A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption | Stand to Reason Podcast
Greg talks to @BecketCook, author of “A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption.”
0:00 Introduction
5:00 Becket Cook discusses #RealityApologetics and his own testimony
17:00 How should I respond to a family member who wants me to fully accept their homosexual lifestyle in order to continue a relationship?
35:00 More thoughts on faithfulness
#StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity #ChristianLiving
A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption: https://www.amazon.com/Change-Affection-Incredible-Story-Redemption/dp/1400212308/
Reality Student Apologetics Conference: https://rsn.pub/reality
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The description of homosexuality as a lifestyle is a blatent oversimplification of human sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular. The purpose of this indoctrination of the collective societal psyche is paramount to the self validating delusion of heterosexuality possessing moral validity. The reason that we never hear the term " heterosexual lifestyle" is because there is no need to catogorize heterosexuality with such inherent connotative oversimplification in order to subconciously justify contempt and hatred through subjective comparison.
I have known many gay men who were married with children, and could only function sexually with their wives by thinking of the male anatomy. They were still gay. Or the heterosexual men in prison that can only function with another man is by thinking about a woman in order to achieve arousal, is still heterosexual.
Acts 26:18 @22:10
I really need to pray this for my family 🙏
This is an awesome testimony, but there are thousands of us who have similar stories yet are silenced or buried under the cover of censorship and don't have prominent platforms for exposure. How can we, as a witness and force of deliverance, be more accessible or visible in the current media climate?
I'm sitting here sobbing. I'm so thankful. Like Gretchen, I saw the post on Instagram that Beckett was going to be on, I never heard of him, but the Holy Spirit Spoke to my heart to listen to this, HALLELUJAH! I've been struggling, but so prayerful with the people I love so dearly in my family to turn and Beckett's sister in law's praying Acts 26:18 IS WHAT I NEEDED!! 😭✝️🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻💝
To the lady that called in. Tell your son you are not rejecting him, you are rejecting his behaviour. He needs to stop making it about him.
You can be LGBT and Christian no problem.
Love you, brother! Thank you for sharing your story, praise God for being our Savior and Deliverer!
My daughter went to Ecclesia at that theater. I was able to go to church with her back then when we visited. Then she moved to a different area of LA and I think went to the Reality church. But she and hubby finally moved back to WI and I'm so happy. I'm giving our new youth pastor and lead pastor of my church the info on the student conference coming up in Minneapolis. I've been learning a lot from STR for 20 years or more!
I'm subscribed to both channels, so this is going to be a double treat.
Wow, so powerful! Thank you so much for sharing this with us 💞