Behind the Scenes with William Lane Craig
Everybody loves a good story! William Lane Craig is one of the leading philosophers in the world, but in this interview, he shares some personal experiences and wisdom from his life. Here’s some stories you probably haven’t heard.
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I’m just finding this and I love it! William Lane Craig is so endearing I could listen to him talk about anything!
“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.”
Romans 5:3-6 NLT
Never forget the hope that we have in Christ Jesus. Even when our circumstances are bad we can rejoice in the hope that we have in heaven. Also in what the Almighty thinks of us. God loves us and showed that by sending His Son to come to earth and die in our place. He died the death we deserved so that we might be set free. And He has also filled us as believers with the Holy Spirit. Through the work of the Spirit let us become more like Christ and less like the world. Hopefully this helped and encouraged you today. God bless you!
How could you not like Billy Craig
Wonderful! Dr Craig is beaming with so much joy.
Man, I love Bill Craig. Such a refreshing person
Beautiful 🙏❤️
God’s will in your life can include failure. Oddly, these words comfort me because I know I am walking in God’s will and still come up against failure from time to time. Yet I know I am in a better place than I would be otherwise; God has not left me in the valleys and will surely be with me until He has brought me to the mountains.
William Lane Craig is undoubtedly one of the worst Christian apologists to ever appear on the internet. I mean how many times must we suffer through, "Gee, I found a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and suddenly all the biblical contradictions, interpretive sophistry, logical fallacies, mindless cherry-picking of bible verses, and irrelevant archaic theologies and doctrines somehow all made sense to me." What we have with William Lane Craig is a guy with a subjective relationship with his own alter ego, calling it Christ, and subjecting the rest of us to his sentimental and sincerely felt bad arguments. He's lost so many internet debates, they're hard to keep up with. He's a throw-back to another time and another place, when opponents might have been put off by his over-the-top theatricality, his ill-gotten, but enthusiastic hermeneutics, and bulldozer approach: Christian defense on overdrive. This kind of evangelistic apologetic style can no longer hold a candle to the demands of a logical, fallacy-free argument. Bart Ehrman also went to Wheaten College, and his scholarship and arguments are far more sound. For those who wouldn't know a sound argument from a ham sandwich, William Lane Craig is just the guy.
here we have two fake ego filled youtube personalities. this is whyI lost any belief in Christianity.
Oh no! Not the beard!
Thank you, Sooo much For this Beautiful testimony! Gods Blessings to both of you!
Poor Bill looks like he's been drove hard and put up wet.
Thank you for this interview, Sean and Dr. Craig! It was informative and enjoyable. 👍😊
Sean is such a contrast to WLC.
I was listening to Bishop Barron and WLC the other day and I was drawn immediately. Great debates, book suggestions and overall excellent pointers on behalf of Christianity. GOD bless all of you. I am wishing you Good health so that you can continue to spread the love of Our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
Great interview Sean I have loved listening to the many debates he has done. Love you man take care , be safe and be blessed
I watched a debate where WLC stumped Christopher Hitchens. It was fantastic.
I have watched a lot of William Lane Craig but this is by far my favorite interview ever
Shout out to the birds in the background
Thanks for the wonderful interview with Dr. William Lane Craig. Great insight.
Great video
Sounds like he is slowly losing it. I sort of like that…. he is showing he is human and that is important for us standard humans.
I have always liked WLC, I like him more after this interview.
This is so encouraging!
I love your questions Sean! Thank you so much for such a wonderful interview!!!