The Hidden Truth Behind The End Of Slavery – Part Two | Thomas Sowell
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Thomas Sowell is an American economist and political commentator. He taught economics at Cornell University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
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Slavery in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East continues to this day. They just have different names for it – forced labor, sex trafficking, and child soldiers. It goes on in America where illegal aliens are hired by Democrats to work for low wages, no insurance, and bad conditions. Democrats approve of importing them to “make their lives better.” The two-faced ideology of leftism is founded in slavery to elites and exists in their cultures behind the façade of caring. Democrats have duped the descendants of their former slaves to accept being welfare voter slaves and taught to be thugs and gangsters rather than work to live better lives.
There still is slavery.
National armies/polices are slaves as well. The institution was targeted selectively
I am very grateful for this well reasoned video. When I have tried to raise the issue of African complicity in the slave trade I have been silenced. Thank you!
But slavery is not truly ended, even discounting "human trafficking" of today. Slavery still exist in Middle East and Africa.
If someone on the left watch this ,they would say it's a lie and white people made it up ,But the left are the ones making stuff up …I love the one they claim that the Republicans and Democrats switched side ..and it was the democrats who stopped slavery….but in the same breath couldn't tell you when WW2 started or how many states are in the U.S
This gives me indignation but in a good way.
I tire of the erroneous rhetoric by people of color that white supremacy is our greatest enemy. No it's ignorance and a refusal to change when confronted with the truth.
White supremacy is a scapegoat by those who puppeteer it to keep people in derision.
Clayton Bigsby from Chapelle show takes a meta-narritive to me now as a prime example that the person in the mirror and by extension, people that look like you, can be your greatest enemy.
Color doesn't unify people;it's mindsets.
From which book does this come from?
At 7:00 we hear "… the 25th of Feburary …" Pause and let THAT sink in !!!!!!! Who had/has the BETTER Isalaam, Fard/Elijah or the Jeddah'ites ???
Timezone'wise, the 26th of Feb over there in Mecca is the 25th HERE!
Saviours Day of the Nation of Isalaam ?
The first industry in the newly formed country of Liberia made out of the former American slaves was slave trade.
China is colonising countries today….lets talk about 400 years ago 😑
To my fellow African Americans,… If you keep voting democratic , you'll be pickin' cotton again before you know it. And they call us racists. We won the civil war to abolish slavery. Keep In mind, history has a way of repeating itself.
BLM and all the race hustlers need to be confronted with these facts – especially those that consider themselves “victims”
North American and European leaders need to incorporate this into REQUIRED learning for History classes starting with grade school
Thank you, for your labor in this matter. Your research and intellect are beyond reproach.
I just returned from Zanzibar. At one point most of the population there were slaves. More than a million slaves went through there captured by other Africans and sold to mostly Moslem and Indian slave traders. One famous slave traded owned more tha 100000 slaves on the Island. Not a single American was involved and none of the slaves were sent to the Americas.
Until 18th century the moral idea of slavery all around the world was " Better you than me"
Really only Christian values find the practice of slavery to be repugnant. In the U.S. before the emancipation, only less than 2% of the population owned slaves, & ~40% of those slaveholders were non-white (jewish, negro, indian, &/or etc.) Yet, the American white people continue to be demonized for this. The majority of the white American population are descendants of European immigrants that arrived after the emancipation & did not have anything whatever to do with the slavery of the blacks. Indeed, the plight of poor southern whites in America before & especially after the war was in many ways as sorrowful as that of the black slaves.
Thank you once again Dr. Thomas Sowell for your Enlightenment of the Present day Slavery.
Biden and Company wants to keep us in Chains ⛓. Doesn’t matter what Race we may be! All day long Yahoo
How Slavery Ended?
That would be the Republican Party 🇺🇸
This is exactly why i don't respect Black Americans/African Muslims, they rave about the white man but ignore that the Arabs had slaves as late as the 1980's.
If you read missionary accounts from Africa and other countries you will learn true accounts of life in those places. I remember at least one author telling of the Muslim slave trade in Africa in the 1800s and how the Africans would raid and take captive other African neighbors for the purpose of selling them to the Muslims.
What was Moroccos part in slavery and what have been there standpoint after the West banned slavery? Anyone that know?
Is sad is partly so short info and secondly never a clear source to where one can find all this info to sit down and read the original logbooks and documents of what he says here oneself… I would love to read and show others the original documents of what these logbooks stated and what navies did what and so on…
What 'multiculturalism' boils down to is that you can praise any culture in the world except Western culture – and you cannot blame any culture in the world except Western culture. -Thomas Sowell
BP still own slaves in African and Middle Eastern countries.
Yeahhhh no. Doubt it. You forget or blatantly expect us to forget it was the British and western world who started racist slavery. The anti slavery sentiment was not popular among whites and even a lot of those against slavery were racist. Abe Licoln himself said the black and white man will never be equal. Unless this is objective fact that is not in the least contentious, it's BS. If there's even a little disagreement among historians about the teaching in this video then it's nothing but conspiracy theory.
Slavery was ended in haiti between 1794 with the slave revolt led by boukman Dutty . The slave of saint Domingues had defeated the most power army of the time : the napoleon army. The european were a-shamed of the defeat of the french in saint Domingues.
He’s talking about slavery in general which continues to exist in certain regions today. I wanna hear about American chattel slavery. I would like you to also expound on the 89 years after the end of slavery in this country and how it was really not different from actual slavery. All these videos say is it really wasn’t that bad that slavery existed in the US because it existed all over the world! 🤔
Wait a minute i thought FBAs freed themselves from slavery then went around the world and freed every other slave they found…that's what Tariq Nasheed's book on history says?!!
How did I get unsubscribed ???
Today, as revange for the abolition of slavery, the liberal left uses the myth about slavery as an invention of the western civilization against us.
Truth is an orphan. Truth is Life.
China uses forced labor all the time. Apple Iphones are made by forced labor.
Mexicans use their own in sex trade slavery.
Great, there are more people enslaved today then in 1865. The Arabs are just now using Indians or Bangladeshi people.
The practice of slavery that occurred in the U.S. has been used as a cause of failure for black people for years and even today. The black community have used this to gain political power which ultmately leads to economic power.
Thomas Sowell started his life as a member of a large and poor family in Harlem. However he rose above his roots to become a scholar and successful. Success in life is a product of an individuals efforts, not his race.