An Arab Muslim in the Israeli Army | 5 Minute Video
Why would an Arab Muslim serve in the Israeli military? Because he, like many Israeli Arabs, proudly defend the nation that has given them freedom and opportunity. Mohammad Kabiya, Israeli Air Force reservist, shares his remarkable story.
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I am an Arab. I am a Muslim. And I love my country. In fact, I’m prepared to die for it. Which is why I serve in its army.
I don’t have to do this. I want to do this. Because my country is a special place, unlike any other.
Free. Diverse. Vibrant.
Yet, other countries—countries not so free, not so diverse—call for my country’s complete destruction. The moment my country lets its guard down, it will be destroyed.
My country is Israel.
I grew up and still live in a small village named after my family’s Bedouin Arab tribe. Our roots in this land run deep.
In 1948, when Arab armies invaded the new state of Israel, my family thought of leaving our village. Some of them did. But when the Jews’ leaders heard that, they implored us to remain. “This is our country, for both Arabs and Jews,” they said. “Stay, and we will work together to build it.”
My family stayed. My parents were born here, made their lives here, started their own family here—in Israel.
In 2002, I was a teenager. It was a violent time. Palestinian suicide bombers were blowing up Israeli civilians—a danger to Arabs and Jews alike. Israeli troops entered to the West Bank to stop them at their source. As a result, many Palestinians were killed.
I was torn. Whose side was I on, I thought: Israel’s or the Palestinians’? Is it possible to be an Arab and an Israeli? The question became even more difficult when I saw men from my own village wearing the uniform of the Israeli army. Only Jews are required to serve in the military. No one forced these Arab men to join; they chose to. “Why?” I asked them.
“Our home is here, in Israel,” they said. “Our home is under attack. Our neighbors in this home are Jews. They are being attacked. We fight together.”
Still, I struggled.
I went to high school in Nazareth. There, unlike the village where I grew up, most of the Arab students identified as Palestinians even though they are citizens of Israel.
Some of the students—my friends—hated Israel. They couldn’t understand me. “You’re a Palestinian”, they said, “so you must hate Israel.” When I said that I didn’t, that we had far more freedom and opportunity than Arabs anywhere in the Middle East, they called me a traitor.
After high school, I went on to study electrical engineering at Technion, a leading Israeli university. During my first semester, heavy rocket fire from Gaza forced Israel to launch a counterattack.
Not long after the war began, I witnessed a group of Arab-Israeli students expressing their solidarity with Hamas, the Palestinian terror organization that controls Gaza and is committed to Israel’s violent destruction.
Did these students not understand that those rockets could just as easily be aimed at them? Hamas didn’t care who they killed as long as they landed inside the borders of Israel. Had my fellow Arab students forgotten that Israel had left Gaza a few years before? That there wasn’t a single Israeli living there?
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/arab-muslim-israeli-army

what is the state of israel? it does not exist such thing
EVERYBODY needs to hear this guy’s story
Father help Israel with this Satanic cult amen
God bless you and all the Arab heroes who are fighting in 2024 to kp us safe
He's too arab until his pronounciation is aghab not arab 😂😂😂.
The British wanted us to kill one another, but we stand together against the Woke Hamas mind virus
If Palestinians were smart and made sense like you, and could make good choices for themselves, Palestinians would spend more effort to develop their country rather than keep thinking killings their neighbors ( not only Israel, Hamas and terrorism is cancer that definitely spread out).
When I talked about the Arab Muslim soldiers in the Israel army to my dad, He got mad at me and left dinner table. He never wanted to admit.
Whew. For a second I was worried this was the man, Ahmad Abu Latif, also an Arab in the IDF, who was killed today.
May God bless him.
You are a fake Muslim and a fake Arab and the reason you joined the Israeli army is money, stop lying
God bless you sir!
Wow, what a hero. He single handidly improved my opinion of Muslims.
This is zio propaganda. It's part of the zionist colonial enterprise of deracinating Palestinians. Shame! Some Jews also helped the Nazis. Doesn't mean you make a video about this deplorable type of person.
From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free
Very relevant to this day
Interesting! Here in the United States, it seems to me that the majority of the people who "protest" our government's policies are intent on either blowing things (or/and people) up or using inflammatory rhetoric to incite others to violence.
If "protesters" in Israel AREN'T doing that, that's great. I agree that people should be free to express their opinions. But what is there about protesters in Israel that prevents them from committing arson and theft in the name of "protest"?
❤just magnificent ❤
God bless this man!
Reminds me of why I support PragerU financiallly.
I have seen him on i24 news. I thought how brave and smart he must be. Now I see him in with new eyes and a new heart. After October 7 I see him as so much more than a smart Arab. I hat i feel for him I can’t put into my words. My tear must say what can not with my words.
This is an honorable man who will not allow base tribalism to cloud his vision. May his number increase. Thank you.
See… He nailed it…
Thank you for your story.
What a beautiful gem of a human being. My utmost respect. A true Israeli, if I ever saw one.
Yes, its very clear he’s an Arab from his accent.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
This prager vid should have a movie based on it. Rewatching from 2023 post 7/10
It's really WILD that you are allowed to wave a PALESTINE flag in Israel and show your support for Hamas without fear of anything happening to you. It saddens and sickens me that anyone could hate the country that you enjoy so much freedom in and have full citizenship rights. Can anyone wave the star of David in any country in the middle east?
Thank you for making this video. This answered my question on why Arabs in Israel army. It’s eye-opening. Never knew of this fact.
Thank you for your testimony. You are a integre, good, intelligent and courageous human being. Take care of your home. Many of us are with you Israelite people. You will prevail and get back your peace.