Kiron Skinner: Iran Remains A Priority For U.S., Even Amidst Coronavirus
Kiron Skinner joined Fox Business, March 13, to talk about the latest on Iran, the U.S. maximum pressure strategy against the regime, and the administration’s focus on Iran even with the coronavirus outbreak.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTr20-jBTig
Kiron K. Skinner, Ph.D., is a visiting fellow at The Heritage Foundation’s Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy. Her work at Heritage focuses on analyzing the impact of cutting-edge technology—including artificial intelligence (AI), quantum science, and a host of other breakthroughs—on foreign policy and national security.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/kiron-k-skinner-phd
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US should be put in Hague for war crimes, and mass murdering of Iranian people. Meanwhile US's covid-19 casualties is surpassing Irans, while the latter is under "maximum pressure"! US regime is such a failure, morally and practically, etc..!
The age of imperialism and colonialism is over they are not wanted
If the most strong country is too coward to hit back Iran and he showed it to the world last summer when we shoot their costly drone down that is enough reason why Iran is the strongest country in the world .Iran is the strongest country in the world and he proved it before. During Iran Iraq war when the whole world was against Iran and with weapons money chemicals Sadam hoesein even were supported by Soviet union But Iraq lost the war. Iran determines everything in the region. Saddam is gone because he was against Iran, Ghazafi is gone because he was against Iran, mubarak is gone because he was against Iran, Ali abdullah saleh of Yemen is gone because he was against Iran, Mansoor Hadi of Yemen is gone because he was against Iran. Bashar assad stays because he is with Iran alhosi of Yemen stays because they are with Iran, Madoro stays because he is with Iran. Hizbullah, Hamas, Iraqi Shite militias remain because they are with Iran while the whole world is against them. so Iran determines everything. America is very weak and that has proven it over the last 4 months he has been trying to form an alliance with the whole world in persiangolf against Iran because he knows Iran is much stronger than America and ultimately Europe and many other friends of America did not dare to form an alliance with America afraid of Iranian military force
Interviewer: So, President Trump, what country are you trying to start a war with? Trump: Iran. Interviewer: And when you were drafted for Vietnam what did you do? Trump: I RAN!
Iran has the most powerful weapon in the world and the evidence is that Trump still did not dare to respond to Iran in exchange for the $ 220 million drone plane and six ships from his coalition that was destroyed by Iran and the second evidence is that he can not fight against Iran and this is why he need for help from all over the world and he is begging world to form an alliance against Iran, but the Europeans and the rest of the allies refused because they they are afraid of Iran. When America asked for an alliance against Yugoslavia, accepted everyone this request from America and even they were not afraid of the Soviets, who was a friend of Yugoslavia when America requested Alliance against the Libya, all accepted US request , when the Americans wanted an alliance against Saddam, the world accepted form alliance with the Americans, but when it was the turn of Iran, left America alone, and everyone was afraid of Iran suddenly
Please get rid of this government but dont get of the Iranian people. Iranian have suffered enough.
Bombing militias is good, bombing Tehran is better!!
Stop your genocidal hatred against Iranian people. Sanctions is killing Iranians and regime changers still dreaming to accomplish what they could not after 40 of animosity. Try peace and talk for a change. Italy is the worst hit country after China virus. Why you fascist dont ever criticise the Italian regime? It shows you vicious agenda and disregard to human life. Shame
WTF? The DJIA hasn't been at 23185 since March 13th? I do see you put it in the description, but why post it today like it just happened?
How about, America retaliates against a rocket attack that killed two American soldiers
Smoke Iran into a giant sand box. Iran; simply evil.