A Legacy of Debt (Trailer)
The entitlement programs—Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—have been growing on autopilot, and as baby boomers start to retire, costs will explode. This spending threatens to saddle future generations with massive taxes and debt, yet Congress has neglected to address the problem. To get entitlements back on track, all of us must begin to have a conversation about these issues and meet the problem head on.
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IM IN!!!But I've been in since I discovered RON PAUL and the fact that he is the only candidate that understood real conservatism. But now we are stuck with McCain or Obama. What a freakin JOKE!!! BTW I will not be voting for either of those losers!
I'm saving my money for my future. I like working though, so I don't see myself retiring – I'd be bored to death maxing and relaxing! I definitely want to work part-time after retirement age.
I know better not to rely on social security!
Fuck it. I don't want any social security when I'm old. Socialist Bullshit. Whatever happen to the notion of family? Children used to look after there parents when they got old.
Well now we can add the Frannie Mae and Freddie Mac fiasco to that increasing debt, and we can add TRILLIONS to it.