Adam Carolla: Don’t Make Things Worse | 5 Minute Video
Adam Carolla, comedian, social critic and host of the wildly popular Adam Carolla podcast, delivers the 2018 commencement address for PragerU. He offers some sage advice and makes a heart-felt request — as only Adam can.
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I never graduated college.
I never even went to college.
I went to the University of Digging Ditches on Construction Sites – go Fighting Shovels!
So, why should you listen to me?
Hmmm, let’s see… Well, I run a business that I built myself. So, let me give you a couple of tips.
I hire and fire people like you all the time. And I’ve seen a pattern with your generation—something I call “The Language of Losers.” Let me give you some examples:
“I did my best.” My assistant told me this once after screwing up royally. And I said, “Matt, if you did your best and you screwed up royally, then I need to fire you right now. The answer is either, ‘I didn’t do my best, I’ll do better next time’ or, ‘I’m drunk right now and need to sit down.’ So the phrase I’ve drilled into my employees is, ‘Don’t do your best; do my best.’”
Another example: I had a young employee once say to me, “I’m sorry. I screwed up. Next time, I’ll triple check.” And I said, “Did you single check? Did you double check? How did you get to triple check?” I know how he got to triple check. Single check is a screw up. Double check is…ehhhh…a flub. And triple check is, “Hey, what do you want from me?” So, he hopped right to triple-check after not single- or double-checking.
And the worst one—the one that’s driving me nuts, the one that’s destroying our society, the one that got hold of the piece of thread of the sweater of society and is just unraveling it: “I feel.” “I feel threatened.” “I feel I’m being treated unfairly.” “I feel you’re a bully.” You’re 23. You live at home. Your bed is shaped like a race car and it’s covered with stuffies and your huggie-bookie. Nobody cares how you feel.
So, no excuses. Please. If you do the job you’re hired to do and you do it well, your employer will never stop thanking you and lavishing you with ponies, and frankincense, and myrrh.
Now, you do your job well and you’re not rewarded? Someone else will find you and reward you. Believe me, that’s how the universe works.
But, let’s face it—the chances of any of you working for me are slim to none. The chances some of you may go out there and set some policy are pretty good. And most of you are going to vote on that policy. So, let me ask you a favor: please, stay away from my freedom.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/adam-carolla-dont-make-things-worse

I'm a left winger and I 100% approve of the message in the 1st half of the video.
Very angry how the Nixon administration illegally criminalizes setting homeless people on fire in vans
This guy sounds like a nightmare boss
Hey google what is a catch 22 ?
How is this political education ? This could be dismantled by a preschooler
Adam Carolla seems like a nice normal guy overall. At least I hope he is. I'd love to finally meet him soon enough.
I don’t know, I’m pretty sure I can think of something that wasn’t allowed on the beach when you were a kid
Only Adam Carolla could make a video as entertaining as this. Love you and this channel!!
Who are these videos made for? Morons.
Funny how Adam and Jimmy went in totally different directions in ideology after the man show. This showed me their are 2 kinds of different men in this world when we all grow up, 1 that cares about his own life and hold his own accountability (the alpha), while the other man what to control your life and blames you for there fault (the beta)… be strong men, be a alpha and hold your own. Ziggy ziggy, ziggy zaggy,, oi oi oi!!
There are many uneducated very successful businessmen in this world who just showed up on time, worked very hard at what they do, kept at it until the job was done CORRECTLY and did their job very well again and completely the next day, and the next, and the next and so on. If you want to be very successful at whatever it is that you do for a living then follow this method and you will be successful and respected beyond your dreams.
There's nothing with with saying "I tried my best" ; but only say it to yourself , not to your employer, because there's too many managers lacking empathy and leadership skills. As Kevin Samuels says "You don't have to be perfect, you just have to try". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw0qthPnqIk
And Boomers wonder why they are the most hated generation…
I used to like PragerU videos and agree with most of the stuff they say. As I get older and rewatch them I realize just how full of shit they are. They are all on the perspective of the right and successful. They exclude systematic racism and the struggling to pay your bills. What happens when a young man does everything correctly and is hard working, but nobody gives him a job? The corporate system is made for the rich and the white.
also is he really not gonna talk about how when we "landed on this beach" we also mass genocided native peoples? Like, brutally? If you watch this guy and give him any credit at all you need to watch some actual progressive content, like these red herrings.
Prager U should replace the Ad Council yesterday.
welllll theres someone no one should have to work for
I’m really grateful we have Adam as a commentator and thinker. It is good to have someone other than Professors and Political scientists discussing issues that are very much real, everyday life and how poor policy can effect it in very bad ways.
I love that comment, don't be one of those people who adds a sign to the beach.
Don't be another one of those people who votes for people to do that shit.
I'd work for Adam Corolla.
Conservatives are some of the most "I feel" people I've ever seen.
Translation: don't go to the beach if Adam there. He'll try to fire you and expel you from it.
Adam is a whinny fat capitalist reactionary fool typical conservative long live Vladimir Lenn.
This one felt all over the place tbh😭😭 love you tho Adam
Yeah, I also hate when people communicate with me how they feel, it's like, yeah I'm paying you less than what you need to survive but why do you need to tell me that you feel like you're being "treated unfairly" smh my head. /s
This video is sanctioned by Prager cigars, lol…
Dude reminds me of Gilbert cause when he gets mad and yells he sounds like iago
that’s the problem with capitalism, you always have some idiot like Adam corolla telling you to do his “best” what? Telling sh*tty jokes….haha
Other kids: lets go in the sea and make sand castles on the beach
Me: I wanna dig a 6ft hole in the ground
Next they're gonna say that womens' bikinis are too revealing. Give me a break.
imagine being fired by Adam. He would tell you that you are fired then roast you and your existance for the next hour…then invite you on his podcast and roast you even more.
Now we know who the man was in the man show
Bible prophecies are continuing to be fulfilled!! God is love!! God is glorious !!
Adam Carolla:: if you're such a great boss Adam, then why do you keep hiring & firing employees that are costing you your own time, money and reputation??
With freedom comes responsibility.
Attitude & behavior Always reflects directly from their leadership.
Incoherent. What does bad employees have to do with the loss of freedom?
So true also love your university the fighting shovels are my favorite team
Why he carried that pant load Kimmel for so many years I'll never know.
I like this guy, and I'm from the philippines
This guy is what the world needs more of. Rough as hell and don't take s&>t off nobody. I like him.
Where are the boobies? This guy was a side kick on The Man Show, where there was a lots of BOOBS… Jimmy the host made it big, Adam not so much. I guess Jimmy made it BIG because he went to a real college and not just dug holes.
I FEEL good that Adam Carolla hit the nail on the head. (I suspect the nail is indifferent, but hey the nail has no feelings.)