America’s Biggest Issues: Marriage
Families are the building blocks of civilization. They are personal relationships but they greatly shape and serve the public good. Strong families make for strong communities. Conversely, family breakdown harms society as a whole. That’s why America’s declining marriage rate is a real problem.
The Heritage Foundation’s Genevieve Wood explains that it’s an undeniable fact that the best chances for financial success, emotional well-being, and good health for both parents and children happen when parents are married and families are intact.
View more: https://www.heritage.org/marriage-and-family/heritage-explains/why-the-declining-marriage-rate-affects-everyone
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Every American should watch this video. #FACTS
What about the elephant in the room: divorce laws and the fact that 80% divorces reinitiated by women…..
Remove penalties for divorce for men, or share them equally between men and women… right now, women are financially incentivised to divorce a man.
When society and the heritage foundation stops ignoring the elephant in the room and discuss the disgustingly biased family court system that seems to take pleasure out of destroying men then we might have a conversation but in general society does not care about men at large.
If your a man and your getting married?… you have a one in 5 chance of been happy but most men try and just tolerate it because the abuse in family court systems is so penalising for men that its better to simply tolerate it for life however with no fault divorce and women filing for divorce 80% of the time because of the favourable family court bias in women's favour then again.. men? DONT GET MARRIED.
Or is it reverse that poor unhealthy and sociological immobile people are unmarried😂😂😂 0:46
How many marriages are allowed in America? Or multiple marriages are allowed in America?
american merriagewomentalkloudcardiacsynx
Marriage is a huge issue in America because it's no longer about freedom of choice. It is a negotiating game of who chose you and if you will play the role he or she has selected for you. Its about being destroyed if you say no to being chose. It's a game nowadays. That's it. Just another means of survival. No love necessary, no respect necessary, no dignity allowed. Meanwhile we are seeing people being empowered to live life on their terms.
The American Wife is awesome
Marriage in these days is quite literally a coin flip
If the marriage and divorce system is not fixed, it will decline like a cliff. Red medicine Black medicine White medicine Long live! I am a celibate!
Now we also started taking the red pill or the black pill. Marriage is already a precipice. As the dishwashing theory explodes, it plummets further and the bubble collapses (in Korea).
After two years into my marriage,it was becoming a disaster and we wanted to split up before i came across (Eliana Zaituna Hernandez) who really played a big part in restoring back my marriage,look her name up online and get answer to whatever solution you seek.
It'll never change because every positive change to bring balance has to be done to help men. Helping men is a taboo in the West, it's seen as oppression. So, marriage will die at some point.
Men who are married live longer and kids do better when both parents live in the home
Need help?"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ ""
All you need to do is message Cyberhack037 gmail^com or VIA ++16812384007 am directly pointing at he was able to recover my account and help me get into my cheat spouse phone with ease kindly message if you have similar issues he's tested and trusted.,.
Need help?"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """ ""
All you need to do is message Cyberhack037 gmail^com or VIA ++16812384007 am directly pointing at he was able to recover my account and help me get into my cheat spouse phone with ease kindly message if you have similar issues he's tested and trusted..,
Its up to women to fix this one.
Ladies. Step up.
I laughed very hard at those so-called "statistics". Yeah sure when marriage rates were high, the world was known to be a completely happy place where everybody was well-educated, healthy and respecting each other… Some people really need to stop living in their silly dreams.
This video is a joke! Nowhere in the video does it explain the actual costs of marriage for men: divorce. The family courts are deadly against men and consequently, men have wised up. Would anyone bother to explain to me why I would listen and give my life to a shrieking millennial effinist who can (thanks to "no fault") annual the marriage anytime and take away half my income, pension and kick me out of my house? Sorry, Heritage Foundation, you can take your "marriage advertisement" to the Monday morning trash pick up. In today's world, I dare to assess that half the women are not marriage material (heck, even a lot of "strong independent women don't even WANT to get married). You want to talk about "studies" and "statistics"? I am familiar with that concept. Half the marriages end in divorce and about two thirds are initiated by women (whether or not for good reason). And then the men are taken to the cleaners aka divorce court. A mistake avoided is victory. So more men stay single. And they are doing fine financially. Thank you for reading. To each their own…respectfully
feminism must end
I want to live with America that loves me and loves it and we live happily
Marriage is nice after 45 age I’m bad luck can’t find one
I agree with a lot of what she said in the video. Why didn’t she talk about the 50% divorce rate though? And how women almost always benefit in divorces especially when there are children involved? I wouldn’t get legally married in the US it’s a trap!
So, according to this video if everyone got married the world will have no poverty, no drug problems, no health problems and everyone will be well educated and have a great job. However, how did we reach this point of low marriage rates if we started out with higher marriage rates? LOL.
Have you guys meet ALABI THE GREAT SPELL CASTER he helped me get back my ex wife
Have you guys meet ALABI THE GREAT SPELL CASTER he helped me get back my ex wife
Can faith, family, and personal sacrifice can heal our nation? In American Restoration, Tim Goeglein and Craig Osten examine every aspect of American culture and offer a roadmap to national and spiritual renewal. WATCH their talk at Heritage, here: https://youtu.be/z-8wSADjHeg