America’s Biggest Issues: Immigration
Immigration is one of the fundamental building blocks that help make America the unique nation that it is. But the debate over border security and immigration has become toxic because politicians have put politics before principles. And reasonable Americans find themselves trapped between zealots on both sides.
So what does a thoughtful agenda for American immigration reform look like? The Heritage Foundation’s Genevieve Wood takes us through four guiding principles to keep us focused on what is best for the welfare of all Americans, both those of today and those of the future.
View more: https://www.heritage.org/immigration/heritage-explains/what-immigration-reform-should-look
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verstehe ich nicht das Problem, des ist doch gut wenn die Ausländer die Arbeit machen. Verstehe ich nicht.
Europe citizens are like indians in america post columbus. Mass migration Will destroy our way of life.only difference we still have little time to make this reversal,and send milions home.i hope that europe Will find strenght to go this pat or it Will be like in history many times
Stop it the THe american dream is dead.
To end RACISM in the USA 🇺🇸 we need to end all wars and liberations and integrations and Tax payer slavery. Liberty 🗽 is the freedom to tell people what they do not want to hear and that's the truth the whole truth and nothing but the GOD and chickenshit American war whore and pig shit law enforcement G.O.D.s Government Organized Deities DAMNED TRUTH !!!
Evolution of Teaching Math in America
1. Teaching Math In 1950s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost
of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit ?
2. Teaching Math In 1960s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100 His cost
of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?
3. Teaching Math In 1970s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost
of production is $80. Did he make a profit?
4. Teaching Math In 1980s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost
of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline
the number 20.
5. Teaching Math In 1990s
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is
selfish and inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals
or the preservation of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a
profit of $20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic
for class participation after answering the question: How did the birds
and squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are no
wrong answers, and if you feel like crying, it's ok. )
6. Teaching Math In 2023
Un hachero vende una carretada de maderapara $100. El
osto de la producciones es $80. Cuanto dinero ha hecho?
Thank you
a country wants to tell me what has been made possible by immigration, exactly my kind of humor🤣🤣
It would probably be nice if there is a basic orientation at the US Embassy in country of origin for every immigrants prior to US entry so they are all educated with the culture in the USA.
In this way, the immigrants are more cautious on their actions and behaviors! They already know what to expect when they arrive in the country. People who are uneducated in the country tend to behave differently because of cultural shock and it affects the national security.
That’s just my opinion and nothing against the government! It might help the immigrants understand United States of America much better!
Are we not gonna talk about how the song in the bakground is literally a track from the Subnautica soundtrack lmfaoo
it should be illegal to be this stupid
I’m not sure why most people wanna migrate to USA. I lived there (legally) and the taxes, facing rarely but it happens racism. The weather bad conditions, storms, hurricanes, snow, etc. I witnessed 2 mass shooting in Texas. I decided to come back to my country. I’m free, no more high taxes, no more loooooong working hours. I live by the seashore somewhere in Dominican Republic. Love your country, fight for it. Don’t leave it criminals and come to God.
America is a savior country 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
'All people have the same rights so they must all be the same'
– Islam has only éver become dominant by weaponising targeted mass migration to new target countries, after becomming the dominant demographic, they tax 'non-believers', ban non-believers from higher academic positions to quell and stifle critical thinkers.
If one is born in a country that have rights to be of that country without walls being put up.
If I wish to cross a border wile traveling and am met by a hostile force I hold the rights to defend myself.
If Your treating others rights as a rick to your own then don’t expect the world to help Americans when outside of America.
America is a very small part of the world and everyone else isn’t into what America what’s. I would like to put walls around American to keep the world safe from your dangerous views and global issues the USA and CIA create that needs to stop.
American is a young land going throw puberty. The blackouts and mood swings are over the top life this video.
Your not important to the rest of us, there is more of us then you.
It’s time to grow up, put gun control laws in place and start fixing your own part of the world with levelling everyone else alone.
