America’s Biggest Issues: Environment
In the 1970s, Americans were told we were in a global cooling crisis and if something weren’t done, we’d enter a new ice age.
When that didn’t happen, a few decades later we were told that entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend was not reversed by the year 2000. Despite the consistent failure of these apocalyptic warnings, that hasn’t stopped climate change alarmism.
We’re now being told we only have 12 years to combat climate change and the solution is to fundamentally dismantle the system of free enterprise. That means Washington controls things like how we produce our energy, what food we eat and what type of cars we drive. The question is, even if we believed their alarmist, catastrophic predictions, would their proposals work?
The Heritage Foundation’s Nick Loris helps dispel some environmental myths, and explains how America can ensure affordable, reliable, and cleaner energy by keeping our economy growing.
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Safe Would
A lot of libtards awfully quiet about Brandon blowing up methane pipelines
This is such a CRINGE video.
You don't even believe your own words, you have to read them from a teleprompter. Take some presenting classes buddy.
trash video
The only toxic environment is in the vicinity of a Democrat speaking.
We need to end Big Govt taxpayer subsidies to fossil fuels & chemical agriculture, so the Conscious Capitalist free market can keep innovating freely to renewable energy & organic, regenerative ranching & farming. We could actually transition all our infrastructure to 100% renewable with just 10% of the subsidies currently going to fossil fuels. Costs for renewable energy & regenerative agriculture will be cheaper if we switch some subsidies to the new innovations already driving the market.
We want Conservatives at the table on this so that the far left doesn't make everything into a dang co-op or do too much govt owned.
PS One heads up, Natural Gas emits methane, which is several times more damaging than excess carbon. Solar, wave, geothermal, & wind innovations are best.
When I was a kid we were more environmentally conscious than anyone nowadays. We used glass refundable bottles, we used cloth diapers, families had one car usually a six cylinder efficient for the day, we grew our own food, we took one trip to the market every two weeks and I could go on. The environmentalists these days are hypocrites, flying in private jets, owning gas guzzling cars three to a family, using plastics and disposable diapers. Everything we use is dependent on the petroleum industry, even those beloved windmills and solar panels. Do you know how much hydraulics a windmill uses? Do you know windmills are manufactured using petroleum products and most solar panels. That toothbrush you’re using, that razor, thOse glasses, that plastic cup or bottle, half of your car, every appliance in your kitchen. EVERYTHING! Hypocrisy is blatant, that pipeline saved us from pollution instead of shipping by truck and tanker. Hypocrisy is blind. Conversion of the country as in the green new deal would in construction work pollute at a level never before seen, the US is not the problem, look to China and India. They don’t abide by the climate accords, we have been cleaner than the rest of the world since the 70s. Hypocrisy is blind to its own mirror. Being energy independent was a windfall, not having to import big tankers. Do you think they run on electricity? Hypocrisy will kill us financially.
let me eat my grilled steak burger with cheese and leave me alone
oh yes if we were in a global cooling crisis in the 70s why was al gore talking about climate change…..
I believe that this is my second comment ever on youtube. I'm a graduate of the university of texas at El Paso, with a B.S. in ecological sciences and evolution, with a minor in microbiology. I'm currently working on my M.S. in environmental policy law and management. And I have to say that this video is bigotry and falseness. it has no sources and its statements are nonsense. it a horrible video that misinforms non educated people on the subject.
I know think we should be talking about "fake and PAID" media
'The Trump Administration Is Reversing Nearly'
100 Environmental Rules. Here’s the Full List.
"Over four years in office, the Trump administration has dismantled major climate policies and rolled back many more rules governing clean air, water, wildlife and toxic chemicals."
As long as war is still a thing, nothing will change
BOOOOOOO. Fuck capitalism and the 1%
Are Americans the only people who are important in the world?
Is it just the next 80 Years that’s important?
Won’t the damage that is done to the environment while developing surplus wealth that can be used to save the environment, increase the irrevocable damage that will be done to the environment?
Wouldn’t it be better for the environment to redistribute wealth rather than increase it?
Just some things I wonder about.
this was so useful for my gp essay. thanksssss
why is it wrong to want cleaner energy? are you really that arrogant to think that our actions don´t affect the environment?
The worst part?
Now that environmentalism has been politicized, any impact the actual movement would have done is lost.
