Anger Management | 5 Minute Video
Do you struggle to control your anger? Are you the victim of someone who loses their temper? When you feel angry, controlling that rage is very difficult–but it’s possible. And Joseph Telushkin, a rabbi and best-selling author, shares one simple, doable rule that may just save the relationships of those who take it seriously.
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Do you wish you had better control over your temper? Do the people around you, your spouse, your friends, your boyfriend or girlfriend, your children, wish you had better control over your temper?
Unfair or excessive anger is a major cause of marital strife, of tensions between parents and children, and of tensions in work places. Sometimes anger is responsible for more than just tension. “Road rage,” for example, is implicated in hundreds of deaths and thousands of accidents each year.
Of course, anger is not always wrong. Sometimes it’s absolutely necessary. There is evil in the world and sometimes in our own lives. If that didn’t make us angry, neither nations nor individuals would ever oppose it. Think about it for a moment: Would you want to live in a world where no one except victims felt anger toward terrorists, rapists and murderers?
But that’s not the sort of anger I am talking about now. I’m talking about day-to-day anger and the role an angry disposition plays in poisoning our daily lives and the lives of those around us. People with quick tempers sometimes say that they can’t control their anger. But that’s not true. People can’t always control how they feel, but they can almost always control how they act.
Let me offer an example: Imagine you’re walking down the street when suddenly you’re confronted by a person with a weapon demanding your money. Clearly, you’re furious. But do you shout at the person? Do you curse him? Very unlikely. You speak in as calm a voice as you can, probably even in a respectful manner — if you speak at all! We all know why we would act in such a calm way — in order to save our life. Obviously, then, we can control our tempers when we really want to.
Now there are whole courses on “anger management” and they undoubtedly have many ideas and suggestions. But I would like to offer one rule that will enable you to control your anger and almost guarantee that you will never say something that will lead to an irrevocable break or a permanent hurt in your relationship with another person: No matter how angry you get, restrict the expression of your anger to the incident that provoked it.
This means when someone has done something wrong and has hurt you, express anger for what they did – but only concerning that incident . Don’t use words like “always,” or “never.” “You’re always inconsiderate,” “You never think before you act.” What’s the other person supposed to say? “You’re right. I am always inconsiderate.” In addition to making the other person defensive — who wouldn’t become defensive when accused of always being anything bad — your statement is untrue. No one is always inconsiderate. No one never thinks before he or she acts.
That someone has done something wrong to you doesn’t give you the right to lie to or about them.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/anger-management

Anger is a human emotion, but what you do with it matters! It is ok to get angry, but place your anger within the context – Do not project on others and the environment around you because you are not resolving your anger. Anger is a human emotion that needs attention when it occurs, and needs resolution – hopefully as soon as is possible. Thank you for sharing this video on anger.
Thank you
I did what the doctor said in this video
And now it is much easier to deal with my older brother and sister
❤thank you
What if I can't stand where I live but my family wants to live here.
I hate the heat but everyone I know and love want to live in seat…
I burned my pinky cooking yesterday and jumped, scattering crumbled cheese all over. Painted the air blue with profanity despite my intentions. Very frustrating!
Soooooo another words…..don't ever get angry at the situation that upsets you? This shows the intelligence and how much this man knows what he is talking about. He must have no opinion on built/pent up anger/rage. Wonder what would have caused it….gee George idk
Anger is a choice. Happiness is a choice.
I get angry with my co- worker for dragging me into their problems, after, I get home, I listen to my music
i wanna beat the heck out of everyone but after watching this video i feel at peace
I was waiting for this video to become another canned narrative about blaming the left for everything
I only get angry at myself tho
righteous indignation is anger (good anger) at someone else's hurt, while a big EGO can magnify anger for no good reason and bring on more trouble than ever expected
I am blind and I also have autism and I used to have a foul temper but I had to learn to control it and it absolutely frustrates me when people especially those with disabilities are not taught to control their anger
Saying they have a disability is no excuse I also have a disability multiple disabilities in fact and I still had to learn to control my anger
Yes I still get frustrated and I still get angry but I have learnt to control it and at least try to channel it in a different way
Was it easy
Of course not
It’s not meant to be easy but it still has to be done
I sometimes have instinctual anger which I don’t think I can control
Technically I'm not an angry person but it's all the drama of when people use you for a stupid person and when you confront them about it you can't help but to be angry, now your upset and it reflects back on you so people see you in that way, I don't believe that I was the problem just other people got you there and that cycle seems to continue that makes you a bad person extra
So a trick I've used for years to prevent road rage. I PLAN in advance to have at least 3 reason to either have to hit my brakes, or make an adjustment for the other guy. First of all, it 's almost never on purpose, but rather a absent mildness mistake, so why should I get all heated about it. So when the inevitable happens, I simply say out loud to myself "One". Amazingly—-I've never gotten past 3, and I've prevented myself from getting angry about what was most likely an honest mistake.
If you've stuffed up with words, only improvement in actions can save and redeem you. There's no guarantees of success, but that's your best bet.
This guy wrote the book "Jewish Literacy"
Emotional freedom means not letting someone control your emotions. Be in control of your emotions.
I’m here Bcz I’m doing PSHE
Useful advice 👍
I mean honestly. Why do people hate PragerU videos.
There is a very similar rule spoken in programming (a bit more situational): during a code review: attack the code, not the person.
Nice information but doesn’t help if you dont have a filter
My teacher just showed me this video-
I don't believe what I'm about to say, but I liked this PragerU vid!
"No matter how angry you get, restrict the expression of that anger to the incident that provoked it."
"I can take back words i didn't say, but i can't take back words i did say."
Who else has this for PD or PSHE work
Any one watching this on pshce?
I juz love to throw shoes chair anything ibroom at my husbands nose infidelity alcohol hobless issues
i agree you need to express it
But as he said, there’s righteous anger which is important. This is not a sin, and since there is so much sin in the world it might be difficult not to get angry with those sins. Being angry with sins is no sin!
Anger=/=fear though.
Angry white men, who usually watch content from this fake universisty, need to learn that. Don't get mad because you're losing your whit priviledge.
Nah i am going to keep it inside and die with all the ampt up anger