America’s Biggest Issues: Religious Freedom
The first amendment to the United States constitution begins, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” Fast forward almost 250 years and religious freedom is one of the most pressing issues in American culture today.
The Heritage Foundation’s Genevieve Wood takes a look at some of the concerns surrounding this debate and how, ultimately, everyone benefits from religious freedom.
View more: https://www.heritage.org/religious-liberty/heritage-explains/religious-freedom-whats-stake-if-we-lose-it
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The problem is that one particular religion wants to RULE
So do you know that in the Jewish Talmud, it says that a woman should have an abortion if the pregnancy is threatening her physical or MENTAL health? It clearly states that Jews are obligated to give the woman an abortion if either the physical or mental health of that woman is in danger in any way as a result of that pregnancy. So anti-abortion laws are in direct violation of the 1st amendment rights of freedom of religion for all Jews. Maybe ONLY Christians should NOT be allowed to have an abortion then? Do you or do you NOT believe in religious freedom for ALL religions? In 2010, only 15% of the US were Atheists….In 2023, 32% (almost 1/3) of the US are Atheists. That is a LOT of the population! Over 90% of Atheists are pro-choice. So what about the religious freedom of the Atheists in this country? Or do they not count as citizens?
Great presentation. A pity the viewer is distracted by the disturbing loud background humming and banging noise. As usual, if it is found necessary to add music [which in nearly all cases can be conveniently dispensed with] the tone, noise, style, volume and touch must merge seamlessly with the content. If this can’t be properly worked out, better turn off and shut the noise up.
There is no such thing of Religious Freedom in America. Catholics can't have Sanctuary, Mormons can't practice Piligamy, and Muslims can't have multiple wives. But you can marry same sex, have legal prostitution & drugs in some states.
You've got it! The founding idea is that christians are TOLERATED. They don't get to rule others. They only get tolerated. America welcomes christians and tolerates them. 🇺🇸
I'll tell you what religious freedom is. It's the biggest war the world has ever seen. Look at the words. Its not saying all religions need to be treated equally not even close. There is only one religion that existed at the time that needed to be separate from government but at the same time needed free expression everywhere. It is the baptsts. . But James Madison didn't want to do it. He wanted to establish an occult democracy. This is a democracy that needs the help of pagan gods to exist. To make a long story short James Madison is called to the home of a baptist minister in Virginia John Leland. As it turns out John Leland has James Madison over a barrel and it's necessary for the founder to cut a deal. That's where the 1st amendment is from. It is written for the sake of the baptists. DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW HUGE THAT IS
That they wished to escape religious persecution was a made-up excuse, mediocre or less fortunate people trying to have a good social image. It was not a good time, to come inhabit this land. Many became of Perdition in fact, over this- the Pilgrims became Sons of Perdition, because they had in Europe murdered, especially certain clergymen of the popular, established Church, chiefly due to jealousy over their popularity and success. Becaused they shed blood for gain, the Revolutionaries also all went to Perdition. Poor people, with a curse from birth, there was no place they could become well to do or wealthy; this curse made them odious to the Europeans,and prevented success. Making a flag, obtaining possession of the land through the most Forbidden means of murder and war; at the same time, deceiving a great many people that they were "following God", all of whom so compacting, calling themselves Americans, were for at least a century or two automatically damned. The Curse on that flag basically an Eternal Curse, no one so compacting could have The Spirit, or Sacred Spirit, making Religion here all in vain. Neither could Yoga be had. Neither Personal Power, Race Blessing and Energy… not surest Redemption and Salvation. As remedial, Celtic Redemption is the only Religion possible; first the revolution must be renounced, all similation forsaken; the names America and U.S.A. also must be forsaken- for Nova Scotia or Alba Nuadh is best. Cease to be deceived, there exists no Race called American, a Deception of a False Prophet, through which many, even Elect, have been deceived. Also False Prophecy would want people to believe that was the right way to create a new flag. It is more an issue of a Miasm, than a curse perhaps, to rid selves of the English language would need to be forsaken; for Scots Gaelic is best. This land. Ireland, and others, are attributed or assigned under hierarchical Scotland, in other words Celtic. It became fully so when the English Sign or Channel was permanently removed from the planet, long ago; all of the English or Frisian race destroyed and sent to a punishment… Only by addressing and revising, modifying Basic issues is true betterment possible. Lands where people have no Race Blessing nor Energy are called Tedehed in ancient Celtic…
Both the left and right need to read the Constitution.
As long as you are not one of these morons who believes that the earth is only 6000 years old believe whatever you want.
