Amnesty Will Only Add “Fuel to the Fire” of the Border Crisis | Chad Wolf on OAN
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined One America News, Thursday, March 18, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, why offering amnesty to millions will only worsen the border crisis, and why we need to enforce our laws.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddPYMy2BzlA
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I believe with all these people rushing in will cause the United States will become a 3rd world country. They are running from theirs and causing our freedoms of life will as the ones they came from . Our Government is causing this radical problem .
Ugh!..The leftist demons are filthy..They deliberately set policies that allow coyotes and cartels to use children at the border for profits..
The only question is whether these leftists are stupid or very good liars..
Ugh!… .
The GOP politician wants to allow illegal UFO's to stay in order to block illegal UFO's from arriving here and staying… 🤨 That's an absurd contradiction and it is counterintuitive…