Who Is Teaching Your Kids?|5 Minute Video
Dangerous people are filling the heads of young people with unsafe nonsense. Who are these individuals? They are what Jordan Peterson calls “the post-modernists:” neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities.
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You may not recognize it, however you are presently funding some hazardous individuals.
They are indoctrinating young minds throughout the West with their resentment-ridden ideology. They have made it their life’s objective to undermine Western civilization itself, which they consider as corrupt, overbearing and “patriarchal.”.
, if you’re a taxpayer– or paying for your kid’s liberal arts degree– you’re financing this gang of nihilists.
You’re supporting ideologues who declare that all reality is subjective; that all sex distinctions are socially constructed; which Western imperialism is the sole source of all Third World problems. They are the post-modernists, pressing “progressive” advocacy at a college near you.
They produce the mobs that violently closed down school speakers; the language police who enshrine into law usage of fabricated gender pronouns; and the deans whose incomes depend on madly rooting out discrimination where little or none exists.
Their thinking took hold in Western universities in the ’60s and ’70s, when the real believers of the extreme left became the professors these days. And now we rack up education-related debt– not so that our children find out to believe seriously, compose clearly, or speak correctly, but so they can model their mentors’ damaging program.
It’s now possible to finish an English degree and never experience Shakespeare– one of those dead white males whose works underlie our “society of oppression.”.
To comprehend and oppose the post-modernists, the concepts by which they orient themselves need to be plainly identified.
Is their brand-new unholy trinity of diversity, addition and equity. Diversity is defined not by viewpoint, but by race, ethnic background or sexual identity; equity is no longer the admirable goal of equality of chance, but the persistence on equality of result; and addition is using identity-based quotas to attain this misconceived state of equity.
All the timeless rights of the West are to be thought about secondary to these new worths. Take, for instance, flexibility of speech– the very pillar of democracy. The post-modernists decline to believe that people of great will can exchange concepts and reach consensus.
Their world is rather a Hobbesian headache of identity groups warring for power. They do not see concepts that run contrary to their ideology as just incorrect. They see them as integral to the overbearing system they want to supplant, and consider it a moral responsibility to suppress and constrain their expression.
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Who Is Teaching Your Kids? 5 Minute Video
Dangerous people are filling the heads of young individuals with unsafe rubbish. Click https://smile.amazon.com and a percentage of every Amazon purchase will be donated to PragerU. The post-modernists refuse to think that people of good will can exchange concepts and reach consensus.