America Needs to Wake Up — Biden’s Border Crisis Makes Your Family Less Safe | Mark Morgan
Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax TV, Thursday, August 19, to talk about the Biden border crisis, the absurd judicial ruling declaring it unconstitutional to deport illegal aliens, and why Biden’s open-borders agenda makes Americans less safe.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qerT3QI36M
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Larry Elder for California Governor! Spread the word everywhere, especially cali residents!
Be an advocate, get the word out! We're down to the wire… the election is in less than a month, sept 14th! (Ballots available now)
This election is all about turnout and a victory could be the falling of small stones that starts an avalanche!
For freedom.
Lets gooo!!!!
"You can lose a fight, but you can't win a surrender." – Andrew Klavan
Administrative State (Bureaucratic nightmare) most of California's political representatives may be relateded to these migrants
Brilliant and absolutely correct, commentary.
Is this what you want for your children. Stop amnesty. Stop the f* the people act. Stop the insanity by inane politicians. This is America, not a third world country. Biden condones this. He will not close the border. This is massivly dangerous, not only physically but health wise. Biden is bussing and flying these illegals all over the USA. We can not have this for three plus more years. Biden wants to mandate us to death but leaves the illegas alone, well funded and taken care of.
These are the same people who keep us locked down
I don't think I can take anymore of this abuse!! We American citizens do not agree and are not represented in these decisions. holly hell 🔥
American is gone.
This administration needs to be stopped. They've destroyed America & Afghanistan too now. Let the Bide Admin be held accountable for it all!
I’ll start making millstones and sending them to Border patrol! They can do with them as they please!
How long do they think they can push us and use our Constitution as toilet paper, before we act.
In 2024,
Either America First has a tidal wave win or the Left cheats again.
Be prepared for anything 🇺🇲❤️🇺🇸
That would be like allowing prisoners to be Correctional Officers guarding the prison they are in! Whaatt? Idiotic! But that’s Biden /Obama wanting to transform America into a socialist country. Biden needs to be impeached ASAP
Biden wants to destabilize economy like George Soros and his rich elite can buy everything for pennies.
Mainstream news media needs to be dealt with harshly they are covering everything up there lying and covering the criminal activity of everything up to the American people
Supreme Court said they will not get green cards
Impeach him now!!! He is destroying our Country!!!
Women and children are not safe in our own country under this administration. This is just sickening and they are getting away with treason.
Common sense: God's judgment. No repentance equals no mercy. We are reaping what we have sown. It's no wonder ears are closed and eyes don't see…
Instant asylum to illegal economic immigrants? Insane!
WTF… Americans Wake Up… The GD ASSHATS in Congress need to wake the Fcuk up! They are the Problem!
The Government (Federal, State, & Local) has gone Criminally Insane! The People need to TAKE their Governments Back! Congress better grow some Balls NOW and Impeach Biden, Close the GD Borders, and Fix the Injustice System!
Gee Do You Think the People are PISSED OFF? I wonder WHY? Got Totalitarianism? Got a Police State?
The Gospel of Government! All Pesky Citizens will Shut Up, PAY, and OBEY! This is what your Government thinks of the US Citizens! We once suffered from Criminals committing crimes, now we suffer from Psychopath Control Freak Government Agents making Laws to Control every aspect of your life and Violating the Constitution!
Here are some Solutions to Government! Legalize Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty!
01. Reduce the Size of Government by 10% a year for the Next 30 Years
02. Close the US Borders! No Visa No Entry!
03. End all of the Warmongering around the world
04. Cut all Spending by 15% (Real Cuts… NO BS!)
05. Close 990 of the 1000 Foreign Military Bases
06. End All the "Aid" to Foreign Countries (No Buying off Governments. US Citizens First)
07. Get out of NATO and all Global Political Associations
08. End all Tariffs and Sanctions
09. Eliminate the "Tax Code" and Tax everyone and every company at 10% (Amounts above 50k) until the National Debt is Paid in Full then cut the rate to 2% (No Exemptions, No Subsidies, No BS)
10. The FED shall be Abolished and the USA will go back on the Gold Standard This PONZI Scheme is shear GENIUS for everyone except the US Citizens!
11. Set a term limit of 3 terms in the House and 1 term in the Senate; eliminate all of the "Benefits" (It is a Part Time Job)
12. All Congressmen (State & Federal) shall provide their TAX returns every year on April 15 and shall be published on May 1! To include an itemized list of all current assets with values and all Income with dollar amount and source! Break the Law… go to Prison!
13. Facial Recognition shall be Illegal, All Spying, Data Collection, and Surveillance of US Citizens shall cease immediately! This shall be incorporated into the Bill of Rights! Any Violation shall be punishable by a Mandatory Minimum of 5 years in prison and 5 million dollar fine and all reasonable attorney fees. (Paid to the Victims).
14. Eliminate All the "Bonuses" in Government Employment/Service
15. Sell Amtrak or Close it
16. The US Post Office shall NOT receive any more Government Funding or Government Rules/Regulations (It shall operate as an Independent Business or Close… the private sector will pick up the slack)
17. All Federal Laws and Regulations shall be made by Congress (No Government Agency shall make Regulations or Laws… All Votes shall be on the Record!)
