A Simple Question The Left Hates To Hear On Slavery
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Show pictures of child trafficking or the movie SOUND OF FREEDOM today and people scoff. ❤
This man has no basic understanding of history.
Who is paying these crybabys
I've virtually NEVER seen ANYBODY being told "YOU should feel guilty and bad because white people in the past had slaves". I have NEVER seen that. Thats a strawman argument, in fact you have to search pretty hard to find people like that white guy who nobody knows who it is but thinks that slavery was a new invention. That was probably taken out of context because I've never heard ANYBODY who wasn't aware that slavery was around a long long time. YOu'd literally have to live in a cupboard not to know that.
Reparations have a historical precedent. Power structures like Germany after losing a war had to pay reparations. its a pretty simple concept to find those who were wronged and those who benefitted. But I don't even hear reparations, hell, black groups were marginalized when they just asked that police not shoot them so much and even THAT can't get recognized as a policy problem. So this reparations thing is essentially people with too much time on their hands talking about inconsequential things. And thats of course for the general public, I can't even imagine a serious academic program arguing "hey, we shoudln't talk about america's history of slavery because other people had slaves too". Thats an INSANE argument. Thats like letting murderers off because somebody got away with murder somewhere.
Never trust a man with a scarf around his neck.
I'm left and I don't hate this question. It's just that with so much injustice in the world we typically try to put our own house in order first. This is what attracts the persecuted and the oppressed from other parts of the world to our country. A simple question no one wants to hear is why people in power persecute and oppress those who are not.
That’s a big fat lie period Tim.
Man speaking at one of the most prestigious universities in the world and still talking about slavery like he’s oppressed. As I working class Brit, I can only sit back and laugh. And God bless Thomas Sowell 🙏🏻🤜🏻🤛🏾
In less 15 seconds into this video this man showed his ignorance of history.
Wow I had no idea that Tim Kaine was that stupid. For one he had to have voted for the guy who said if you don't vote for him you aren't black. The term slav comes from slave.
The US created slavery? How stupid can you be? Read a bit of history man.
America crated slavery?? what a complete ignoramus.
1. The word Slave is from the French slang Slav which was used to describe foreign indentured servants. The first global trade slaves were the Slavic people, sold into servitude by Arabs and Gauls, starting around 7th Century. So… white people.. Russians, Ukrainians and Nords.. sold on open slave markets.
2. African Slave Trade was started by Africans as a means to fund their arms race against each other. Africans enslaved rheirnown people and sold them abroad for profit. A large portion were sold into foreign armies. This practice was so common that an entire Mameluk Empire emerged as consequence of military slave revolt in the middle east.
Muslims took some 11M Africans as slaves overall.
If gun violence is the fault of Gun Makers.. then Slavery is the fault of Slave Makers.. and thats African governments, not westerners.
3. Spain and Portugal account for over 70% of all slave trafficking to the new world. Some 8.1M Africans were purchased from African governments in exchange for guns and durable goods. Nearly all ended up in Latin American countries, put onto plantations or to into the Army to fight the native Mexicans.
The United States by contrast, imported only some 352,000 slaves between its foundation in 1775 and the abolition of slave import in 1809. We know this to be fact because we still have records of these purchases.
In the United States, over 22% of wealthy African families owned slaves.. Compared to about 16% of westerner families.
The founding of American State Union Lands (the Northwest Ordinance Act of 1787) explicitly prohibited slave owners from being part of the Union. USA was formed to exclude slavery as part of its territories.
The Democrats broke from the Democratic Republican Party over this very issue, denounced Abraham Lincoln and elected Jefferson Davis as the president of the new America. Thats what the Civil War was about..
And when the Democrat Party lost the war, they assassinated Lincoln via J Wilkes Boothe.. who was a member of the Know Nothing Party.. which was the extremist branch of the Democratic Party.
Thats the real history of slavery.. Sowell writes about it in several of his books. I don't know what that insane ignoramus is talking about.
I'm white and I haven't enslaved anyone. I give respect to any other human being in the hope it will be reciprocated.
I can't undo history but I hope that we have learned from it.
All this stuff about reparations is rubbish.
Should I claim reparations from Italy for the Roman invasion of Britain – or demand that architectural sites in Rome are dismantled because they were built by slaves?
No, because that's history.
Some people need to grow up or shut up.
Pandering for votes, get out your kneepads and start polishing peoples Nikes….
