The Seven Year Antichrist Peace Treaty | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking the End Times, I discuss the importance of the coming peace treaty between Israel and the Antichrist. This peace treaty can be found in Daniel 9, which I refer to today in the program.
In the subscriber portion, I answer questions such as, “I’ve heard pastors say that only Christians who are ‘over-comers’ will be taken in the Rapture. How do I know if I am an overcomer or not?” and “Do you have an understanding in Scripture of when the Mark of the Beast will be implemented?” and “According to John 5:29 are Believers in Hell before they are resurrected?”
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When Donald Trump is re-elected, he will usher this all in. A man of fierce countenance—the lawless one —an Anti-Christ —pro choice, fake Republcian who has managed to dupe every stupid evangelical. Soon—judgement is coming. Be prepared —keep your lamps lit. Be the watchtower of your home. Times are about to get very very bad before the Lord comes.
The problems with these guys is their soon could be a day aweek amonth or 10 years. They guess. All of us know about the treaty but till it's announced we don't know zip. And nor does he
What would be your definition of soon?
I believe it might start in 2026
The 7 Years Peace Treaty is the :Revival of the Roman Empire
or the 7 Years Anti-Christ or The One World gov't. This will happen before the 2nd Comng of Jesus Christ. The 1st 3 1/2 years is not part of the great tribulation for it is Peace & Safety. The last 31/2 years is the great tribulation. This is a system of war of Anti-Christ against all believers, …the collapsed of peace and safety ageement…Christians will suffer great persecution religiously and economically….Politically speakng, all nations will attacked Israel, but God will fight for them and destroy them .. . After this war God will come with His angels and gather all His children in all parts of the world.
Its à false peace treaty i think
In addition, there will be no antichrist. Take it off your mind. The antichrist has been defeated. It’s premature. This is not that time.😊
Immanuel macron is the antichrist and pope Francis is the false prophet Jesus coming soon the end of days
Listen! It's very possible that Netenyahu will stand with The King and Savior when He arrives. Myself, I pray we get to see it according to Revelation Chapter 19.
The tribulation likely began on 9/18/2023. A UN 7 yr agreement was signed with the many. {There is no such thing as a 7 yr peace treaty with Israel. Zionist Christians have made this up. It's not in the Bible.} Daniel 12:12, "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." 2 Thess 2:1-4, at 3.5 yrs {1,260 days} into the trib the Abomination of Desolation occurs when the Jews usher in the Antichrist into their temple. Then comes a 75-day period of Great Tribulation in which numerous saints are martyred for refusing the mark. 1,260 days plus 75 days is 1,335 days. Jesus said the days of the Great Tribulation, had to be cut short or no flesh would have survived and therefore no saints would have been left alive to be raptured at the sixth seal. Adding 1,335 days from 9/18/2023 comes to June 1st, or 2nd 2027 depending on if you include 9/18/2023 and where you are on the planet, so no one can know the exact time. This is the rapture of the saints. Then God's wrath is poured out on the unbelievers at the 7th seal, the trumpet and vial judgements. 2024 is going to be a devastating year in America, with inflation, possible stock market crash, riots, high crime, invasion of illegals and increased sexual perversions. WW3 has already begun but will go hot by the end of 2024. Get ready spiritually, mentally and physically!
Israel was at rest when Hamas attacked and now Iran and russia are gathering all nations to turn against Israel and bring with them their armys and the US is distancing itself from them. if you really want to look at peace treaties look towards Saudi Arabia, they say they do not think of the temple mount as much to them they think of mecca as the worship place for Muslims and would be okay with the jews having it for religious reasons but they have no backing for that yet as most muslims think of it as the 3rd most holy place. But the anti christ could actually come out of Saudi Arabia because they are working on a digital money system for the world with many other countries
There is nowhere in the scriptures that mentions anything about a seven year tribulation, show us the scripture we have been in the tribulation for 2024 years. We are at the door.
A treaty would give permission to Israel to build a temple next to the dome of the rock? Its hard to imagine theyd ever agree to that! But if a Saudi leader agree to that,then many other muslims would agree to it for getting lots of wealth in return,such as palestininians might get some huge wealth funds from Arabia. By the way,northwest Arabia was a roman province and the new roman empire of the 10 kings is connected to this.King Solomon had the three 6's connected to his gold he owned,and the name Salman is the king and crown prince of Arabia,and they are rich too like King Solomon was. Also their oil wealth is connected deeply to the city and system of Babylon's world wealth in the book of Revelation. Also king Solomon took 7 years to build the temple just like this treaty is 7 years in name and connected to the temple. What could this puzzle of connections all point to?
