Joe Biden Needs to be Held Accountable for Afghanistan, Border Crisis | Mark Morgan
Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax, Wednesday, September 15, to talk about the Biden border crisis, Pres. Biden’s reckless actions in Afghanistan, and why his administration needs to be held accountable for their actions.
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Biden #3 Is Actor ARTHUR ROBERTS
Chris looks like a hypocrite,
It is such guys from Heritage foundation, Carnegie, brooking's institute, Cato, NATO, us government, very Corrupt government officials Senators, governors, they are to blame for ALL of the suffering of people from the world who have suffered because of the tyranny of these western democracies.
The family's of us military, British, & NATO only need to look at who it is that sends them to these ilegal wars, & those who continue to desire the world domination agenda & argue for why the western powers need to be be everywhere in the world.
The medical Tyranny is aimed at US Citizens/voters! They figure more will get the jab if millions unvaccinated aliens are running around, also why they're spreading them around.
And likewise Milley for TREASON.
Treason. Stop the evil
Hopefully, We are not yet living in a dictatorship.
This man has to go!
Fauci the liar said once 50% were vacinated everyone else would be okay
The worse president ever
we the people need to have him impeached STAT!
The So Called president Joe B is a disaster for God SAKES!
Thank you for reporting the news…