A Guide to Experiencing Miracles: Conversing with J.P. Moreland
Do miracles really happen today? Can people genuinely experience the supernatural in our daily lives? Philosopher JP Moreland says YES to both of these questions. In this interview, we discuss his latest book, “A Simple Guide to Experience Miracles.” We talk about how to recognize miracles, respond to objections, and take live questions.
READ: A Simple Guide to Experience Miracles (https://amzn.to/3z8MaQp)
WATCH: Near-Death Experiences: The Evidence (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhqLc6GPu-U)
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Ugh. I am 2 years late. I was hoping I can get a free book, but instead I just bought it on audible. Giving the chance for a free book though, I would probably pick moreland's book on substance dualism.
Good grief! So God has answered prayers for miraculously lengthening legs…but never has regrown or restored an amputated limb. How Moreland is listed "somewhere" as a leading influential philosopher…is truly…a miracle!
You are a dolphin but you don't believe in water, Christian don't believe in miracles is not Christian not a true Christian, when everything about Christianity are based on miracles, should I list them for you?, sometimes we need be blunt and call a spade a spade.
Just downloaded the audiobook looking forward to diving in
22:40 That's the experience of praying in faith. (I say this, having deduced it more than experienced it.) To be shocked when something happens means you weren't expecting something to happen. That's not faith. A person praying with faith would be surprised when something DOESN'T happen.
If your Christian friend died than God did heal him in heaven
The only guide is Jesus.
God gives this guy a pool table, but lets african children starve to death?
Please pray that God heals me, my cousin, and my dad.
Particle physics says solids are not, and particles are not "things" as much as "events."
For He /They who made quarks and Light , changing matter and energy-no problem.
Time at a quantum level, appears to not be as we experience it, because it can go forwards and backwards. Death, no problem.
I, too, have experienced miracles. An incredible number of them, by all accounts. The ones that make my heart jump of joy most are those that were supported by medical proof.
My own father's dead kidneys came back to life. Following a prayer. 3 days later, brand new kidneys in hin. It is all medically (imagistically, bloodwork) documented, no doctor dared to contest it. It was a joy to hear the atheist head of the department to say: "I don't believe in God, but this is His finger."
Hundreds of people have witnessed it. Don't have on hand the proof, it's in another city, but I am seriously considering to frame them alm and out them on my wall.
Very much respect J. P, Godly man and brilliant philosopher. Wish there was a clearer distinction made between God's providence and provision for us — as in the situation of the young man J.P. mentioned whose prayers were answered with a check that met his needs to the penny– and the situations where the course of nature or natural laws are temporarily interrupted by God's power such as healing of the sick, sight to the blind, water into wine, dead raised to life. etc. Many acts of God's providence and provision for us are things out of our control, way beyond coincidence and great gifts of grace to us, but I don't think they rise to the level of a Biblical type of miracle.
I was in one of J. P .Moreland's first classes at Biola University and it was fantastic!
Please pray for me… I had severe bulimia and anorexia for over a decade, was semi-recovered for a while, and I've been in full relapse back to bulimia since 2019. I'm also struggling with flashbacks and fear/mistrust of others due to PTSD. My abusive religious ex was a real wolf in sheep's clothing. He would tell me that I wouldn't have so many problems if I was a better Christian. He r**ped me in his car while Christian music was on the radio. Because of that, I've been having trouble stepping foot back in church because hearing any kind of religious music at all sets off panic attacks. I can't afford treatment right now. I need a miracle
I was a missionary in Malawi and can testify to just such miracles Dorothy French
Love this! And we DO talk about miracles on my podcast. I have actually been completely blown away at what God has sent me to share! It’s increased my faith! The Holy Spirit is very active!!!
Great interview. Concerning the video tape of legs being lengthened that J.P. Moreland speaks of. I've wondered why there aren't any tapes like these on YouTube. It would seem that certain types of skeptics would come to faith over these. Does anyone know if anything like this is on YouTube or elsewhere online?
I'm having a problem with Moreland's 'leg-lengthening' claims'. This has been used by MANY bogus faith-healers but it is only a magic trick.
If Moreland is claiming this 'trick' as a miracle, this hurts Moreland's credibility.
I don't doubt miracles happen since Francis Chan and Richard Jacobson (House Church proponent) have stated, as Moreland did, that they have seen Churches, often away from the institutional Church, where miracles are expected and often are received.
Where are the leg-lengthening videos Moreland claims have happened? They need to be vetted.
I am also a magician so I know how to manipulate people (for entertainment purposes only 😉 ) into believe what they are seeing is a miracle. If we claim something is a miracle and it's only a trick, then it hurts our testimony of a miraculous God.
Also, what should we do if a prayer is not being answer? 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing." Translated: "Keep on praying."
I pray for the salvation of my family/friends/strangers every day and what I should do about it and will continue to pray that until all are saved.
@SeanMcdowell my question is. Does scripture support that it is Gods will to heal? I believe in miracles and divine healing. But is it His will for our life?