A Short History of Slavery
Slavery didn’t start in 1492 when Columbus came to the New World. And it didn’t start in 1619 when the first slaves landed in Jamestown. It’s not a white phenomenon. The real story of slavery is long and complex. Candace Owens explains.
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And now for a brief history of slavery.
Here’s the first thing you need to know.
Slavery was not “invented” by white people.
It did not start in 1619 when the first slaves came to Jamestown.
It existed before then.
It did not start in 1492 when Columbus discovered the New World.
In fact, when the intrepid explorer landed in the Bahamas, the native Taino
tribe hoped he could help them defeat their aggressive neighbors, the Caribs. The Caribs enslaved the Taino and, on occasion, served them for dinner.
Slavery existed in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
The word “slave” actually comes from the Slavs of Eastern Europe. Millions of them — all white by the way — were captured and enslaved by Muslims in the ninth century and later by the Ottoman Turks.
Slavery existed when the Roman Empire controlled the Mediterranean and most of Europe from the 1st through the 5th centuries.
Slavery existed when Alexander the Great conquered Persia in the 4th century BC. It was so common that Aristotle simply considered it “natural.” The slave/master model was just how the world operated in the great philosopher’s day.
Slavery existed during the time of the ancient Egyptians five thousand years ago.
As far back we can go in human history, we find slavery.
As renowned historian John Steele Gordon notes, from time immemorial, “slaves were a major item of commerce…As much as a third of the population of the ancient world was enslaved.”
Here’s the second thing you need to know.
White people were the first to formally put an end to slavery.
In 1833, Britain was the first country in the history of the world to pass a Slavery Abolition Act. They were quickly followed by France, who in 1848 abolished slavery in her many colonies. Then, of course, came the
Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. After centuries of human slavery, white men led the world in putting an end to the abhorrent practice.
That includes the 300,000 Union soldiers, overwhelmingly white, who died during the Civil War.
Am I saying that this makes white people better than anyone else?
Of course not.
My purpose here is to simply tell the truth, and the truth is that human history is complicated; no one, regardless of skin color, stands guiltless.
Yet today we are never told to consider the murderous Persian Empire or the cannibalism of indigenous tribes of North and South America, or the heinous actions under the imperialistic Muslim, Chinese, Mongol, or Japanese Empires, to name just a few.
Instead, we’re told that slavery is a white phenomenon.
Like all persistent lies, this lie spawns a bunch of other lies.
On social media I come across extraordinary depictions about how Africans lived liked pharaohs before Europeans came and laid waste to their paradise.
I wish any of this were true. But it’s not. It’s a fantasy.
The truth is that Africans were sold into slavery by other black Africans.
And in many cases, sold for items as trivial as gin and mirrors.
Whites didn’t go into the interior and round up the natives. They waited on the coast for their black partners to bring them black bodies.
The stark reality is that our lives had very little value to our ancestors.
Here’s the third thing you need to know.
If you think slavery is a relic of the past, you’re wrong.
There are some 700,000 slaves in Africa today. Right now. That’s the lowest estimate I could find. Other sources say there are many more.
For context, that’s almost twice as many slaves as were ever brought to the United States. Child soldiers, human trafficking, forced labor—these are the conditions that currently exist within the same sub-Saharan region where the transatlantic slave trade originated.
African bodies are being sold today like they were sold then—and no, they are not being purchased by any country of white men. In fact, slavery, by any traditional definition, is exclusively practiced today within nonwhite countries…
For the complete script as well as FACTS & SOURCES, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/a-short-history-of-slavery/

Having False peace without an accurate history of the war is nothing but just another delayed War or another form of slavery, That's the point of the video. Regardless of the outcome, The truth must be told. Most especially on extremely sensitive subjects like Race. If things are missing here or misconstrued intentionally or otherwise, i would sure want to know everything significant as much as possible. 👏👏👏👏
And yes, by the way, those 300000 so white. So what you're talking about? That tongue? Free sleep that came later. They were fighting because they were trying to preserve the Union. But when they find out that they was getting alone in troops, they freed the slave so that the slaves can help them fight to Confederacy, and that is truth.
