they will come'.
It is time to turn the tide. We have the ability to present something tangible on their table. A deal which benefit them (tourism), and an open-air museum for the world to see.
I have recently returned from Baghdad. It is the most fascinating country I have ever visited. It is ancient as time itself. I truly don't have the words to express this historically remarkable place.
Lastly, I am hopeful no one gets to hung up over the Christian side of this proposal (for non-Christians). I am a Christian, and I know that there are millions of us; who want to see for ourselves all the places in Iraq that the Bible speaks of.
The bottom line, this is about tourism for Iraq, and following ancient history for the rest of us in the world. The ancient Iraqis were instrumental in bringing Civilization to the world through the first ever written text, math/geometry, science, architecture, etc. An absolutely amazing and beautiful place.
Somewhere back in time, I had a discussion with someone who read that the walls did indeed fall outward not inward as would be expected from attacks.
Minute: 21: ? I need help: So, it appears, there is no way that stones or rocks that presumably was all that Abraham used for the ''Promise Alter of Covenant Alter'' was
most likely respected as a real place, and the so called ''proof'' that Abraham existed as a real person is because of the way later people acted around this alter?
I thoroughly enjoyed watching a video where Mr. Kramer totally blew away the beliefs of a lifelong Latter Day Saint.
secular archaelogists are likened to the five blind men in front of a massive elephant.
i have learnt alot. God Bless you
thank you Joel so much, you guys are God send to equip his church. so grateful for your work,
Archeologists doesn't agree with the time of the fall of Jericho. They disagree with the Biblical dating for the fall of Jericho.
Thank you!
Sean, the next time you get with Joel Kramer, would you please talk about the curse tablet of Yaweh from Mount Ebal. Duet 11:29 Some say it is now the oldest written mention of Yaweh and scholars can no longer honestly claim the Bible was written at a later time.
Thank you so very much 🙏😊!
ALL LIES!! Archaeologists don't say any of that!!
"Saint" Helena (the mother of the first Roman Emperor who was Christian, Constantine) lived about 300 years after Jesus' day. "Way back then, Helena traveled all over Palestine and was always fortunate. Whenever [she] found a thing mentioned in her Bible, Old or New Testament, she would go and search for that thing and never stop until she found it. If it was Adam, she would find Adam's grave; if it was the Ark of Noah, she would find the Ark; if it was Goliath or Joshua, she would find their graves." [Mark Twain in The Innocents Abroad]
Helena found the copper plate that Pilate had nailed to the top of her Savior's cross, and upon which Pilate had written, "This is the King of the Jews." She also found the three crosses upon which Christ and the two thieves were crucified, and the exact spot of the crucifixion, and the very spot where the soldiers divided the rainment of the Saviour, not to mention the tomb of Melchizadek (an Old Testament prophet), and the rift in the rock made by the earthquake (mentioned only in Matthew) at the time of Jesus' Crucifixion. And she founded churches to commemorate such discoveries.
Mark Twain in The Innocents Abroad tells the true story of his trip to Europe and the Holy Land, a trip he took with a group of pious Christian sightseers. Together, they visited numerous holy sites in the Near East, including, "an Arab village … where Noah's tomb lies under lock and key." Twain wrote, "Noah's tomb is built of stone and is covered with a long stone building. The building had to be long because the grave of the honored old navigator is two hundred and ten feet long! It is only about four feet high, though. He must have cast a shadow like a lightning rod. The proof that this is the genuine spot where Noah was buried can only be doubted by uncommonly incredulous people. The evidence is pretty straight. Shem, the son of Noah, was present at the burial, and showed the place to his descendants, who transmitted the knowledge to their descendants, and the lineal descendants of these introduced themselves to us today. It was pleasant to make the acquaintance of members of so respectable a family. It was a thing to be proud of. It was the next best thing to being acquainted with Noah himself."
Hello, I really appreciate this information. I wanted to ask a question in regards to an individual named Ron Wyatt, I know he wasn’t a certified archeologist but did claim archaeological findings and I wanted to know if we can trust his information on all his findings? He is from Tennessee. I would appreciate any information I can use. Thank you!!