A Cold Case for the Gospels
For more information, read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (http://amzn.to/2kAroVD)
READ: Cumulative Evidence and the Case for God’s Existence (Free Bible Insert)
Cumulative Evidence and the Case for God’s Existence (Downloadable Bible Insert)
Jim was interviewed by Leon Fontaine on the Leon Show and spoke about the evidence for God’s existence. Jim talked about his own journey to faith and the investigative process he used to determine if God is real. Why should we believe the Bible? How can we know Christianity is true?
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I've also heard that the gospels were not generic and were written for specific audiences, therefore it shouldn't be surprising that they would differ. I could have heard wrong, but just putting that out there.
Wow. First time I understood why the gospels are different, especially John, which has always been sort of the weak link for me. Thank you so much!! God bless you, your work for the Lord's kingdom, and your family!
I would appreciate it if Christian Apologists would respond to the arguments laid out in "A Case Against Case for Christ."
JW do you have or recommend a Sunday School curriculum. I so want to see kids and youth especially know and understand apologetics
Mine arrived. Two chapters in. Great writing! Praise God for your work!
Love this
I'm a Christian struggling with faith, and I would like to ask a genuine question that goes like this: If the bible is the word of God why are there chapters like mark 16, why are there verses like 1 John 5:6, that were not in the originals because if I did judge the Qur'an and the book of Mormon and I found words of men included( I say word of man because it wasn't included in the originals which are the word of God) in the word of God I would dismiss the Qur'an or Book Mormon as the supposed word of God. I would really love to have an answer for this question.
I so appreciate your channel!
Jim is so great! God bless you both
The amount of information in this book is fascinating. Once I finish it, I'm going to (plan to) study each chapter and session more indepthly. Great writing.
You explain every thing in detail That is good for those who do not believe in Christianity!
Love your work so much. I came across it a couple weeks ago and been just eating it up!! God bless you and your family. You have really strengthened my belief and confidence in the accuracy of the Bible !
Can jw wallace make the case that the tomb was not tampered because it was sealed and guarded by the Sanhedrin and the roman guards. This seems so obvious to a 1st century resident of judea but is lost to the 21st century person
First. Love you work!
Thank you