The "Peace Treaty" from the anti-Christ will indeed come, POST WW 3. The Ezekiel War will be called WW 3 secular speaking.
That is the first judgement of the Messiah POST church age.
Study Romans 11, study Ezekiel 37-9. The Holy Spirit will open your eyes.
The RAPTURE-WAR event…similar to Genesis 19 where LOT was delivered and IMMEDIATELY Sodom and 4 other cities judged.
Come HOME to the Father in Jesus Name, find hope: Titus 2.13.
Feb 12th 2024.
This didn’t age well
What if there is no rapture? I’m Catholic and they teach that.
Remember when Jesus charged people a fee to answer questions? Neither do I.
I look forward for the coming of the Lord amen
The question is: who will Israel’s PM be at the time of the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27? With Bibi Netanyahu totally against a two-state solution, most likely his successor will be the traitor who betrays Israel.
This anti-christ 7 year tribulation is complete futurist nonsense!!! An absolute butchering of Daniel 9:27!!!!!
Can't believe people are still believing all this garbage. This stuff has been around for close to 200 years and their still batting 00000!!!!!! This Mark Hitchcock has been around forever, still muttering the same old dispensationalist hogwash!!!!!
Daniel 9 says nothing about a peace treaty..
That will never happen, because that is not in the Bible. Daniel 9:27 does not speak of a political peace treaty.
How does: Daniel 8:9-14 and 12:1, 11 & 12; the sequence of: Matthew 24: 15-31, Mark 13:14-27, Luke 21:20-28; Joel 2:30-32; Revelation 7:1-9 & 14-1-4 with emphasis on 4, and the sequence of events as Revelation chapter 18 ends and chapter 19 begins fit with a pre-tribulation Rapture? Looks to me like there are two 7-year periods: the Seven Year Covenant that starts the so called "End of the Age" and Daniel's 70th Week of Daniel 9:24 which starts at the mid-point of the Seven Year Covenant making with the Abomination of Desolation marker Daniel and Jesus referred to as occurring at the end of the Seven Year Covenant and the remaining 3.5± years being the Great Tribulation Period or Day of the LORD as referred to in Revelation 11:3-2, 12:6 & 14 and 13:5.
The agreement that is already exists is the Paris treaty. Cop 28 begins tomorrow and December 12th is the strengthening of the seven year covenant. Maranatha.
Mystery Babylon ‘That great city, spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified’ – Revelation
Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Have you watched the news yet tonight? I was watching CNN tonight. French President Emanuel McCron was arriving in Israel to work out a two state solution between Israel and Gaza? Makes me wonder if Emanuel McCron could be the coming Antichrist? It’s to early to know for sure. But if he ends up signing the seven year Pease Treaty Between Israel and all their enemies for 7 years? He will most likely be the Antichrist? Only time will tell. It’s strange that McCron’s first name is Emanuel. God be with us. Perfect name for the Antichrist,considering he will be the false Jesus.
Where do you think the Antichrist will come from? Islam?
Well done. Thank you.
You will carry your cross like our Lord. You are not going to get “raptured” out of the time of troubles. Your theological understanding is in error. Matthew 7:21–23 (RSV2CE): Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.’
You MUST EAT HIS BODY Folks. John 6:53–55 (RSV2CE): Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
I pray you find the truth. Do not worry about tomorrow…get closer to Christ in the Eucharist. ❤️🙏🏻
Hi, actually the covenant does not have to be with Isreal. The Bible says the antichrist will confirm the covenant with many. The context is not many Israelites. It could be but does not have to be. And it does not have to include anything about the temple. The temple is about to be built and sacrifices are about to resume regardless of any covenant. There is a 7 year covenant about yo be confirmed at the United Nations and that could be it. There is also nothing in the Bible that says the covenant agreement can’t happen before the rapture. It absolutely can. If it happens before the rapture then Isreal will not know that it was the Antichrist who confirmed the covenant, until after the rapture happens. At that time, the antichrist will be revealed to them. It makes sense that we might still be here for part of the 70th week. There is nothing in the entire Bible that says we can’t be. Only that the Antichrist cannot be revealed until we are gone. It doesn’t say he can’t confirm a covenant before we are gone. Also the Bible does not say that the entire 7 years os Gods wrath. We will be here for tribulation and have been, but we will leave just before Gods wrath. I personally believe that Gods wrath will begin very shortly after sacrificing begins. I believe as soon as Isreal publicly rejects Christ once again by sacrificing as if Jesus has not yet come and died, we will be raptured and God will pour out his wrath, about mid way through the week. The covenant does not have to include peace, tho it likely will. We really don’t have a lot of information on what the covenant is. God bless y’all, keep looking up.
