Talking about Bruce Jenner
Greg Koukl talks about Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner from a biblical perspective.
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Despite changing the body, the chromosomes don't change, nor do the overall strength and other basic gender attributes.
"The loving thing to do". Maybe thats the real issue. When people generally say "the loving thing to do", don't they really mean, don't hurt someone's feelings. But I believe any meaningful dialog is going to challenge somebody's ideas. And when you do that, you run the risk of offending. I would really love to here the views of the thumbs down crowd. But more than that I do wonder how many of them are in Christ?
Greg Koukl worships a book.
Illuminati isi princess ritual
Ok, so lets take God our of the equation, which you can't, but for now lets do. See what happens……
This site was created by a man who had a sex change, regretted it, then went back to being a man.
conceived as a male…
embryologically developed as a male…
born as a male…
post natally developed as a male…
went through puberty as a male…
functioning male internal organs…
functioning male external organs…
functioning male brain…
functioning male central nervous system…
DNA to this day reads male…
but all you need to do is just assert "I am a woman inside cuz I said so"
That someone living in the 21st century who believes in an invisible sky-fairy can call Jenner or anyone else "confused" is enough to fry the most idiot-proof irony meter. But if there actually were such a supreme being, it would certainly know more than Greg Koukl about the biology and psychology underlying transgender people. What is so frightening to people like him about at least scanning the relevant medical literature? Would Koukl walk into the cockpit of a 747 and start telling veteran pilots how to fly their gizmo?
And it continues to blow my mind that some Christians actually hold Jenner accountable for this (harmless) choice when by their own definition, though obviously not in reality, "God" is the only thing that could have made Jenner turn out this way. So blame that tool and his clearly malevolent sense of humor.
I'm surprised Greg has adopted the "sex and gender are two different things" attitude. I think this is a mistake. It plays right into the delusion of, "I'm a male in a female body / I'm a male in a female body."
Now, later on he clarifies that there is no such thing as someone being in the wrong body. But by adopting the manipulation of language that our culture has made in regard to these words, the people promoting this mental illness may think he agrees with them.
Very good.
It IS the more loving thing to do, but no one can say that without being slandered as a "bigot". As a Christian, I love Bruce Jenner, as well as homosexuals. But that doesn't seem to mater to people who have a totalitarian mindset, and who want to shove the whole sexual revolution-which has been a complete disaster for this nation-down everyone's throat. Look at what happened to Brendan Eich, Google's former CEO. He NEVER discriminated against gays or lesbians, and yet because someone at Google found out that he'd supported California's Proposition 8, he was fired.
Please cite your sources in claiming that those who have had sex changes to accommodate their gender identity end up regretting doing so.