America’s Biggest Issues: Education
American colleges and universities are failing in one of their most basic missions: to equip students with the tools they need for a career. Many students graduate ill-prepared to earn a living and pay off the debt they’ve accumulated getting their degrees. Forty percent of those who start college don’t finish within six years.
Additionally, students are often subject to indoctrination into socialist ideology. They face hostility toward opinions that don’t conform to the predominantly leftist thinking on campus. They’re also immersed in identity politics that pit students of different backgrounds against one another.
Despite these problems, colleges continue to raise tuition.
The Heritage Foundation’s Lindsey Burke explains how to stop the sharp rise in both college tuition and student debt by getting the federal government out of the student loan business.
View more: https://www.heritage.org/education/heritage-explains/why-college-costs-are-out-control
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The problem is not our colleges. It is not high school or elementary school either. The problem is the family situation in America. We need to work on family and the problem will be solved!!!
i know, its hard for you to swallow,
but outside the USA, there isnt anything you could do to keep foreigners to know that your school system is wrecked by right wing idiots…
banning books because one sentence isnt hyping the bible…the bible belongs banned also, makes people dumb for life…
just dont educate people, more dumb, more better…
You do realize that the UN has been writing USA preschool to university curriculum since late 1950's .
youtube UN and the Occult Agenda via Walter Veith at Amazing Discoveries
The problems with American Education:
1. No parent or student accountability. Parents and students have no consequences even when the students purposely fail the standardized test.
2. Draconian insubordination laws that allows tyrannical administrators to get away with imposing "legal" busy work on teachers, and treating the teachers poorly with no fear of the teachers speaking up against the mistreatment.
3. Worrying about class and race (CRT) instead of the life skills each student needs to succeed in life.
4. Union representatives siding with the administrators because they think if a teacher is being mistreated then that teacher must be doing something wrong and deserves it.
5. Many administrators were burned out or failed teachers and are in their leadership positions for all the wrong reasons.
Why do we not witness studies that contain real data, and why are there no researchers who shed light of their societal interest on the problem of low awareness of university students after graduation.
In the past, graduates were more competent and careful, were polite speakers, and were top-notch writers.
Did the educational orientation differ or were consumed principles not beneficial to society and the country ?!
All are anxious questions, but no answer calms the fears of rational people.
The errors are as follows:
1- The inclusion of professors who are not fluent in teaching methods and possess neither the art of public speaking nor the philosophy of written photography.
2- The content of the book is satisfied without an explanation that serves the minds of the students, as they explain water with water.
3- Reliance on computer systems and confusion in the vicinity of the Internet to make students fall prey to political and pornographic voices far from education.
4- The deterioration of the educational curricula to below the cultural level and the exclusion of the backbone of any language, which is poetry.
And many of the dangerous gaps that will lead to the birth of a failed generation that cannot differentiate the false word from the truthful word because of the poor educational system.
More like Europe where college is free, paid for by the government. But their colleges' rankings are lower than American universities.
Failure to educate the population. Falling behind. Only a matter of time until…
Exactly right: Eliminate government financing.
Oh I am okay in India
You see this would've been an amazing and informative video if you had left out the harsh and out of nowhere swing at people on the left at the start of the video. It left thinking that you must be very biased and have a second agenda throughout the rest of the video. Other than that I think that you made many great points about the problems facing the current system and how they could be solved which I agree with.
Se* 100%
https://youtu.be/EAexp0w3H3c jedność narodu w by było lepiej wam i nam 😀
Enjoying our, America's Biggest Issues series? Watch more of them, here: https://bit.ly/2Cykkpo
Income share agreement is an excellent solution.
I think if America look past its bias toward people that are considered less than and marginalized and teach real history in the classroom, give the students something to be passionate about. There just may be a chance that everyone will see that society cares whether or not.
The problem is that high schools should have warned us the difficulty of college
What the hell is this Lol
Its not just Colleges but the schools themselves are broken. Students do nothing but follow basic instructions from the teachers, they are not allowed to interact with each other, and they have to learn the same subjects from grades K-12 in order to succeed in live. Also there is no room from passion in schools and the system doesn't have the resources needed for that. Many students felt lost because they don't know what to do next in their life and the system doesn't seem to care.
Education from kindergarten upwards is no more than indoctrination into socialism and the stupidity of global warming and I mean stupidity the educational system in this country needs to be completely revamped and especially dissolve the liberal socialist teachers union a very corrupt organization Wake up America and vote these communist Democrats out of their seats throughout the entire country
If colleges co-signed for private equity student loans gender studies and the myriad other ___-studies degrees would evaporate like alcohol on a hot griddle. Students would be encouraged to take on responsible debt only for degrees in which they have a reasonable chance of generating an income which would enable them to repay their loans as well as having a decent livelihood.
Please provide one example of "the left" "indoctrinating" people into a "socialist ideology".
Come on now, what will the fascists have to bribe their base with if the govt can't step in to save the day?
Despite all these failures 🇺🇸 has produced more Nobel laureates in STEM than rest of the world.
What about pubilc schools.
But but but The youth of America! What if they actually learn to think while they are in high school and rationally decide not to go to college? Where will they complete their indoctrination? The Activist Industry may suffer a collapse that would take years to recover from.
Great video. Thanks guys
The problem isn't just University, it is actually high school and lower. By the time they graduate, only 27% is students are proficient in math. That's crazy! It's something I want to go into depth more and make a video about.