Great stuff apart from the constant mention of the word "subscription". We fly soon, does the money really matter that much? However, I respect your right to ask people for money for your opinions and their right to pay if they want to. That said, your views are clear and valuable. Blessings on your ministry.
How will the temple be built so quickly???
The antichrist will be from the Middle East and from the Muslim nation
There is no rapture Christians will be going through the tribulation
Matthew 24:26,29-31 KJV
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. [29] Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: [30] And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. [31] And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
This 7 year tribulation is squeezed into the prophecy. The text above shows Jesus with all the angelic host coming after the tribulation to gather the saints to heaven.
I was disappointed to see that at minute 10:38 he does us like Jimmy Evans does us… you don’t get any of your questions answered nor get any more info unless you pay.
The tribulation period being another name for Daniel’s 70th week. Conjecture. Actually, Jesus talking about the time of great tribulation says, “…If those days aren’t shortened all flesh will be destroyed, but for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.” However, we know that Daniel’s 70th week is NOT cut short, in fact, there are three numbers given Revelation and in the 9th chapter of Daniel. It first mentions “1,260 days” which is three and a half years using the Babylonian calendar, then it says, “From the time the sacrifice is abolished (mid-point) there will be 1290 days.” Then it says “Blessed is the one who makes it to the 1,335 day.” If Daniel’s 70th week is cut short by just one day, there would be no “1,335th Day!” So, we have a time of great tribulation starting at the mid-point of Daniel’s 70th week and being cut short for the sake of the elect. A “seven-year” tribulation period. The four words “seven” “year” “tribulation” “period” are not found together anywhere in scripture. And yes, I know the words trinity and rapture are not found in scripture, but the concepts are. Actually the time of great tribulation starts at the mid-point of Daniel’s 70th week when the “anti-christ” desecrates the temple (abomination of desolation) and then starts his persecution of Godly people who refuse his “mark.” Since it starts at the mid-point, it can’t be seven years long. Remember, he doesn’t break the treaty until 3½ years into Daniel’s 70th week. In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus tells his disciples that this terrible time coming (the time of great tribulation) will have “…false messiahs, wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines…and you will be hated by all nations for my namesake and you will be handed over to the authorities and be beaten, tortured, even put to death, but the one who endures to the end will be saved.” Then He gives a startling warning sign: “THEREFORE, when you see the Abomination of Desolation (the mid-point of Daniel’s 79th week) as spoken of by Daniel the prophet…flee!” ALL warning signs, no matter what they are warning about, have one thing in common; they come BEFORE the things they are warning about, so the above warning sign, the Abomination of Desolation, MUST come before the Time of Great Tribulation.
Jesus is coming back
Every one better get saved soon
Well I stayed up for almost 2 days and Fasted for 2 days and no Rapture on the Tisha B'AV Pentecost. Well it's safe to say that it wasn't the Rapture time! Atleast I'm watching and being sober on Tisha B'av Pentecost. Every high watch time I should be ready for. But what's intriguing about 2023 though is that both Feast of Trumpets and the signing of the 7 year peace pact are back to back in September. The Feast of Trumpets is September 15-17 and the signing of a 7 year pact is September 18-19. Notice the Signing of the 7 year peace treaty is right after the Feast of trumpets. This is the first time the authorities have even claimed 7 years in a treaty and it's also the first time the Feast of trumpet which symbolizes Rapture, is right before the signing of the 7 Year treaty. Could this be the right time for the Rapture? I'm just guessing this based on what I see is going on. I'm just taking an educated guess on whether the Rapture happens then or not. What I give to you is only a high watch date.
We r here
Imho Netanyahu, which my device knows how to spell is not the antichrist, bros.
Those that were unbelievers who died? What happens to them? This was a question? So you denied, you chose to follow man, yourself, your own understanding? Dont just hang on this man's work yourself? Because without Mark you don't feel that God sees you? It's you yourself that asks for an answer about yourself ! Read His Word yourself …
Any World Religion against GOD WORDS IS the , Antichrist and is REVIELD i In:
Jeremiah 27:15, 14:14, and 23:16