One thing that always gets me is how people claim this empire or that country has benefited from stolen resources. The richest and most powerful have always made the decisions to go into other countries, exploit the people and the resources, horde as much as they can and do so in a network. Yet it is a large number of the the common citizenry (in those countries) telling the other half it's they who have to pay for what happened.
They act like the suffering passed down from slavery across generations is an unique story but their story is not that different from anyone elses. We are all benefiting and/or suffering from not only the actions of our ancestors but also the things that were done to and affected them. I'm sure a lot of us might be in a better place if an ancestor of ours wasn't wronged in some way. Some of us might have started life in a better way if it weren't for WW2 and so according to these guys we have a right to demand reparations from those responsible. Everyone would have the right to demand reparations for something that has happened in the past. So, the questions are: is that a good thing? And if so who deserves reparations and who doesn't? And who gets to decide that?
Reparations have been paid! Preference in COVID treatment was given to blacks (including blacks who were never slaves and blacks who's ancestors were never slaves). Being allowed to live rather than die due to one's race is overwhelming reparations.
Where did Tim Kaine learn about slavery?
I think a more interesting question would be " Should Thomas Sowell have to pay for the mandatory abortions of the Chinese people on communist state collectives who build all his appliances,computers, clothes and pseudo capitalist wealth for him?"
gee i wonder who gathered and received monies from the capture of people to be sold as slaves
Is it just me or is anyone else having problems with words or phrases being muted out for a few seconds, I have noticed it on many clips.
only an American loathing, ignorant leftist believes the anglo American created slavery on the north American "new world" continent.. as if time and human kind started then and there.. smh..
"we created it!" Ummmm…the ancient Egyptians would like a word with you…
Leftists , (Democrats), really loved their slaves while the Conservatives (Republicans) worked to free them.
Easy to see who really works for continued freedoms of America.
Either this Elected Official is demonstrating his overwhelming ineptitude and lack of education, or he's perpetrating fraud with intent. This moron has proven he is less competent of history than the average child at a state funded grade school. What's truly concerning, this idiot got elected, so WTF is his voter base comprised of? That gene pool must be inverted and interfolding. Understand, this fella champions Outcome Based Education, which is holistically focused on dumbing We the People down, making us easier to pit against one another, thus more easily managed.
It's fools such as this who foster conspiracies about aliens being among us. To be this obtuse and lacking, he would either have to be from another planet, thus a recent arrival, or some sort of Manchurian Candidate whos been living under a rock, or in a sealed container. It's must be rather difficult to make such an asinine statement while appearing to be sincere. Or… he's an out right liar who believes his audience is too stupid to perform discovery… because many opt out of informed decision making.
He will and probably is paying for those lies one way or another.
Goes for the rest of them and anyone else considering perpetuating these abhorrent lies.
Yet, every POC on the planet is desperate to get to the racist hellhole that is the US. I wonder why?
This is just a form of trying to get revenge on the white man and bring him down do he can eventually be destroyed which is a real movement now in motion .
Be thankful, friends, for these nazis, the lunatic left. the louder they get, the better because they chase off supporters. Donno how many times I schooled liberals and they were shocked by the proof they are supporting the nazi party, the elitist communists.
I am sick to the back teeth of covert white bashing, black victimhood and laying the blame on me for what my great great great great great grandparents may or may not have done. Give it a rest, we have heard enough of this "I am black so I must be oppressed" tripe. Stop whinging and get on with your lives like we all have to do, people have had enough of this tosh being shoved down their throats over recent years…….
So says the party of the KKK whom fought against their fellow citizens to keep their slaves. Pathetic.
I think the families of a few 100k dead, both black and white, from around 1865 might have an issue with jackass Kaine's interpretation of nothing being done…not to mention how wildly wrong he is about slavery being created in the US. But of course it is more likely he is lying to win support because even children know slavery is a sad practice as old as human kind and still going strong.
This is stupid. You weren't a victim and I didn't do anything to you.
I was deceived,I thought all trade was business as usual
Yes. Why so much concern for dead people. After all, they are not white. I say, let let the dead be dead, Black or white. Aristotle is dead. George Washington is dead. Lincoln is dead. Shakespear is dead. All the dead people are dead and are of no concern of the living. 🤪
Does he not know anything about England? Go watch the movie, "Amazing Grace". Another elected dunce. Has to be a seller before a buyer.
That black guys accent is incredibly white🤣🤣🤣