Obama’s Tax Hike: The Movie
Read more: http://herit.ag/eEA President Obama is set to let tax rates increase at the end of this year, which will have devastating effects on an economy already on the ropes. Watch this movie trailer spoof to learn more.
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Everyone should pay higher taxes, the Bush cuts should expire come January. I think people who make over 250,000 a year should be taxed at 39, and 1 million+ at 50%. That could help pay for new, government-funded construction and other services that can put people to work and pump demand into the economy.
@HeritageFoundation I'll explain. Because the government is nearly $15 trillion in debt, and it's irresponsible to not raise taxes on the millionaires and billionaries (who's income and share of the economy as skyrocketed) in a reccession.
BTW, end the propaganda, please.
Guess who does make more than $250,000 a year. Oh yeah, your boss, or at least your boss's boss. Guess how he is going to compensate. By firing you. Taxing the rich affects everybody because the rich keep everybody employed, they are the only ones who can afford the infrastructure that gives us so many jobs, but not any more. Now all that money that would have been paid to us has to be processed by thousands of government employees who consume like others but don't produce goods.
@HeritageFoundation Yes, brought to you by the Heritage Foundation, a corporate subsidized [ yes, the Koch Brothers are well involved] 'think tank' that earnestly supported Bush II throughout his presidency. Like the American Enterpprise Institute they are unashamed corporate shills who fought against the kind of regulation that would have prevented the economic meltdown of 2008. They said nothing when W. ran 2 wars and the Medicare Part D plan OFF BUDGET.
@c3section WOW! Never heard that before. Although I've lost some goodies to Mexicans and Chinese, but I’m not going to say that they all the same. You know what I mean?
Taxes now are much lower than they have historically been despite Republican talk points. Oddly, lower than their hero Reagan…… That said fuck Obama. He is a delusional nutbag. However, I am just sayin…… Tax the rich is not something Obama is doin.
@cliffkemp Obama created this problem a long time BEFORE Bush was president? You were not first in your class, were you?
@ Mal3volution The national agenda is the purview of the President, enabled via Congress.
why were the bush tax cut just temporary?
@TheBlackLesbian then donate more of your money to the goverment then!!
@KayEnDub since the current tax cuts have been in effect for over 8 years any increase is a tax hike. economics 101
@TheBlackLesbian not true out of control spending needs to be reigned in. wow some people just dont get it
for people who agree that taxes should still be cut watch this vid
@NCMan28025 did u go to the link i gave u, here it is again
w ww.lafn.org/gvdc/Natl_Debt_Chart.html
remember the ww's
i gave u the debt thats what we owe plain & simple, debt kills our country
@jetbtkng You continue to prove you don't know a budget deficit from the National Debt.
@NCMan28025 oh & heres a link for ya, read it and weep
w ww.lafn.org/gvdc/Natl_Debt_Chart.html put the ww's together, it wouldnt let me post it until i seperated the ww's
@Alvin691 Do you make more than $250,000/yr? Since you're wasting time on YouTube comments, I'm gonna say no. Which means you have no reason to even care about the expiration of Bush's cuts for the rich. Oh, by the way: did you enjoy Obama's tax cuts?
And the people who do make that much aren't investing it in America to make jobs, they're setting up factories in Mexico, China, or India, or screwing people out of money via the markets, so don't bother making that argument either.
@NCMan28025 they approved the budget but had no control over the bush tax cuts, and u fail to reconize 1.4 trillion added to obama's numbers, & fail to add that debt to bush's regime, your numbers are fraudulent, i gave u the true debt when he left office u cant argue those numbers, see heres your problem u choose to ignore the 1.4 trillion of tax cut bebt that obama inherited, but its real & its debt, & u cant say its obama's debt its bush's debt its the legacy of his tax cut plan…….
@jetbtkng You are one dense idiot. Using your claims, I could point out that Democrats approved and passed the budgets in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. You see, Congress is responsible for the budget. Democrats have been in control since 2007. Again, Obama's own numbers are over at whitehouse dot gov. Then go to cbo dot gov, then go to omb dot gov. Your numbers are the fraud.
Also, your Bush tax cuts numbers are incorrect. More people are unemployed meaning less revenue (taxes) is taken in.
@mistergarth The point of lower taxes (for everyone) isn't just to create jobs, but so that more consumers have money to spend in the economy, rather than it going to an ineffective government that can spend it however it wants, letting social programs suck it all up. There's also the psychological factor of "why make more money, when the government keeps taking a larger stake of it?"
@NCMan28025 but u didnt include the bush tax cuts which for 09 & 10 are 700billion dollars, thats 1.4 trillion dollars so bush's debt was 12 trillion dollars so actually obama has spent 1.3 trillion dollars, yor the ignorant one u need to count everything bush left, his legacy debt as in 09-10 tax cuts obamma inherited that applies to obama's debt, u need to get your facts str8, u just cant ignore that, the numbers i gave u are the real debt,
@jetbtkng We are not talking nation debt idiot. Obama's budget deficts for 2009 were $1.42 trillion and are $1.47 trillion in 2010. The National Deficit was at $10 trillion when Bush left (according to the US Debt Clock). Now we are at a little over $13.4 trillion. But I'm sure your numbers are correct and the Obama White House, the CBO, the OMB and the GAO are all wrong.
Please learn civics and economics. Not know the difference in National Debt and buget deficits is ignorance.
@NCMan28025 my numbers can be verified, there the true debt of this country, month to month history of our debt, & as i pointed out when bush left office less the 2yrs of uncounted tax debt, it was $10,628,881,485,510.23 why is it so hard for u to admit the true deficit numbers, & u keep forgeting that pesky tax cut money 700billion a year so your figures half rite 1.4 trillion is for that two yrs of unaccunted tax revenue that u seem to be in denile of, u must practice voodoo economics……..
@jetbtkng Your numbers are mythical. Mine can be verified by CBO, OMB,GAO or Google. Google $1.42 trillion + Obama 2009 budget and Google $1.47 trillion + Obama 2010 budget. Every number I put out there can be verified. Your numbers can't. Above you said $1.3 trillion is what Obama spent. That number is a mythical number because it is found nowhere in Obama's budget.