18. The Federal Government shall NOT provide Funds to any State for any Reason except the Stafford Act (the States shall remain sovereign and Independent without Federal Pressure or Funding). The Federal Government Shall NOT Buy the State Blood Suckers to screw the pesky citizens that have had enough freedom. Federal Taxes shall be spent to operate the Federal Government ONLY.
19. The Freedom of Information Act Statute shall be amended to be Free from all or any charges for FOIA request. No government body or agency may Charge for providing and fulfilling freedom of Information request. Any noncompliance by any government body or agency or person(s) shall be punishable by a Mandatory Minimum of 5 years in prison and 5 million dollar fine.
20. End the 1033 Program! NO Military Weapons shall be used by the Police or any other government agency!
21. NPR shall NOT be funded by the US Government!
22. Title 18 USC 241 Conspiracy Against Rights & 18 USC 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law… Needs to be amended: Punishment shall be a Mandatory Minimum of 5 years in Prison and 5 Million Dollar Fine (Paid to the Victims) including all reasonable attorney fees. Ignorance, misinterpretation, misunderstanding, or mistake of the LAW shall not be an EXCUSE or Defense by any Government, Agency, or representative thereof! This shall apply to all Governments… Federal, State, and Local. No Immunity!
I am sure there should be more but this should take care of the vast majority of Federal, State, and Local Government Abuses!
Albert Einstein – “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”
Who are the REAL CRIMINALS? What Constitution? What Bill of Rights? What a Great Country Founded by Geniuses, but Run by Idiots, Morons, and Control Freak Psychopaths!
Major General Smedley Butler USMC – "There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights.”
Why aren't thesefuckers imprisoned PERMANENTLY
The Gospel of Government! All Pesky Citizens will Shut Up, PAY, and OBEY! This is what your Government thinks of the US Citizens! We once suffered from Criminals committing crimes, now we suffer from Psychopath Control Freak Government Agents making Laws to Control every aspect of your life and Violating the Constitution!
When the Government’s Boot is on your throat, weather it is a LEFT Boot or a RIGHT, is of NO Consequence!
Legalize Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty! I am tired of being SCREWED!
Qualified Immunity Pitched as Job "Benefit" to Police Recruits (Steve Lehto) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ8BCbwP9sI
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PCR TEST DISCONTINUED (WhatsHerFace) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m53tHJkIQj8
Rise of the VARIANTS (WatsHerFace) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a7PLv9JkF4
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Coolidge Police Earning The Hate Over ID Of A Man Who Helped Put Out Fire (Rick Gore) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjVOcWGgaPU
The Boy Who Cried Wolf – Modernized (Book Reading) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6vvUpEFsYg
These People Lost $85 Million in an L.A. Heist…and the Robber was the FBI (Institute for Justice) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgXH0dbT_O4
A Cop's Lies Put Her in Jail for 2 years—Now She's Asking the Supreme Court for Justice (Institute for Justice) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dS1ZaUB1TU
Kim Iversen: BIG PHARMA'S Ties To The FDA Should Be Questioned (The Hill) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQYHx7drUWE
'Do You Need An ID To Rent An Apartment?': Nancy Mace Asks Witness Rapid-Fire Questions About ID (Forbes) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnJasqv9X_s
Police Chief Tyrant FIRED – City Pays Victim $95,000! (LackLuster) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd9-4yQZvk4
Police Gunpoint-Detain Real Estate Agent & Client After Mistaken-ID, Multiple Bodycam Splice & Sync (Cameras Everywhere) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0tt2O4o7Qw
'I want to clear my name': Woman speaks out after being falsely accused by Scottsdale police (ABC15 Arizona) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htfepfB5npU
"ARREST ME THEN!" | SGT. SAYS FILMING IN PUBLIC IS AGAINST VILLAGE CODE! GETS EDUCATED ON 1A | FAIL! (Long Island Audit) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN_CSzq-izs
Hitler phones Biden again (Hitler Rants) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNWjXYHz2u0
Pasco County Sheriff’s Office Harasses Children And Families – A Defense a attorney reacts (Natalielawyerchick) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbcuWkGztLw
DEA Seized Life Savings From Hard-Working Grandfather, Never Charged Him With a Crime (Institute for Justice) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMfE-NM8Eu4
NYC Goes FULL 1984 Mandating Vaccine Passport And ID For Building Entry With NO Medical Exemption (Tim Pool) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz3KdYd081A
FBI Coverup: Texts Reveal Special Agent Misconduct in Brandon Caserta Whitmer Plot Case (Robert Gruler Esq.) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo7MlAnQ2QQ
Mooresville NC Refuses to Return Money After Charges Are Dropped (Lehto’s Law) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Crqdq05h-o
Australian Breaks Into Tears Describing Horrific Lockdown Orders | Slightly Offens*ve (BlazeTV) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suvAdPhVyLA
Democrats’ Hypocrisy on Mask and Vaccine Mandates | Larry Elder – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnA5uPwqb9k
Why Afghanistan Is Impossible to Conquer (RealLifeLore) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab9zK8yT4_Y
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