American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal|5 Minute Video…
American Indians Are Still Getting a Raw Deal|5 Minute Video
American Indians are the poorest of all of America’s ethnic groups. The federal government has in fact given them big appointments and produced entire firms to look after them. Naomi Schaefer Riley, author of “The New Trail of Tears,” goes over.
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We’ve all become conscious of how many bad things the U.S. government did to American Indians in the past. However what about today?
Like lots of people, the only time I become aware of today’s American Indians is when individuals are irritated about sports mascots or team names, like the Washington Redskins. Sports teams’ names are the least of Indians’ problems.
Did you know that Indians have the highest rate of poverty of any racial group in America? Did you understand that alcohol addiction is more common amongst Indian youths than among youths in any other ethnic group? Did you understand that the rate of child abuse amongst Indians is two times as high as the across the country average?
Up until I went to Indian appointments for my book, The New Trail of Tears, I didn’t understand any of this. And the much deeper I dug, the more I recognized that, in between the 19th century and today, absolutely nothing has altered: it’s still the federal government.
The 2 primary companies that manage the activities of Indians who survive on reservations are the Bureau of Indian Affairs, or BIA, and the Bureau of Indian Education, or BIE. Education, economic improvement, tribal courts, road maintenance, farming and social services– the federal government normally funds and handles all of it. It’s no surprise Indians state BIA represent “Bossing Indians Around.”
Together, these 2 companies have integrated spending plans of $3 billion each year, and have 9,000 employees. That’s one staff member for each 111 Indians on a booking.
A lot of other federal companies also have programs for Indians. For instance, the Indian Health Service had a 2015 budget of over $4.6 billion. And yet, there are recorded and widespread reports of nurses being not able to administer fundamental drugs, of broken resuscitation devices, and of unclean medical centers.
Insufficient financing isn’t the concern.
The billions of dollars that the federal government purchases Indians every year hasn’t made their lives much better. By many measures of monetary and social health, the lives of American Indians are just worsening.
Aside from issues of culture, the only escape of this morass is monetary development, but the appointment system makes this virtually tough. Following a series of treaties and laws over many years– some well intentioned, some not– the federal government chose to hold Indian land “in trust” in order to avoid non-Indians from ever purchasing that land. Aside from Indians, the only people who have in fact things kept in trust for them are kids and the emotionally inefficient.
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American Indians are the poorest of all of America’s ethnic groups. Did you understand that the rate of kid abuse among Indians is two times as high as the nationwide average?
The 2 main business that supervise the activities of Indians who reside on appointments are the Bureau of Indian Affairs, or BIA, and the Bureau of Indian Education, or BIE. It’s no marvel Indians state BIA stands for “Bossing Indians Around.”
That’s one staff member for each 111 Indians on a booking.
American Indians are the poorest of all of America’s ethnic groups. Did you know that the rate of child abuse among Indians is 2 times as high as the across the country average?
The two primary agencies that manage the activities of Indians who endure on bookings are the Bureau of Indian Affairs, or BIA, and the Bureau of Indian Education, or BIE. It’s no wonder Indians state BIA represent “Bossing Indians Around.”
Plenty of other federal agencies also have programs for Indians.