Olivia Enos: China Suppresses Human Rights to Cover Up Coronavirus
Olivia Enos joined Newsy, Friday, April 10, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, the Chinese Communist Party’s cover-up of the outbreak which occurred in China, and the need for the U.S. to hold the Chinese government accountable for unleashing the pandemic, lying about it, and committing numerous human rights abuses.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIYYoQEBhds
Olivia Enos, senior policy analyst in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation, focuses on human rights and national security challenges in Asia. Her research spans a wide range of subjects, including democracy and governance challenges, human trafficking and human smuggling, religious freedom, refugee issues, and other social challenges in the region.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/olivia-enos
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Hi, sorry if you don't mind me sharing URGENT S.O.S REQUEST FOR COVID-19
The pandemic has affected people all over the world. At this time where unity and solidarity is needed more than any other times, there are parts of the world that are suffering due to ongoing oppression of human rights. In South Korea, there's a severe violation of human rights and have resulted to the deaths of two women because of COVID-19..
I'm leaving this comment here, in hope that we can support this urgent situation and can stand united in this trying times.
it comes from china make china pay or take there country from them pay all americans for the rest of our lifes!
While the USA suppresses the human right to work to fight it.
What you get when the whole country has to give winnie the poo xi a happy ending, when the goverment and poo xi are all impudent. Why is no one else realizing how the china acting like Germany before the start of ww2, poo xi must be a huge fan of hitler.
Subscribe to my content please
Now compare china to north korea
The Chinese Communist Party fueled this pandemic by intentionally covering up crucial information from the world community. The CCP must be held accountable for the lives and livelihoods destroyed by their criminal behavior. The ongoing propaganda campaign by the CCP will not limit their legal and financial responsibility. The financial claims against the CCP will be massive and are justified.
Idiot lying rumor
China is a communist country. Communism suppresses any and all human right the government decides. Why don't people know this ?
China or as it,is now known as Chiy-na is a fascist state.
There are no human rights in China
Asymptomatic, my butt. What better way to spread the Fear Factor than making it even more invisible than it already is? Since people started to question the climate change hoax, we got this new one.
You speak of the Chinese citizens as if they’re protected by the liberties many of us take for granted. Unfortunately for the Chinese, that’s not the case. It should, however, remind us that we must never take our liberties for granted.
I bet the CCP doesn’t even know, it surely is more that what was reported , they hurt the world with not being open !
In a Country of Government, FED, Banker, Police, & Media Lies… Truth, Freedom, & Liberty is Treason! Good Luck America!
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People in China don't have civil liberties in the same context that we in America think of civil liberties.