There is only one way to save the environment and the billions of species on this planet even our own species…………….. and that is to control our population and bring it down to an acceptable level that each landmass can naturally support………….. and get rid of this destructive policy of economic growth which is destroying everything.
This is because this policy of economic growth wants to endlessly grow in a space that is not endless that is a recipe for disaster and that's what you are having and each disaster is bigger than the last one.
If you live in a confined space which we do………. and you do not have a policy controlling the population………… then what will the result be of not having such a policy………………… OVERPOPULATION…………… it is GUARANTEED TO HAPPEN………….. you will not be able TO AVOID IT……………. it will be INESCAPABLE…………………. unless the human race does something to stop it happening which is controlling its population……..
For capitalism to work with a fiat currency as it's basis the population must continue to expand. The more people the more destruction. so embracing this system the human race is deliberately running as fast as it can Into a disastrous ending……….unless it stops and adopt a new system one that doesn't need an endless number of people feeding it which is a community system…….for in a community system there is no need for money everyone is the same……… there is no few rolling in absolute luxury……….. there is no billions wallowing in poverty where over 90% of your crime and problems come from………… and you don't have them in the middle working all hours of the day some holding down three jobs supporting both ends of society……………… because the society you live in is a segregated society it is a system that only works in the best interest of the elite the rest are just people to use so that one sector can have a good quality of life………….. it is why all your politicians, bankers, bosses, the well off are all in favour of this system………it is a system that is guaranteed to destroy everything on this planet.
Have you ever heard the song THE SOUND OF SILENCE…………………of course you have unless you have been living under a stone like your politicians.
It's been said that the Simon and Garfunkel version was a warning and the Disturbed version is the rage because the warning was ignored.
because that's what's happening amongst the elite they are refusing to accept the truth because accepting the truth would mean them giving up their quality of life their status in society that's why they are ignoring everything and continuing to embrace this ridiculous incompatible unworkable unsustainable unbalance system of economic growth………….. because all the elite care about is them not the planet not its wildlife not even their own species. because all that matters to your elite your politicians is them…….. that's why every political party on the planet have base their policies on the same system economic growth………….. so it doesn't matter which political party the people put into power the elite quality-of-life is never threatened.
Think about it………….
Save the planet only eat humans
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I am 24 years old and, as you said, we would not see a noticeable difference in the climate in 80 years if we cut carbon emissions by zero, but our children, our grandchildren, and all the other future generations will. I do not share your selfish vision.
1:00 yeah that makes sense. That thought is like thinking: ''there are so many people in this country, it doesn't even make sense for me to vote''. If everyone thinks like that nothing is going to change and at some point, the US as a major power in the world could go forward as an example for other countries to follow them in using green power etc.
do you really think that climate change isn't true?do you really think that if the united states do all that things you say they should do it wont change anything?because for reasoning like yours there are many people doing nothing for the planet…and i think that definitely isn't the solution…sometimes smalls things entail to great things…and we can´t do all the good that the planet needs, but we can make all the good we can do…
We must all do our part.
so to protect the environment you suggest to continue to burn coal and drive trucks? The prediction about the cooling in the 1970's were the result of an error, if you adjust the error you would see that the prediction suggest the warming of the planet. The government should encourage people to buy electric cars, to use less energy (americans like to leave the house without tuning off the lights) walk more and use public transportation. The policies of the US (and other countries like China, India and its neighbour) are killing the planet.
[South America, Australia]…(new) data gathering centers?!*
There is a lot more to the issue then what this guys saying
Whe should all be asking ourselves do I really need a mansion? The answer is no of course not. We all need 2 eat less meat, make our homes smaller and cut down on all energy. We ass humanity are taking more then we should. Whe should be happier with the things we got and focus on a happy fulfilling life which does not revolve around materialism.
International Conventions on Environment and Biodiversity. Watch and Understand!
You are a lier
Coal, oil and natural gas extraction's negatively impact natural habitats all over the world, and these resources are not unlimited. This video is supposedly about "America's Biggest Issues: Environment" which should be about the environment, right? Instead it seems their driving point is making our economy better, which can be environmentally beneficial if a society with a booming economy puts effort into harmonious development with its environment. However these kinds of ideas aren't really talked about; making me feel as if this video has been put up not so much to help the discussion about environmental issues, but rather to make people turn their attention away from huge(not just climate change) environmental issues at hand.
Who the fuck cares about economic growth when we're all extinct?
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