At first it was called in denture servitude Around the World only in the u s they changed it to a life long Slave me And some countries you can even be pared of the community when preed. This is the part that she is not telling you that you could marry and took a tribe. And that thing you call with white people and slavery. With the British nah, they just changed the name and call it colonization. I'll call Loni issue whatever suits your taste best and read. These people lying familiar to these people and killed and murdered them for whatever they could. Think that they wanted to do and yet when Christopher Columbus sail to the new world. He has slaves on his ship with him. That's lame, it's the first one to see lame. And if you read Christopher Columbus diary. He said that he saw negroes everywhere he went. So they already had in mind that they couldn't sleep these people. So stop telling the lies and tell the whole truth. If you're you can't just say a short thing on history and not tell the whole truth
This is half truth
She hot❤
1:50 Candace is wrong on who was first to end slavery. It wasn't Britain in 1833. It was us in 1777:
Such an opportunity came on July 2, 1777. In response to abolitionists' calls across the colonies to end slavery, Vermont became the first colony to ban it outright. Not only did Vermont's legislature agree to abolish slavery entirely, it also moved to provide full voting rights for African American males. On November 25, 1858, Vermont would again underscore this commitment by ratifying a stronger anti-slavery law into its constitution.
Slavery still affects the US, today. Hundreds of Americans are kidnapped and enslaved yearly by South American drug cartels and forced to work in cocaine fields, amongst other unspeakable atrocities.
When all the African people people people were released from being slaves slaves why didn't they demand to be returned to Africa?
some bad people went into lands chased hunted kidnapped locked up sold pirates or really bad people … now thomas jesfferson had slaves he never went to hunt thesexs people but at some point was aware that these people who were his neighbors were having successful plantations had workers who came unwilling so tried to get these workers into his better kinder plantations so purchsed them.. let them have families children and yes he slept with some so .. see the perverse intelligent think they are helping but actially are wrong tooo . so wrong .. at some point you crossed lines and are evil too ….but its not black white in many culture s even white women are treated this way you can work make money have babies and think your husband loves you but his mind thinks i lovethat you gove me a life style tgats it .. thats why you see the minute you have a thought or voice how dare you ,,, yes our cultire says we come a long way babby but oh ladies wake up .. we havent we are the modern enslaved trafficked ..
slavery was always a dulas a servant who is happy to stay with my master for the rest of their lives life long servant slave .. i would do this .. as a poor child i was my best friends sue for life she gave me winderful clothes money presents never got my life she hugged me helped me get wonderful jobs never yelled .. love fifty years of it
Serbian Constitution, 1835
Constitution of the Principality of Serbia, Sretenjski constitution of 1835. One of the most important provisions for world legal history is Article 118, which prohibits slavery, stating that a slave, regardless of whether he came alone or with someone, becomes a free man upon entering the soil of Serbia.
Hey, does anyone know of any other resources where I can find a more detailed account of the History of Slavery? I need it for a liberal Western Civilization college class
Thank you so much for a much needed full history of slavery and the reference to the current issues.
PS Denmark made a law agains slavery in 1792 …. but this wasn't affected until 1803. I havn't checked more countries, so someone else might have done this before.
This video is full of ahistorical BS.
But worse it spends most of its time focused on race and defending the white race in particular.
People of all races are capable of doing things any other race might do.
Focusing on race like that misses the pint and only proves racism
This video summarized: HEY, don't you know white people ended slavery? And guess what, they didn't INVENT that shit either!!! Is your mind absolutely blown yet?!?!? Oh yeah by the way, slavery existed in the Africa, Asia and the Middle East! Surely I'm not intentionally omitting any continents there… like Europe or North America…?
Are most comments here just angry activists who can't handle different perspectives and instead just live and let live
This is probably the most braindead and racist video i've ever seen.
Common sense tells me if children are born into slavery, their Mama's are enslaved for breeding. That is why every "race" has been enslaved at one point or another.