History isn’t kind to those who think there the best.
Right now there are enough nationals, who want to harm the nation! Case in point, all the right-wing militias.
Americans cannot agree on what their history is. Republicans want to believe that the founding fathers were some kind of "Gods" or at least "divinely inspired". American heroes such as George Washington, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson are larger than life to them. In their eyes America was "golden" and never did anything wrong. Yet, there was slavery, forced labor (think of all the Chinese, Irish, Italians and others, who died due to horrendous work practices. There was the ethnic cleansing of native Americans, plus later on all of our shitty wars like the Spanish American War and the Banana wars. Even after WWII if you look at US foreign policy it has been far from spotless, Angola, Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Panama, etc. not very clean. Of course, that is foreign policy. Even internally, the US supposedly a fist world country still engages in questionable employment practices. We are unable or unwilling to provide for our workers. Anyone who cannot keep step with the Hyperbolic pseudo-meritocracy is doomed to fall by the wayside, impoverished, homeless and blamed for their own failure, even in cases where they had no chance of success or where their chances of success were greatly diminished.
If it was up to the Heritage Society no immigrants would get into the US, except those that could best be exploited by the elite petrochemical and technological corporate oligarchy that has been screwing Americans in the Bunghole with Vaseline, because it is a petroleum product (and that is good for business), for years. You have been right about getting screwed, but the people you think you belong to are really your feudal lords and they have cowed you into believing that you are in their gold club at Mare Lago, when in reality, they spurn you and see you as morons.
Time to get up off your fat drug addled holes and sweep a fuckin road or pack a box – Buttzy
(The disintegration of the family in light of the adherence to negative-dimensional technology)
If every person turns against himself and is satisfied with living alone
For fear of getting involved in the context of marriage
The reason would be that all man-made laws line up behind women and support them against the interests of men
Can we build a generation capable of being an impenetrable bulwark for God, the homeland and the family in these cultural, psychological and financial wars and all aspects that point to the marginalization of men?
Cubs will not grow apart from the lioness and the lion
Or rather, you won't survive because life would definitely be unsafe without parents
The same is the case with humans
Certainly companies, educational institutions or newspapers
Not all of them can establish true consciousness apart from the tolerant heavenly teachings
If you want trees to grow, you have to give them water
And if you want a mature generation that understands the meaning of the homeland, the family, and the enlightened teachings, away from getting lost in the darkness
Societies and individuals must abide by the teachings of God
And to jump over your problems and put aside ideological differences
And you all coexist under heaven, so you will meet under one universal law.
You thorny stupidity in the forests of a dull mind
What did man gain from the laws of nihilism?
Come on tell me, you rotten mind of moderns?
How the candles of modesty melted in the nights of intellectual prostitution, and how the symptoms of innocent words were violated
What is the reason for spreading the stinking breath of evil to make the atmosphere of the safe polluted with the smoke of the greatest fear?
Here is my book sitting alone leaning on the armchair of Mr. Miller's library
But in the prestige of the great king
And you are the ones who fall on the thresholds of the eunuch Satan
What reaped the scythe of your dreams in the plows of injustice and blind theology but the greatest regret!
Witness, oh unquenchable sun
That man was the biggest loser
My opinion, they should stay home! The American dream isn't a dream, it's a nightmare. If your homelands would work towards freedom of speech I promise you there is nothing else you need. America is built on lies, at least you know what to expect from your leaders. We have no clue. There are kids walking into schools and shooting children. You're not missing anything
Yea, tell it to the Indians 🥱
So why are Immigrations coming w/ out the consent of government which is We the People Democrats want all immigrants to come to America w/ out legal procedures
As an Indian i completely agree with the video. Long live the first ammendment.
An effective legal immigration system deters illegal immigration, protects American sovereignty, respects the rule of law, and contributes to the wealth and welfare of the nation. Learn more by checking out our playlist on immigration, here: https://bit.ly/32DHzt8