Alex Jones Reveals the Real Reason Why Global Elites Want Open Borders
Alex Jones sits down with Tucker Carlson to discuss the real reason global elites are pushing for open borders.
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“You wouldn’t hire her to run your copy machine” 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 BEST LINE EVER!!!
Look at that weirdo. Really look at Klaus. Hes extraterrestrial
Alex has been right for decades. People refused to listen. They didn't think that something this terrible could actually be real and they were blind. Willingly blind. People sit in their little happy bubbles of naivety and they refused to acknowledge that there is a global conspiracy.
There are many more billionaires than SCHWAB, GATES, SOROS. Why haven't they contered them? KNOWING what they are trying to do to America.
ELON MUSK IS UNSTOPPABLE! Quote by Mr. Putin of Russia.
Alex Jonestradamus
Stop forever wars to end migration
Trump 2024. ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🙏
🤡👹 8646 🤡👹
Thank you T.C.and A.J.
World needs millions more of you guys, guys who are not scumb bags and not cowards to the globalist.They are not human.
May god protect you always, and MrTrump and family.Infact all humans who want nothing more than to be left alone and shit to go back to normal human thinking.
Not this evil bullshit going on ( planned yrs and yrs ago)) in increasing speed.
Drain deswamp.
At this point, if you can't heed this guy's words, I feel for ya. THIS is GONNA happen.
What are we the people supposed to do besides voting???? Unfortunately I’m scared!!
Keep dismissing Alex Jones. I'll keep listening. When these things happen you won't be ready.
Let’s be Frank. Most people are not courageous. I would say at least 95% of people are not. The military does not make you “courageous”. Get the fuck over yourself make a choice and a stance in your life and that will change things to come.
I think Alex Jones is correct. They want to make it so uncomfortable for us to live. They have allowed illegal immigrants come into this country and not enforcing the laws.
The last point was something that I have thought about and was very interesting to me. The only thing that the global elites cannot control is their own mortality and thus they seek to control everyone and everything around them in a futile attempt to make themselves Gods and therefore somehow circumvent the inevitable reality of human mortality.
Oh my GOD! Is there any solution to this. Can Trump stop this or will he just be a temporary bump in the road that would give me just enough time to get out of America.
Why can't Texas sue the federal government? Can they???
I'm sooo sorry Alex, I really thought you were a schizo for years. Not lately, at all. Alex is a good dude, too! Talk about biases… I was a brainwashed lefty until 2016. The problem with having a high IQ that I didn't know: we can lie to ourselves with NO idea we're doing it. I could convince myself of almost anything. Luckily I started talking to a few conservatives and really listening after I saw media lying over n over. They lied about Trump so much why would anyone trust them???? ANY media that lied, don't trust em and there's places like Ground News we can find REALITY now. They don't have everything, they show us what we miss though. Especially good for liberals with NO good media, unless they watch conservatives like Tim Pool who btw DOES NOT LIE (on purpose, nobody's perfect and he's an example, he doesn't say anything unless he's positive). Exaggerated isn't lying, omiting and changing narratives is. Demonizing and shaming and lying ass legacy media like cnn, nbc, nyt vox (they have pro communist crap now) etc
Everything the deeply insecure transhuman are doing in America, all come here in Australia too. Christians need to understand the mysteries and secrets of the bible….until they also get POWER of God…old self righteous religion GOT TO GO…..through wisdom, understanding and knowledge, KEEP DIGGING WITH ALL YOUR HEART
When YOU can SEE past all of the DISTRACTIONS, ONLY TRUTH WILL REMAIN…REALITY. Look past everything being thrown at you and
S E E W H A T I S !
What I am about to say, involves the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, and BLACK ROCK. Please read this in it's entirety before forming ANY OPINION, Please give me that much. Here goes: Covid-19, the fentanyl epidemic, Government caused civil unrest, the Governments push of the WOKE AGENDA and abortion, ARE ALL aimed towards "DEPOPULATION". What is depopulation? It is, "A reduction over time in a region's population and can be caused by sudden adverse events such as outbursts of infectious disease, famine, and war or by long-term trends, for example, sub-replacement fertility, persistently low birth rates, high mortality rates, and continued emigration.."
WHY would world Governments want depopulation? Here's a quote from scientificamerica.com : "Declining populations will ease the pressure eight billion people put on the planet. As the population and sustainability director at the Center for Biological Diversity, I've seen the devastating effects of our ever-expanding footprint on global ecosystems.."May 4, 2023
World leaders, including U.S., plan to reduce Global populations BUT THEY CAN'T JUST SAY THAT, no, the world populations would be appalled and fight back. So, instead, they develop and deploy GENETICALLY ALTERED VIRUSES, Fentanyl and vaccines that cause death, disabilities, low birth rates and still births. they push a WOKE AGENDA because people who undergo alterations to identify as a different sex, WON'T BEAR CHILDREN. Civil unrest, People flooding our Country, Rampant crime, Stirring racially controversy, ALL LEAD TO DEATHS AND A LOWER POPULATION.- FUNDING WARS…LOWERS WORLD POPULATIONS.
This is ALL BY DESIGN! Each year there are more NATURAL DISASTERS and people depend on their GOVERNMENTS FOR HELP. There are more and more homes and businesses destroyed every year. It's cheaper to have people die, than to keep trying to rebuild. If enough of WE ORDINARY PEOPLE die off, there will be more for the elites like the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, BLACK ROCK, and the WORLDS WEALTHIEST PEOPLE and let us NOT FORGET WORLD LEADERS!
Now, our Government is saying that "RURAL AMERICANS ARE A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY", the fact is they KNOW RURAL AMERICANS ARE RESILIENT, They can and do produce much of their own FOOD, can heat their homes without the power grid etc. They WON'T DIE OFF EASILY. Oh, let's not forget, they OWN GUNS and can fight back and hunt for food. They are really just a threat to DEPOPULATION.
In some states they are making GARDENING and OWNING SMALL NUMBERS OF LIVE STOCK ILLEGAL!. If we can produce our own food and food for our neighbors, they say we are "A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY." I say, we are a threat to their evil plans.
WAKE UP…WAKE UP. Of course Anthony Fauci (Dr. Death) was involved in the creation of SARS COVI 2, better known as COVID-19, he and the rest of our Government. Washington isn't really fighting for us with all of their hearings and other BULLSHIT…IT'S A SHIT SHOW to cover up their real mission. THEY PLAN TO SURVIVE AT OUR EXPENSE! (PERIOD)
"And in that day I will give you words that NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO OVERCOME. Not the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION or ANY of the privileged fucks that would kill off masses of other HUMAN BEINGS to SAVE THEIR OWN GODLY ASSES>
T H I N K A B O U T I T ! !
they want to reestablish khazaria. a global slave state. the soviet union was the alpha version.
Government Abbott is part of the WEF.
GLOBALISM is a crime against humanity!
Theyflyblog……. Alex Jones……. 0:29 ask for one Michael Horn. You think you have info?….. 1:04
They want to rid the world of 2/3rds of its population. They want War and they want more deaths and murders. It is only going to get worse.
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