Why the New Economic Stimulus Bill Will Fail
The new economic stimulus bill poses these three problems:
1) It increases government spending.
2) It increases the deficit.
3) The most expensive items are proven failures.
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(continued) have a yearly fund for paying the deficit, and i believe with cooperation between the parties we can make compromises and necessarily cuts, but without compromise what are we as a nation? we were built from compromise without it were just like the monarchy era British, or worse.
the best way to fix the economy that i believe people of both parties should agree is slashing UNNECESSARY spending and simplifying the tax code, if we fix the code there will be less loopholes, therefore more people pay their taxes (more of the rich notably) meaning more income, then with the spending cuts, by say… 3 trillion (back to bush era spending from 4 trillion to 1 trillion (if my sorcess are correct and unbias perhaps wrong but even so)) and pay our intrest rates down and
@StarSpanglishBanner: and yet the unemployment rate sits at 9.1 the highest sense the great depression.
@AtlasShruggery Fucking idiot. Yup, every Keynesian economist agrees that the stimulus saved millions of jobs.
Think about it. $1 trillion wasted on Americans ENTIRELY is better than $1 trillion wasted on fighting and bombing the hell out of Iraq trying to find weapons of mass destruction only to rebuild their infrastruture because we did not find anything. People forget Bush senior bankrolled Hussein for many reasons including price less than market for oil. Hussein refused later and invaded Kuwait prompting US retalliation for peace and personal agendas. Father and son tag team =$5 triilion wasted
Yes, most of the money will never yield returns. Infrastructure, education, medicaid, and more are all no ROI industries and sectors. Roads can not give us interest nor can teacher or better medicare and medicaid systems, but it does place people into jobs which are critically needed for the US. Infrastruture reduces wear and tear on cars and makes thinks more efficient and are proven to reduce smog. Education is needed to get the quality teachers we are so lacking to teach our next generations
Democrats are known for being a little liberal at times and vote for a tax increase if needed, but Obama's direction mirrors those Ronald Regan did in his early terms. Supply side economics as they teach us is meant for the government to bear the bruden of the cost in relieving crisis of now. Now is we have failing banks, loss of jobs, and a national debt which doubled to $8 under Bush (excluding financial and new bailout bills) since Clinton knocked it down from 6 to 4 trillion. CONT