American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal | 5 Minute Video
American Indians are the poorest of all of America’s ethnic groups. Why? After all, the government has granted them massive reservations and created entire agencies to look after them. Well, maybe that’s why. Naomi Schaefer Riley, author of “The New Trail of Tears,” explains.
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We’ve all heard about how many bad things the U.S. government did to American Indians in the past. But what about today?
Like most people, the only time I hear about today’s American Indians is when people are outraged about sports mascots or team names, like the Washington Redskins. But sports teams’ names are the least of Indians’ problems.
Did you know that Indians have the highest rate of poverty of any racial group in America? Did you know that alcoholism is more common among Indian youths than among youths in any other ethnic group? Did you know that the rate of child abuse among Indians is twice as high as the national average?
Until I visited Indian reservations for my book, The New Trail of Tears, I didn’t know any of this. What was at the root of these terrible problems? I wondered. And the deeper I dug, the more I realized that, between the 19th century and today, nothing has changed: it’s still the government.
The two main agencies that oversee the activities of Indians who live on reservations are the Bureau of Indian Affairs, or BIA, and the Bureau of Indian Education, or BIE. Education, economic development, tribal courts, road maintenance, agriculture and social services – the federal government basically funds and controls all of it. It’s no wonder Indians say BIA stands for “Bossing Indians Around.”
Together, these two agencies have combined budgets of $3 billion per year, and have 9,000 employees. That’s one employee for every 111 Indians on a reservation. Of that $3 billion per year, the BIE uses $850 million of it to educate 42,000 students. That’s more than $20,000 per student, compared to a national average of $12,400 per student.
Plenty of other federal agencies also have programs for Indians. For instance, the Indian Health Service had a 2015 budget of over $4.6 billion. And yet, there are widespread and documented reports of nurses being unable to administer basic drugs, of broken resuscitation equipment, and of unsanitary medical facilities.
Obviously, inadequate funding isn’t the problem.
The billions of dollars that the federal government spends on Indians every year hasn’t made their lives better. In fact, by most measures of economic and social health, the lives of American Indians are only getting worse.
Aside from issues of culture, the only way out of this morass is economic growth, but the reservation system makes this almost impossible. Following a series of treaties and laws over many decades – some well intentioned, some not – the federal government decided to hold Indian land “in trust” in order to prevent non-Indians from ever buying that land. But other than Indians, the only people who have things held in trust for them are children and the mentally incompetent.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/american-indians-are-still-getting-raw-deal

After 50 years the Indian land will be owned by Prager and the Indians will still be poor alcoholics
I remember my first class at prager university and now I’m a fully licensed insurectionist. Thanks prager 🫡
Niece, BIA is owned by the DNC/nazi party.
Child abuse, yep. And so is assisted suicide among child abusers.
My parents taught us, always put a letter behind the name. The vast majority of times evil was done, you can safely add a D. It’s been that way since democrats forced my ancestors out, people who lost over 2,000 fighting for the fledgling US. It still is today. 1990S 9,000 Tarahumara starved to death in a planned famine while liberals shrugged it off. Monsanto did it and nazis own Monsanto.
Most of us don’t play the skin game. That’s for stands around the fort traitors, the paid protesters. I call myself a skin, redskin, and red N. Braves, no. I draw the line; English from bravo, it means valiant and only should apply to military personnel and ex-military (if there is such a thing 🙂 and those who sacrifice to support the nation.
Where is poverty the worse? Dem owned states. Mine quit the dnc generations back and still, we bear the scars. Alcoholism is an act of the desperate. Dad and my uncles suffered PTSD and were alcoholics. I went traditional and for the most part am free. I do love the looks on liberals when I tell them truthfully, I make my own beer and brandy, and most of it goes to waste because I’m a non-drinker (gotta have a beer New Years and the Day of the Dead to celebrate those who went on before me, and dance with dog tags to honor those of us who died in war). Liberals cannot believe an American Indian doesn't drink. Man, we invented tequila and that garbage mescal (look up Mescalero Apache). Sour mash was invented by us!
This message was brought to you by ExxonMobil.
End the Trust system and Reservations will quickly cease to exist. New Indian landowners will quickly become New Indian land sellers, non-indians will parcel out the Reservations, and the Indians as a discernible identity group will be well on their way to being assimilated into the rest of the American population. This may not be a bad result (assimilation so they can finally get on with their lives), but for the "have-nots" among them its not a great result. Keep thinking….
Also stop boozing and beating your kids!
You mean the Chinese who immigrated/migrated to the Americas long ago? Then yes, I agree. If you look at Native Americans carefully the oriental resemblance is still there. Genetics also do not lie. Native Americans all come from China/Mongolia. We have not treated them very well. Historically they did not treat one another very well either. Maybe a new reality needs to be embraced.
