America’s Biggest Issues: Welfare
When President Lyndon Johnson launched his War on Poverty in the 1960s, he pledged to eliminate poverty in America. But more than five decades, several welfare programs, and $25 trillion later, the welfare system has largely failed the poor.
The Heritage Foundation’s Genevieve Wood explains that the United States currently spends about a trillion dollars a year on over 90 different federal, state, and local welfare programs. Yet around 12 percent of Americans are still considered poor.
We are clearly spending a lot of money so why do we still have such a high poverty rate?
View more: https://www.heritage.org/poverty-and-inequality/heritage-explains/how-fight-the-war-poverty
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We pay taxes to the STATE who discerns PRIORITIES and organizes services.
It's NOT about poverty, but about fundamental rights and common sense!
That's what the Constitution is all about.
Look at OTHER better organized countries!
There will always be a polarized tug of war between the PRIVATE and the PUBLIC in capitalist countries.
Let the rich pay more if they want exclusive treatment. No problem!
Stop raising the cost of living or increase the minimum wage. There's no reason why a three-bedroom home made out of the cheapest material should cost more than a quarter of a million to almost half of a million dollars.
In NY no one gets anything unless you are a heroin addict with a specific skin color.
im rich af but ill never move to the US because it has no social security net. i dont wanna be walking around knowing literally anyone could be one paycheck from starvation. people do crazy things when they’re desperate.
Why do the numbers seem to show republican/conservative states have more people on welfare, when those "leaders" and/or mentality state anti big-governemt?
This is propagandistic nonsense
This is a capitalism problem, welfare is merely a bandaid.
Most people don't take advantage of generosity in times of need but more can be done on the govts part to protect from criminal activity within those programs. Food, water, shelter and medical care are life necessities and should be ensured for all needy citizens. Also, food doesn't mean a 5 star restaurant, water doesn't mean wine, shelter doesn't mean a 5 bedroom house, and medical care isn't a sex change operation.
The welfare hurts the poor the most. Safety net is to save workers but not a net to catch fish for the rich. Stupid welfare system is causing racism and poverty.
Welfare and congress need term limits. People make welfare a career
Welfare should be about self-sufficiency. Give programs to help people to become self-sufficient and marry and raise families in a stable home. We need to incentivize those who work.
Welfare, child support laws, and divorce laws are destroying America at its foundation. Welfare killed the black community. And it’s destroying women right now as we speak.
Both of the ideas suggested are already in place and were at the time this video was released. This video is highly misleading.
Look up the man in the house rule.
Another attempt at the "welfare" system? How totally comical! Another merry go round ride of the same arguments for/against or how to fix it, without any concrete viable action towards fixing anything at all, as before.
Thank you so much for this video!!
It’s time we end welfare ! We can make America great again ! Everyone works, end welfare, defund it and let it spend itself out.
I believe there is some reason to what she says. Where is there even a marriage tax!? However I am not in favor of pushing single mothers to work. That just prima facie does not seem right. Though, if the argument is expanded, it could convince me and probably some other people otherwise.
I don't look at whether or not welfare works or not, or if it really does lift the poor out of poverty. What I do look at, however, is the morality of welfare. And I've come up with the conclusion that welfare is immoral. Chairty is personal, and it should be kept that way. Some people donate a small portion of their income to chartiable causes, some other more chartiable people might donate a large portion of their income, and some might donate none at all. Whatever the case may be, it is simply individuals choosing what to do with their own money, according to their own free will.
Welfare on the other hand removes that free will, and forces people to pay into the system under the threat of violence, making it extortion. It doesn't matter if the individual doesn't want the government actively stealing money from them, even if the money goes to a "good" cause, and it also doesn't matter if the individual does not want an insurance policy, the government forces them to pay into products and services that they do not wish to use, and never will use. This is the immorality of welfare, forced chairty. Forced chairty and forced insurance is what the welfare state is. There is an ongoing theft that must be stopped.
Welfare was an insidious plan to control people. It was the innocent enough name put on the cage designed to trap the dregs of society into dependency. They knew it would disincentivize productivity. Proof of that lies in the Moynihan Report and the actual response to it. Did anyone question whether "welfare" discouraged work and penalized marriage? NOPE! It seems like the Moynihan Report was scorned for saying the quiet part out loud (the report wasn't intended to be made public anyway). And what was the effect of welfare on society? It's as evident as the signs of addiction to any drug; a diminished self or individual spirit, stagnation of the mind, a squandered potential for a self-actualization and dependence on the dealer.
