Dean Cheng on Coronavirus: Chinese Government May Not Be Telling Us Everything
Dean Cheng joined Fox Business, Wednesday, January 29, to talk about the latest from China, the coronavirus outbreak, and how China should be transparent with the rest of the world on what it’s doing to contain the virus.
Learn more about this issue: https://bit.ly/2RYbchN
Dean Cheng brings detailed knowledge of China’s military and space capabilities to bear as The Heritage Foundation’s research fellow on Chinese political and security affairs. He specializes in China’s military and foreign policy, in particular its relationship with the rest of Asia and with the United States.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/dean-cheng
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Lol, the genomic sequence of the virus has been release in January. Six different testing kits were available via WHO for a month. The US despite claiming to have the best public health agencies seem to have dropped the ball with their response. You’ve had daily updates on the cases from China what else do you need? You guys played politics this whole time instead of preparing. You only have yourselves to blame
The Chinese government/ CCP is not as transparent as many western governments. It's true. Many mistakes were made at the earlier stage of the breakout, but the government is working on protecting 1/5 of the entire humanity on earth. People are helping each other to survive this. And it's much more complicated than just telling the whole truth. I sense more exhilaration than empathy from these two as if they finally got the perfect timing when China just collapses on its own feet with no external forces. TRUST ME AMERICA, you don't want China to collapse because when it does, you as the world police will have 1.4 billion people to worry about.
I saw videos of many residents in wuhan being force to go to quarantine just because they are being suspected of having the virus…. And its getting scary
There's are young children walking around with this virus that are "Stealth Carriers". They don't have symptoms!
CORONA VIRUS IS PATENTED!!!!! There’s your secret
Do we have a trusted pathologist's report on this virus? A tiny % of the Chinese population seem to be affected.
Chinese government are digging massgraves for burning bodies. I think its safe to say they are keeping most of it under wraps. 6000 confiremed cases is like a piss in the river. They also say they have cured some people and have made propaganda videos of it…..Yeah right!!! You dont build walls around a 11 million city and a regions with 50 million people for a flue that has maybe 6000 confirmed "cases with only a hundred dead…..Its not even close.
Nope don’t trust media or China numbers on this. People are slowly waking up. Praying this virus can be contained and that it’s not as severe as imagined but when Wuhan is locked down with 11 million people that speaks volumes…that’s why I never believed it was “only” 46 people sick etc…you don’t lock down 11 Million people over 46 people sick unless something bigger is going on.
What about this outbreak happened in USA, what about people without medical insurance? At least the Chinese Govt can shift Chinese New Year? At least the Chinese are quick in sequencing this genome within 1 week of its occurence? Being Chinese New Year this is also a reason why the virus passes on to many people. The province govt might be slow in responding, but this will only be known after all this is over, quarrantine and controlled. In another context Americans are much sceptical to preventive vaccines like measles..their are many pseudo science opinion, look at flat earth societies. In this context every country societies have its drawbacks.
CDC has been testing over 100 for 2-3 days with no results when it takes a few hours to get results.
A glance back at the toll it has taken on the economy: https://youtu.be/1fXLtpplqwU