Common sense also tells me pigment is not my race. I see men birthing now and understand they have been creating in darkness. For this they are praised gods and Mamma's are denied. Mainly caused by they who bare false witness. The preacher and his wife, following the priest and nun who have exalted themselves Father's and Mother's but have know children. Truth is revealed as above so bellow
Wawa papa
baba dada
How do the names you were taught to adhere too reflect as above so bellow?
blud's trying to wipe the american history blaming it on others 💀
Before 1833 in 1804 Haiti had already ended and abolished slavery. Candace is a puppet!
The worlds first antislavery society was founded by the Quakers in Pennsylvania in 1775. Soon there were 13 of these anti-slavery clubs found in many primarily northern colonies.
Internationally the victimhood and finger pointing was boosted by Indonesia in 1955, the Bandung Conference to which President Sukarno and Prime Minister Nehru invited African leaders on pretence of anti-colonialism. In truth, they were trying to get African votes in support of United Nations slavery of the people of West New Guinea and other territories; the attempt in 1955 failed in its primary mission because the African leaders said they could not see the difference between Dutch colonialism and Indonesia's quest to capture West New Guinea (West Papua). Unfortunately, in 1959 some American businessmen decided they wanted Indonesia to colonise West Papua so the Freeport mining company could get vast amounts of Papuan gold, copper and other metals; in 1961 they told Indonesia how the United Nations trusteeship system can be used for colonialism if the UN Secretary General helps conceal a UN annexation from the Trusteeship Council. Six months later the Secretary General was killed and replaced by Indonesia's friend U Thant, and the rest as they say is history. On 21 September 1962 U Thant pressed OUR governments to create General Assembly resolution 1752 for the UN to annex West Papua and appoint Indonesia as the new colonial master. Since then several HUNDRED thousand people have been executed by Indonesia as suspected independence advocates, or for being found in possession of a West Papua flag which is illegal under Indonesian law. Indonesia has moved millions of farmers and tens of thousands of soldiers to Papua in the Pacific so they they now outnumber the indigenous Papuan population who remain under Indonesian oppression & weekly deaths that our governments & the UN continue to conceal from the public.
This video raises some safety and ethical concerns:
Oversimplification and misrepresentation of history can fuel historical revisionism and contribute to harmful stereotypes.
Minimizing the specific harms of the transatlantic slave trade and its lasting effects risks diminishing the experiences of Black Americans and others impacted by slavery.
Framing the issue of slavery primarily through a lens of national pride and self-congratulation can be insensitive and disrespectful to the victims of this historical injustice.
The people who should watch this, won’t.
When Saladin defeated King Richard, he freed King Richard, beheaded Richard's nobles, and sold Richard's commoners into slavery. The beheading was merciful. A nobleman would prefer a quick death to life as a slave. This was centuries before the Geneva Agreement and the honorable treatment of POWs. This was back in the day when slavery was ubiquitous, and usually based on taking captives during war. But, think of it, for a nobleman death was preferred to slavery. So should it be today for every free man.
Thanks for the great class.
Its nice to see you tell the 👱♂️👱♀️ mans version of history..smh…now for the truth while you are trying to justify what our enemies do to us…
Why dont you tell about how we are the ONLY people who were sold to all nations across the earth? Why dont you tell how we were the ONLY ones who had our history, culture and identity beaten out of us and hidden??? Why dont you teach OUR version of slavery instead of the lying 👱♂️👱♀️ peoples version of it??? Why dont you tell how OUR specific tribe has endure slavery by 👱♂️👱♀️ for over 2000 years???? Why dont you tell how 👱♂️👱♀️ people have us mentally enslaved to this day by bring up people like yourself to love your enemies and hate your people?? Why dont you tell the history of buckbreaking in america????
Or better yet
Why dont you teach how we are the TRUE Biblical Israelites and how all those who enslaved us will be destroyed?
Jubilees 23:30
Joel 3:1-12
Jeremiah 30:16-18
Jeremiah 30: 5-11
Ezekial 25( whole chapter)
Isaiah 60:12( those who refuse to serve)
Gentiles as slaves
Isaiah 14:1-3
Romans 11:11-22
Why dont you teach this instead of bending the knee and kooning to your👱♂️👱♀️ masters?
The LAST country to abolish slavery was Mauritania (AFRICA) in 2007.
Hell yah candy has told the truth again she is Wonder Woman