Biden’s Border Crisis is a Self-Inflicted Wound | Mark Morgan to Sean Hannity
Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Sean Hannity on Fox News, Monday, March 8, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, the hypocrisy of the Biden administration on border security, and the clear crisis the administration has created.
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With a so-called pandemic going and the border open for illegals to cross not just into the US but Canada as well, only exposes the fake virus all the more.
If this was turned around & Trump would have cheated to win, He would have been hung for TREASON at the first sign of fraud & televised.
Biden is Anti-American. He wants America to fall. Now that bill on voting has gone through, we are screwed.
That's the problem. They won't show us. Pictures are better than words. People would rise up if we could see but they don't want us to see.
Biden and the Democrats are not going to change. Get that through your heads people. The only government that can stop this are the state governments. Contact your state's governor, senators, representatives, etc. and get something done. God bless Texas for their actions in protecting the border. 😇
Why doesn't this purposeful action allowing, nee welcoming with open arms, illegal aliens into the United States, on the part of the Biden administration, amount to treason? Biden is obviously placing the security of America and the safety of Americans in grave danger. A president takes an oath to preserve America and protect Americans from all enemies domestic or foreign. Biden is intentionally operating in contravention of his oath of office.
Hey there 👋 Thanks for dropping in to watch! Want a breakdown of more facts on issues Biden’s immigration policy is creating? Check out this great explainer:
Its a damn shame that Mexico is pushing thier crisis onto America since 1986, every illegal since then should be deported.
I have not been vaccinated either and will NOT be vaccinated.
Dems need voters. They know American citizens don't vote Democrat.