Dr. Baruch Korman: Revelation Chapter 1 Part 1
Bible Teaching from the book of Revelation Chapter 1 Part 1
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Bible Teaching from the book of Revelation Chapter 1 Part 1
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I am Christian and came across the blessed teachings of Baruch in my quest for understanding the Word, from someone that understands Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, etc., to reveal the inaccuracies that occur in translation into English versions I have used. Also, I want to know how I can best prepare for the coming of the Messiah, Yeshua. I also have a question about English Versions of the Christian Old and New Testament Bibles. Does someone know the version that Dr. Korman prefers to use? I generally use the KJV or the NKJV. Thank you and Shalom. That is about all I know in Hebrew 🙏
Listening to Jewish ✡️ teachers has been a blessing. Most seem to have a deeper understanding of the gospel.
I am not trying to undermine other teachers.
This is pure gold, I got all the way to revelation 6 and decided to see if you have a teaching on it cause I was lost. This is great GOD bless you and your house hold In JESUS name❤❤
Dr Baruch your teachings are worth more than any gold or treasure. There is so much going on and most of it is demonic. I give thanks for your dedication in sharing biblical truth with correct Hebrew interpretation. May God bless you richly and preserve you and your family. Love in Christ from South Sfrica
I am blessed for your teachings doctor Baruch , It would be wonderfull that Christians listen to your teachings . Yahweh has blessed you in a mighty way . AlleluYah ! Blessed be His holy name .
Where is the Revelation shorts series and how do we find episode I part 1 on a mobile phone.
PS :please tell Doctor Baruch that I love his teaching from the Holy Bible.
And is the the Bible,Baruch, read's from available in English?
Best wishes always.
Thank you so much our Moreh Dr. Baruch Sir
How do can I buy your books?
Obedience is key
I am so happy I found these videos! I have my notebook out for taking notes so I can learn! 🤓 I am thankful to The Most High for you and your teachings because you help people like me who want to learn and do right!! God bless Israel 💙🇮🇱💙 I am thankful for you Dr. Korman!
GLORY BE HIS NAME!!!! Love your teachings!
Ground Zero ( Revelation Chapter One verse 3 ) study it and be Blessed ( HALLELUJAH !
What a great teacher!!
Dr. Korman, it is my answered prayer to find your program in book of rev. It has been three yrs for me to dig into this book with 10 different teachers Bible lovers in utube. Your are the 11th one keep me replay each chapters to catch your meanings.
I try to find integrations in this important book and simplify into digestible pictures so that more people will keep on being attract to the book and the views of God, not the views of man.
I wonder if you will put all your hard work into Chinese translation, so that I can let our church see the light and be strengthen during this harsh time?
Love your teachings Dr. Korman. So clearly, so precise, so in depth. You bring to life scriptures before us with the correct meaning and messages. No wonder the Lord says seek and ye shall find. He would show us things hidden and I see those layers being peeled off everyday. Thank you and God bless you. Scriptures is the only thing that calms me down nowadays. ♥️🇮🇱
It was the almighty God who brought me to this teacher. 🙏
Besides all the other attributes of righteousness we learn that Yeshua is a science made flesh…the most important science that could possibly exist and the key points of that science are, repair, rebirth, and everlasting life…and the beauty of a science is that if one man can do it many others can too…if we follow the same science. To those in Heaven it is a well known science and now that same science is known to us. That same science is written into the early Hebrew scriptures and brought to a head by Moses and The Ten Commandments. In a nutshell it says that the entire universe is the product of a wonderful dynamic energy. Every star, every atom, every science, and every particle of dust are, under the auspices of Almighty God, made from it and that includes human life. What that science leads us to is that it is our spiritual behaviour that does all the work within us, that controls our genetic health, our acuteness of mind, our power of rebirth…but we, by sin, fragment our spiritual health by way of nervous, emotional, and hysterical abuse and evil is only too willing to abuse it as well. So…the first message to the seven churches is harness that science. It is very profound and very hard to understand but the accurate teaching of Yeshua/Jesus Christ is all that's necessary for salvation during these difficult times, hard to deal with.
I was recommended this channel and your teaching. I am going through a transition of wether we are to keep the Sabbath and do nothing. Been reading various teachings from various known Rabbis and Pastors. Have learned that we are not to follow Roman/Gregorian Calendar but Hebrew Calendar which is the true Calendar God established. I know of the change Sunday law. So..what is your take ?!
Dr. Baruch is like the apostle Paul…gifted in languages and teaches with understanding as only someone who is Jewish with a profound understanding of both the Old and New Testament. Thank you, Thank you.
Hands down one of the MOST PRECISE and EASIEST teachings of Revelations Ive run across in my lifelong search for biblical wisdom and understanding. THANKS BARUCH FOR your sacrifice to this study for all to understand fully what the LORD has for us in these end days. God BLESS you and your ministry!! I will be blessing you back by giving to your ministry. Anyone who is blessed by this should also consider blessing his ministry. That is how we pay it forward!!!!!!!