Standing Strong Under Fire: Popular Abortion Arguments and Why They Fail
Scott Klusendorf has defended the pro-life view with grace and truth for decades. He has faced tough objections from those who disagree, confronted hostility with gentle tenacity, and wrestled with some of the most sophisticated pro-choice arguments out there. That’s why he is familiar with common arguments offered by abortion advocates, and why they’re problematic. Deepen your understanding of the pro-life case as Scott turns things inside out and presents bad ways people often argue for abortion. His presentation will teach you to spot flaws, ask good questions, and offer answers that keep conversations about abortion on point while demonstrating gentleness and respect in the midst of disagreement.

Maternal death rates in states that restricted abortion were 62% higher than in states where abortion was more easily accessible, new research showed.
We're not talking about chocolate and vanilla. We're talking about right and wrong.
Start 3:41
"make it risky for women trying to abort through illegal means" !!!!!!!!!!!! says the hateful freak.. Sir – YOU are the Nazi human vivisectionist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- not pro-choicers.
hateful idiots need to understand a mother can carry out triage any time, for whatever reason. the "toddler" argument is bullshit. the toddler presents no clear and present risk to life and health and even good looks if that is important to the mother. If the pregnant woman decides she doesn't want the thing insider her – society should get it out of her in the best way possible for HER.
These hateful bastards hate women and pretend women want late abortions on a whim. Fetuses are protected from their mother through nature – the overwhelming maternal instinct. Society has no right to interfere in her decision as to what to do with something that has invaded her body. If the maternal instinct fails for a woman for a particular fetus – it is a foreign object that has to be gotten out of her.
hateful monsters like this guy are a thundering argument FOR abortion rights.
Are the notes available online?
Amazing man . God bless you soooo much keep up the excellent work for the vulnerable
ideas have consequences…and bad ideas have victims.
"three liberals ganged up against one conservative, which made it about even" hahaha
I would like to have one of those cards with S.L.E.D..
Hello. Joe Lorio. Joe@lorio.com. Is there a summer camp in central Florida at Summit? If someone would email me basic information. I am a father of a 12 year old boy and Uncle of a 16 year old. Thank you.
That was Fire, definitely taking that with me. Gonna be passing out pebbles left and right
Very good presentation! Thank you. With all due respect, trash the diet coke…it's not good for you, your body isn't designed (glory to God) for chemical consumption.
A few points: it triggers insulin spikes which sends the body into fat storage mode. Possible links to lung tumors and blood cancer (err on the side of caution) , kidney damage, raised blood pressure, lowers bone mineral density…fresh water and squeezed lemon juice does wonders.
Great presentation Mr Klusendorf, Lord Bless you and family
This is amazing. Thank you!
Even as a fairly non religious person, abortion is a terrible and disgusting act of murder.