What is the difference between Mormonism and Christianity?
Brett Kunkle shares the differences between Mormonism and a biblical worldview.
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God has a sense of humour he allowed to be called mormonism if you remove yhe second m 😂😂
The difference between mormonism and Christianity is that mormonism will lead you to hellfire
Yes, and Jesus was born in Missouri.😂 That's all you need to know about what Mormons believe. Look up Joseph Smith and this was a bs money making scheme from day one. Why do they own their own 100 billion (yes with a n) hedge fund and only give leas than five percent to charities? Because all of them at the top use this money and they are literally called, "Royalty."
Christians – believe in Christ
Mormons – believe in the Anti Christ – b/c THEY ARE DESCENDANTS OF CAIN
IDK how ppl don't know this
A man became God…sounds like any ol cult in history
Tell us where trinity is mentioned in the Bible….no where. The real Jesus said "he that overcome will sit with him" hot just believe. This guy is preaching false doctrine.
So the mormons think that god is not actually god?
Christianity doesn't say God is a triune God….the creeds say that. The Bible doesn't say that. Homoousios is not found in the Bible and was introduced in later centuries and inserted into creeds, altering the true nature of the biblical Godhead. Latter Day Saints believe in what the Bible says about God, not what the creeds decided for all of Christianity (and as we all know, the bloody history of torture and death for all who refused this new version of God). I'm pretty sure Jesus Christ wasn't on board with all of the burning people alive and disemboweling people for not adhering to creeds of men over the actual gospel. Also, Latter Day Saints believe we are saved by GRACE through faith in Jesus Christ. This is in the Bible AND in the Book of Mormon. Both scriptures contain the same message and belong together (Ezekial 37) – two sticks, one in the hand. I realize trinitarians like to cherry pick that ONE verse about "after all we can do" (taken out of context and misinterpreted). Please stop doing that. Seriously. It is an idiom…it means DESPITE whatever we do, we are fully dependent on Christ. That is what we actually believe. Read the entire chapter surrounding that verse. Too often the last half of the verse is touted as an overarching statement of LDS doctrine on grace without paying careful attention to its meaning within its original literary context. Nephi’s original context, especially the verses that follow verse 23, emphasizes salvation only coming through Christ, yet it also encourages continued observance of the law of Moses in order to be reconciled to God, for that is all they could do until Christ fulfilled the law through his Atonement. Truly….please read that entire chapter and stop focusing on the last words of one single verse. In fact, read the entire Book of Mormon. You will find it is about Jesus Christ and contains the same gospel found in the Bible, because it's literally a record of the Jews from the Northern Kingdom (stick of Joseph). Please do better. Please learn what we ACTUALLY believe. God bless.
Mormonism is a cult and while other sects Christianity might not be depending on the sect that’s the difference. I’m Catholic and even I know that we have cult like differences but the main difference is that I can criticize the pope other people in my church won’t like that but I won’t be excommunicated either, meanwhile if you question the smith or whoever is in charge you’ll be punished in some way in Mormon church.
I'm not a Mormon but I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saint. And let's clear up something you said. Yes we believe God was once a mortal men and then became the All mighty God. Super crazy you might think… But then you realize Jesus was also God and then became a mortal man died resurected in a glorified body and was made a glorified God by his heavenly father. Well that's exactly what Jesus meant to explain when he said “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. It's an eternal process. Our heavenly father did the same thing Jesus did for us. … It shocked me at first I'm not gonna lie .. I cried and wanted to leave the religion but then I prayed , fasted and read more and realized how it all made Sense.
that's the key, keep It short we're busy… 😪
So, maybe the middle ground for these two reasons would be 1. God may have came from somewhere, too long ago for any of us to imagine. But God is God, regardless. 2. We will not be perfect. But we should try our best to follow Jesus, regardless.
I'm a Methodist, however I find the Mormon perspective of needing to perfect yourself and being all you can be is a great way to use faith to improve both your community and yourself.
Hey, Mr. Christian, salvation is NOT a FREE gift from God. You have to give up YOUR ENTIRE LIFE TO GOD in order to receive this "free" gift. So, in fact, it's the most EXPENSIVE "gift" one can get.. It costs you everything. That's not free and that's not a gift. The Mormons got it right.
Both institutions were formed for control. Period. One is just a more persistent lie than the other.
I hate the Mormons religion it’s bs it’s a cult and Mormons can be controlling and judge people a lot . Christian religion is way better all you have to do is have faith in Jesus you’ll get to heaven and Christians are chill and nice people to be around and I never like Mormons.
These Mormons are bad and fraudulent!
I believe more in Roman Catholic where they study in degree of theology!
This Mormons are old fashioned! Look at how they get stuck with the Old Testament where polygamy exists!
When you marry someone double check their religion first! Make a research as you might end up a victim 😂😂😂
Not much. Equal Wacko.
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramids were originally built as altars, to worship the Elohim Extraterrestrials👽
Bible: Isaiah 19:19 In that day shall there be an altar (pyramid) to the Elohim👽 in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar (obelisk) at the border (of the pyramid) thereof to the Elohim👽.
