China’s Economic Influence
Derek Scissors, Ph.D., The Heritage Foundations Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy, debunks the myth that China is Americas banker.
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what a Dodo, If the Investor with the most money to lend i.e. China does not buy our bonds, the seller then needs to offer the Bonds at a Higher Rate to entice other investors. That action would force other lending rates higher. The FED has been lending Sound Banks money a 0 interest and they have been buying the Bounds, when those Bonds that started the game start to come Due, look out, were going to be trapped in a whole load of poo .
I wouldn't pay this fool a dime to make a phone call.
Getting FACTS from the Heritage Foundation…
… is like taking dietary advice from Ronald McDonald…
Yes, unfortunately we are stuck in a two party system where your opinions are either bad or worse (which is which is very much a matter of opinion). Clinton managed to have a surplus, but it wasn't nearly enough, as it was a surplus during a huge econ boom. Really, we need large surplus during good times and large deficits during bad times, so the government can right the economy in bad times without sinking us with long term debt.
Guess we should not be worried that the US is now sending tons of wheat in place of money.
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