But when your “beliefs” go against all scientific fact then you are an idiot and should not be either listened to or trusted.
Ok cool. And now what if that government starts making laws and shoving one religion on an entire country? 😒
There is a way to solve this problem but many people on both sides of the political divide don't want to solve it because perpetuating the problem perpetuates donations to their political "war chests".
The solution is to define "religion" the way I think it was understood before the Bill of Rights was ratified, i.e. Religion is the sum of those beliefs, practices and prohibitions that pertain to a person's concept of the highest powers of the universe.
Theists think the highest powers of the universe include a God or gods or/and a supernatural adversary. Humanists think human beings are the highest form of life and, therefore, the highest power in the universe.
If a person's choices in the marketplace of ideas are based on reason alone, it is "reasonable" (pardon the pun) to try to legislate those ideas. Everyone, however, has some concept of what the highest powers of the universe are, so attempts to legislate ethics becomes reasonable only when the people attempting to pass legislation can stop arguing from their religious perspectives.
I'm aware that dictionaries and thesaurus equate morality and ethics but, in actual usage (in the United States), most people use the word, "morality", to refer to behavior standards derived from a God or gods while most people use the word, "ethics", to refer behavior standards based on reason. For that reason, I always vote against any legislation that is promoted as "the moral thing to do", even when I agree that whatever it is might actually be "the moral thing to do".
The Roman Catholic Pontiff…has set up a committee to look into separating the Mafia from the Chruch, amidst revelations of 'Miraculous money' in the hallways of the Vatican. And this is one of the more honest faiths….so why is the governments all around the world giving tax exemptions to criminal organisations…that even with known paedophile connections are allowed near education and its funding!
What you think claiming you believe in lepricorns, tooth fairies or magic gods and talking snakes should make you special?
But where does it stop? If a transperson stops at the only gas station on a long interstate does that business have the religious prerogative to deny that person the ability to buy gasoline and water?
No one is telling the gas station attendant he has to HAVE a sex change. It doesn’t interfere with his ability to pray, worship or believe god it’s simply expecting him to respect members of his society with common decency and not allow his personal bigotry to manifest in outward discrimination.
How is “religion” defined?
Freedom of religion has been perverted to include involuntary inductrination of minors see Lester rolloff schools . That beat and tortured young girls into compliance with the ifb
Jesus is the only way…. Freedom of religion allows Paganism and Satan worship…it’s Why the Masons (Illuminati) made sure it was in the Constitution….Be wary my brothers and sisters… ✌🏽🙏🏽 explains a lot what’s going on now in these dark times….
I left Islam when I read the Qur’an and the biography of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam
Now I live in Iraq and I can't talk about it even with my family I might be killed, and society will reject me, it's very difficult for me
and many Arabs leave Islam every day, but they cannot announce that because they may be killed and of course society rejects them
The people of what was once the “Free World” are not just losing their freedom of speech.
They are losing the right to inquire, the right think for themselves, and the right to converse with others.
One wonders how long it will be before we see the Gulag re-established in the West,
First with their “re-education camps” for dissenters, which would be a virtual dragnet for Christians, and Jews.
Well, didn’t Jesus forewarn us about this in the Olivet Discourse?
Perhaps those Bible prophecy “nuts” are not quite so crazy after all.
American are ppl with no history or culture. They don’t know anything about religions.
This video is a joke. There is no religious freedom in US.
Why can't people stop scrutinizing others for their religion
But not to discriminate
Crooked elections.
This should be shown to all students and to all of congress. I think they have veered off in a different direction.
How religous freedom should be: "sorry, i cant say that because of my religion".
How it should NOT be (and how some people see it): "hey, you CANT say that because of MY religion"
The baking a cake versus printing service anology is a poor one. It is a major part of a cake shop's service to bake cakes for weddings. If they can not provide that service for all weddings they should not be in the business. However, it is a very minor part of a printing company to print flyers for an anti gay marriage meeting. In fact it is extremely unlikely any printing company would ever get be given a job like this. This makes the analogy very poor.
Seems like you are saying people with different core values but being dishonest about it
You described religion as people’s core values. You then went on to describe non-religious people. There are people with no core values?
Freedom OF religion IS one of the best ideas the founding fathers ever implemented.🇺🇸👍
Except when you use religion as a convenient excuse to explain away any heinous number of acts. Honestly you could make a pretty decent argument that allows child molestation is a religious belief and a court would buy it
2:51 Germany, Sweden and France in a nutshell.
If only religions cared as much about divorce as some do about marriage.
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