Get rid of all freeloader programs. Start starving them off make them pay like responsible ppl have to
Child support too, all these women get 500-600 dollars in food stamps (alone) and that isn't included in your support order, also (section 8 vouchers) so women pay about 120 dollars for a house where the asking was 1,000 dollars per month in rent so non custodial parents live out of their car like me and work full time so that my x can get 2,100 dollars a month for two kids with (fake) disabilities ADHD/bipolar and stamps for a 3rd kid which is about 500 in stamps and 120 dollars in wick and all utilities are nearly free because of other welfare programs and the tax break she gets for 3 dependents and head of household is over 15,000 dollars! So all the boomer assholes can tell me (shouldn't of had kids) welp I guess have fun with the crumbling infrastructure, the dwindling social security that you pay into which will not follow inflation even now or even close so we will have a growing population of homeless senior citizens thanks to all the waste and we have working class people commuting to work for nearly free since the 92 billion dollars was taken from fuel subsides and given to people with kids at a rate of 1,500 hundred dollars more (per dependent) so if you're a selfish ignorant mother fxcker who doesn't care about anyone else but yourself or what is right then I guess you can continue to suffer the consequences of living in a bankrupt country your entire life with a deteriorating standard of living for everyone except all of the trash!
There was so much left out of this video. The conversation is much more nuisances than a 3 minute video. This almost felt like one of those misleading PragerU video. Or as I like to call them. PropagandaU. But like I said. There is so much left out. Like jobs and inflation. I’m a firm believer in the fact people will work if they can see an outcome that will benefit them greater than being on welfare. I agree people don’t need to rely on the government, but if I gotta work three 3 jobs to not get by, then what’s the point? People are gonna choose welfare every-time. And until conservative allow us to address the corruption of large corporations who are the continuous thorn in America’s side, nothing will change.
Need to stop giving benefits to able body low lives in this country. That include 304's who can't keep their closed.
I think investing in public education would help lift people out of poverty.
I don't agree that marrige is that
Welfare to work had some value, but was wiped. I think by Obama. School vouchers worked in DC. Teachers union wrote a letter to Obama. Guess what?
goddamn commies
Are you talking about the hundred of billions of dollars giving to Wall Street? No, you're not, because you're okay with that kind of welfare.
Marriage is most stupid financial decision. Spend money on wedding & then on Divorce. Most people are fine without it. On top having kids super expensive. No income or little income & on top having kids, how much stupid has to understand this simple math.
You give a mouse a cookie…
Neither my sons, nor I are on Welfare. That doesn't mean we are not poor.
I agree with everything in this video
Here I am post YouTube dislikes: Is this a video of complete BS? I have no idea. Thanks YouTube
What exactly is the Heritage Foundation doing to help poverty as Christians are doing really nothing at all.
This problem will never be solved because more efficient universal programs will never be allowed due to the red scare that has been perpetuated in this country. While current "means-tested" programs provide incentives against getting married or getting a job while simultaneously increasing government beauracracy.
My motto from day one is, if you are not disabled and you are an able body with or with out children and need help making ends meet, and request government assistance should be employed, in school and/or in some type of work program to qualify for assistance. In all of you need government assistance you need to contribute to the society, it’s not fare that these people are taking are our tax payers dollars.
In the United States of America there are only two types of poverty. Poverty number one are those who are born into the hardship, which includes the mentally ill, and makes it very difficult to break the cycle. Poverty number two are those who choose to be poor. For example those who choose not to get married in order to take advantage of the governmental programs or those who just simply are too lazy to get an education in order to earn more money or don't want to work or find a job only to abuse the unemployment benefits.
what I do not completely understand IF the majority of working poor (like myself) would rather WORK 4 welfare, 75% of americans, regardless of race, would rather
work than receive the government hand-out, why not eliminate welfare and use the money spent on it to INCREASE the minimum wage. I am sorry, I thought america
was not a socialist state. Could u just imagine, If are elections are also controlled at the same time. There are several democracies throughout the world were they
do not give their populous money for having children they can not afford. America does have abortion and Catholics/Christians do have confession. go figure
trump gave 750 billion a year. Obama gave 1 trillion a year. welfare is cut-off after three kids. do the math? 83% of homicides, sexual assaults, attempted murders, arm robberies, etc are caused by a felon who is from a mom on welfare. IF u eliminated welfare in america (abortion is legal) america could raise the minimum wage by $5 to $10 dollars respectively. But u would also have less judges, cops, correction officers, attorneys and so many jobs associated with the criminal justice system.
What about them who cant work?
Welfare should only be activated in emergency situations, like a pandemic or natural disasters or war. Most of these people work but get paid in cash and hide the father living in the home. Trust me, I know, I work in the system.
Neither are my sons.
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