Sounds like the same issue as in most western nations – the government telling the citizens that only the government can solve their problems. Bureaucrats are more often a handbrake than anything useful
I wont cry when you Americans lose it all to the WEF.
I say this all the time.. Most native americans are not treated like normal americans. I'm half lumbee and my tribe is fighting for federal funding since we got federal recognition back in the 50s. I don't want us to get this federal funding, we are a working people and the poverty in our towns are bad enough. Bring government regulation in and we won't strive as normal americans like we do today. When I visisted Cherokee, NC a few years back it was a beautiful reservation just not much there so i would imagine the poverty. I hope one day our people can find a way to get from under the governments thumb and back to living as we please. If that means selling land, than so be it. I feel like denying thay would be against the 14A
Leaves a critical question, why do American Indians deserve to own the land in the first place.
What did the Indians give too the people they drove off of land? Definitely not a giant yearly salary and a bunch of lands lets be honest they got lucky
Do you not understand what usually happens to conquered people?
They're erased.
For some reason the people in the past decided to not do that.
Aren't the NA tribes supposed to be sovereign, meaning those regulation aren't enforceable.
Here's the thing. You take USA money, no matter what it's intention, you have to obey.
Stop taking the hand-out. Prove that your land is sacred(unless you lied about that.)
How sacred is your land if you take a bribe to fill you lands with toxic waste?
It is easy to blame the government but the Indians are not asking for that change either. Most natives I know would not want non-natives buying up Indian land either. Heck, we have protests all the time in my state when even non-reservation land is used for things they see unfit in the name of it being "sacred".
I spent a week this year at the Custer National Park. A wrong turn diverted me directly through the heart of Crow Agency. Through tears I saw a person walking in aimless fashion like someone who had survived a disaster. If Crow Agency is indicative of the government's "care" of Native Americans then a complete overhaul of "Indian Affairs " is necessary. My wife and I took the guided tour of the Custer battle field that was hosted by a registered Crow Nation docent named "Cliff." During his account of the battle, he mentioned one of Custer's five Crow scouts named Goes Ahead. With no regard for his own safety and in full view of all participants in that sector of the battle, Goes Ahead rescued a wounded trooper yet he received no official recognition. Certainly, his deed was worthy of a Medal of Honor since he was employed by the Army and given a rank. Alonzo Cushing was awarded the Medal of Honor by Barack Obama for his actions at Gettysburg. It's not too late.
That 0:31 chart is kinda bogus tho. The recommended chart considers me an alcoholic because I get hammered Friday and Saturday and drink like 750ml of 40 proof a weekend.
As always the government is the problem
A friend of mine was suing the Bureau of Land Management for under payment for oil revenues taken from Indian lands during the lawsuit over the state line between Oklahoma and Texas. It amounts to millions of dollars. The government does what it always does. They put it off until all the principals in the case die.
The reservation and it's limitations was the model for Democrat designed Civil Rights for Black Americans. It's not quite as effective because Black's can buy or sell land and move around if they escape the victim psychology that feeds this crap. As for the reservations, the US can end it any time it's convenient to the Elites and they want what's there.
I knew it was bad, but didn't realize it was this bad!
I spent my early teen years in Flagstaff. I spent a lot of time with Navajo and Hopi Indians. One common problem, particularly among the more sparsely distributed Navajo population, was alcoholism, abject poverty, and hopelessness. It was the same on the Apache reservations. Now that I live in the Phoenix metro, I see much of the same thing on the reservations around here and have seen it on reservations all over the state. That is the common thread. The only way to escape it is to leave the reservation and never look back and you can imagine, many of those who do end up being looked down upon by their families and their tribes. One of the few flowers on the reservations in Arizona (we have 14 of them!) is Tuba city, on the Hopi reservation. A prosperous city (at least it was the last time I was there) in the middle of one of the most inhospitable areas of the country, which they have occupied for centuries.
Personally, I despise the reservation system, in part because of some of the conflicts it causes with the states in which the reservations lie and also the fact that in many cases the creation only followed removal from their traditional lands which was an injustice in itself (Andrew Jackson comes to mind here) and the damage it continues to do to the tribes, but, as I look at it, it was also the best solution to a problem that HAD no good solutions. However, it has become a huge problem in itself and something needs to change.
wait. Indians or indigenous Americans?
I disagree. Yes, some tribes struggle, but most do quite well, because they work hard to improve their lives.
You're an Indian, the answer is move off the reservation, and assimilate into American society. You will then leave poverty behind and become wealthy