America Under SIEGE: Agenda 2030, Globalism & Socialism
America is under siege by globalists, socialists, and Islamists united in a quest to destroy Western Christian civilization, argues Alex Newman with Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, and The New American magazine. The goal is to build what globalist Deep State operatives often refer to as a “New World Order.” Speaking to Worldview Weekend TV (WVWTV) host Brannon Howse, Newman says the key tools of this anti-liberty alliance include the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the public “education” system, and the pseudo-environmentalist movement.
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The church must wake up!!
@ minute 32…
"Corporations exist and have the earliest mark of divinity (immortality). " — Caroll Quigley Tragedy and Hope chapter 20 page 1217
Spot on , the New American real journalism.