Why I became pro-life @LilaRosePodcast
Why I became pro-life @LilaRosePodcast
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My mother was pro-life (and presumably still is in Heaven).
If you have ever heard things about me like "he's in retarded childhood" that partly comes from people who think that a normal upgrowth after a pro-life mother would have been to ditch her position.
She brought home a tract, while Austria was having a referendum about legalising (it was still illegal in Austria in 1979), called "the diary of a fetus" … we get very cute pictures of a fetus and its love for the mother that surround it in the text, and the last comic panel was all black and the chilling words "today my ma aborted me" …
She left me with a love or at least basic loyalty to Francisco Franco over his Spain having no legal abortions (or except the life of the mother was in danger, an extraction, if as much). This also translates to my rejection of Freemasonry (also forbidden under El Caudillo) even before I converted and realised it was incompatible with Catholicism.
Someone a long time ago explained it to me as “in the case of rape, there are (usually) 3 people involved: the rapist, the woman, and the unborn child, 2 of whom are innocent. If you would not kill the only 1 that is ACTUALLY guilty the crime, how then could you kill the one MOST innocent in the situation?
It changed my mind forever, and I have been staunchly Pro-life since.
Cause murdering babies is clearly wrong.
The perspective of the baby (embryo without brain function) doesn't count at that point. It's the life of the mom at that point who needa to be tought off.
I think that they need to make as part of the sex education for High School teenagers that each student, male and female, before they graduate have to watch a video of a baby being aborted. They need to understand that their actions have consequences and two wrongs don’t make a right.
God's blessings from Bay City Michigan
Takes guts to admit this. Explaining this way of thinking hopefully will save some babies lives
What about life of mother is in danger????……
I know i understand from perspective of baby its sad…
But ive never been raped,or gangraped like the nirbhaya case from India….She was physically tortured beyond our imagination.
Until im in that shoe i wont judge….
I also disagree with abortion after heartbeat.
Im mostly considering the physical pain aspect….
I became pro-life due to realizing it IS murder.
I'm pro-life, but I don't believe the baby's life is worth more than that of the mother. If you can only save one, I would opt for saving the mother.
However, this has nothing to do with "choice". It's not a choice, it's when there are no other options. And I don't think this can be a choice made by the mother, a judge and the criminal justice system will have to become involved.
So serious question do you think these babies go to hell?
Woe to those who support iniquitous decrees! God hates partialism! Abolish abortion not regulate it! Id even say these people are liars, because they promised for years that it was because of roe that they couldnt abolish abortion. Well its been oved a year and it STILL HASNT HAPPENED. All so called pro life states have done what they've always done, tried some lives for other lives and refuse to prosecute all guilty parties.
Yes. It is the baby, the innocent little life and his or her life matters!! I work with these babies and toddlers and they are so precious, and, they love their moms and dads so much! So excited to see them when it’s time to go! A baby is precious and a gift from the Lord!🙏🏼🥰
Shalom Allie, If Your Daughter get's Raped & if She is a Child Herself, it's the Parents Responsibility to Look After & to Take Care of Both their Daughter & Grandchild. Alekiem Shalom Achot, Amen.
Allie🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️ all that make up😕😔☹️😩
There is a subtle but important difference between “pro-life” and “anti-abortion.” “Pro-life” is somewhat vague and can allow for any number of exceptions, so long as “life is affirmed.” “Anti-abortion” is very straightforward. It means no exceptions. NONE. I have gotten to the point where I don’t consider myself to primarily “pro-life” but rather “anti-abortion.”
I don't think a 9yr old who is raped should be made to give birth, but that is actually rare. Most abortions are done by irresponsible promiscuous women who don't want to be mothers. It's awful.
When I was pro choice you could tell me absolutely anything about why abortion is wrong but I just wouldn’t listen cause the left many people sincerely do not believe and see a baby in the womb as an actual life or at least it as valuable as a baby outside the womb. Like they all compare an young unborn baby (like 1-10 weeks) to things like cancer cells and parasites. It was only by the grace of God that I found live action and became prolife. and at that time I was actually atheist and lesbian. I was very into radfem ideology, which tbf has many good points, and many radfems are prolife too, but after reaching that point I only found peace and fulfillment in Christ 🙏
After being profile and believing in no exceptions, it’s so difficult to see people being so soulless and deceived. The right needs to put their big kid pants on and become more assertive on this issue, no more being okay with abortion pills, no more six week bans, no more exceptions. Even if the life of the mother is at risk there are ways to attempt to save the baby. Republicans need to be extremely clear on their beliefs and the laws. And we need to start showing the graphic images of abortions and the REAL things that are happening. People are blind to all of this. It didn’t click in my head until I watched live actions videos on what happens during an abortion.
I work in a PRC and do ultrasounds. Those babies are alive and beautiful. At 6 weeks (4 weeks from conception) they have a strong, audible heartbeat. At 8 weeks (6 weeks from conception) you can see their arms & legs moving and waving. They deserve life. Abolish abortion.
Lila Rose is the single most important person in America, making absolutely sure that "it" , yes that it, continues forever in America
Say it with me.
Christians: Women are smart.
Pro-life community: Women are smart.
Christians: Even children know where kittens and puppies come from.
Pro-life community: Even children know where puppies and kittens come from.
Christians: Everybody knows what the pill is for.
Pro-life community: Everybody knows what the pill is for.
Christians: A parent who premeditated taking the pill knows exactly what they're doing, and as such are breaking the 6th commandment.
Pro-life community: Uhh, Women are innocent victims.
Why does YouTube feel they have the right to insert information about abortion in a pro life video?
How is it possible not to see it from the perspective of the human being that's being murdered in the womb?
It is really eye opening when you realize this.
I rather the abolitionist movement