That's why the pyramids align with the 3 stars of Orion ⭐⭐⭐.
"God" is pagan name, it's from the name Gad, Gad in the bible was a Babylonian God of fortune. Google it! The real Creator YHWH l believe may have been an Extraterrestrial that came to earth thousands of years ago, and according to the Bible's book of Revelation will be back again one day after the evil one known as The Antichrist is revealed.
Isaiah 65:11 But ye are they that forsake me the Elohim YHWH, that forget my holy mountain, and prepare a table offering for Gad, the god of fortune.
I'm so happy that some Christians have finally added the Hebrew word for "god" and "gods" which is "Elohim" to their Bibles.
Berashit (aka Genesis) 1:1 In the beginning ( the) Elohim created the heaven and the earth.
Bereshit (aka Genesis) 1:26 Then Elohim said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness👽.
Genesis 3:8
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Elohim YHWH as he was 🚶♂️WALKING🚶♂️ in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Elohim YHWH among the trees of the garden.
Yechezkel (aka
Ezekiel ) 1:5 …within it 🛸 was the form of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: They had the appearance of man ( human) 👽
Yahsuah aka Jesus may have been an Elohim Extraterrestrial, Son of the ET Elohim YHWH 👽
John 10:36 Jesus said "I am the Son of (the) Elohim YHWH" 👽🛸
John 8:14 Jesus " l am not from this world " 🌍✨
John 20:28 And Thomas answered and said unto Jesus, "You are My Lord, and my Elohim"👽.
John 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended🛸 to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend🛸 unto my Father, and your Father; and to my Elohim, and your Elohim👽.
Acts 1:9-10 Now when Jesus had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up🛸, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. They looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up🛸
In our Future…
Revelation 21:2 l saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem ( Spaceship🛸), coming down out of heaven from YHWH Elohim 🛸👽
Revelation 21:3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! Elohim YHWH dwelling place🛸 is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and Elohim YHWH himself will be with them and be their Elohim.
The truth is finally being revealed! And the truth shall set you free! 🛸👽😁👍
Here’s a good short video:
Mormons are Christians.
This is a straw man of Mormonism. Snore.
do u have the verse in the book of mormon where it says we need to perfect ourselves?
I am Mormon and proud of it
Allow me to make the blind man see. There is only Jesus. I repeat. There is only Jesus but since it is not good to be alone Jesus is Diverse. There is as such no such thing as incompatibility. There is just Diversity for the purpose of Companionship otherwise known as Love.
Yes, Christian’s truly get confused when they hear that LDS teaches you need certain things and certain ordinances to make it to the celestial kingdom. They think that Mormons are saying that you need to do these things to get “saved.” When that’s actually not what they are saying at all. Christ alone saves through faith but into which kingdom? There are 3! God is SO merciful that he created a great plan of salvation or plan of happiness with heavens of different degrees based on what kind of life your use to living and comfortable living. There’s not just heaven and hell. The only thing it takes for you to be “saved” from Hell is to accept Christ, but even then it is scripturally sound that people who “believe and accept Christ” might still be temporarily thrown into hell or outer darkness for their unrepentant sinful actions.
I’ve been aloud to see outer darkness, and the first two of the degrees of glory and what kinds of people go there. Gods showed them to me in dreams and visions. Feel free to find me on my channel and ask me more, but one thing I know for sure is that there’s a lot more to life, religion, and the doctrines and principles of salvation than you might think. The devil enjoys having God fearing men argue in vain one against another when the only answer and end to the arguing is being humble enough to want to seek for the real truth and more understanding from God, and rid yourself of all intolerance to more wisdom and understanding both Mormon AND Christian, and submit yourselves to the will of God and ask him to reveal the hidden things unto you, which no man is able to utter to make man to understand except he be prepared to hear it
There is a very nice Mormon girl that has begun talking to me. I asked her what her view on sinless perfection was and she said Jesus was the only one who attained sinless perfection as a man on earth, and that we can't but should instead strive for it to become more like him. I'm very confused because it sounds like she believes everything I do except that she is probably living a much more godly life than I. I have struggled my whole life with addiction and mental health and yet mormons are able to serve God a lot better than I ever did or could, by basically also being missionaries as their day job. Some things just don't make sense.
I'm an atheist, so I don't have a dog in the hunt. But if you read mormon scripture, there's no way for a non-mormon to get to the "celestial kingdom", LDS' highest level of heaven. If you're going to end up in two different aterlife destinations, it seems to me you aren't adherents of the same religion.
Additionally, Mormons believe they become gods if they meet certain requirements. No way that flies in an evangelical church.
For by grace you have been saved pthrough faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Grace is NOT the justification of sin. The Archetype of Jesus’ sacrifice is something we have to attain by believing that the narrative of the passion is true and living it in out in our own lives.
Grace is the ever-presence of God’s goodness attainable through the act of “seeking” or giving your attention to God. Which is a constant thing and can be characterized clearly in the story of the saints. Protestants are wrong.
Mormons are wrong, too. God was never a mortal man.
Sounds like "Christianity" needs to read the Bible