A Baby Has a Legitimate Claim to Her Own Mothers Body — Stand to Reason Podcast
Greg responds to the pro-choice argument that “nobody has the right to use your body against your will,” then he answers a question about how to explain to a non-believer why you’re waiting to have sex until marriage.
0:00 Introduction, Announcements, and Greg reflects on Stand to Reason’s upcoming anniversary
6:00 An example of blooming where you’re planted
12:20 A baby has a legitimate claim to her own mother’s body
41:25 How to explain waiting to have sex until marriage
#StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity
“Unstringing the Violinist” by Greg Koukl: https://www.str.org/w/unstringing-the-violinist
“Try before You Buy?” by Greg Koukl: https://www.str.org/w/try-before-you-buy-
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@34:00 Right Sir!!! Satan is running out of dumb excuses to give these pro-choice to murder their baby. God's property.
Your body is not your own. Abortion is wrong and unGodly.
When I first got saved in '97 a work colleague said that my arguments for Christianity were so bad that I needed to do a course in clear thinking. I had zeal without knowledge. Well I prayed to the Lord, and he led me to Greg Koukl's ministry and book, Tactics. This has helped me so much. Love from Australia.💖✝️
Children have a right to their own parents time and money and resources such as meets their basic needs. It is an obligation on the parents.
The right to avoid a normal biological process (i.e. pregnancy) can't exist without the right to have one's normal biological processes be free from intentional lethal interference. If woman and child are treated as equals, the child's right not to experience intentional lethal interference with his ordinary bodily functioning must trump the woman's right not to be pregnant.
Morally bankrupt societies predictably distance themselves from consequence of actions.
Few would question a women's right to choose, however, choice ends where pregnant begins.
Adult behavior presupposes responsibility.