“Animal Rights” Movement Exposed by Cavalry Group’s Mindy Patterson
In this interview with Liberty Sentinel’s Alex Newman, Cavalry Group President Mindy Patterson exposes the dark side of the “animal rights” movement.
Among other concerns, she explains how efforts supposedly aimed at protecting animals are really about waging war on freedom, private property rights, ranchers, individual liberty, and more.
Toward the end, Patterson also explains what she saw in terms of mass migration while going through Minnesota.
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This lady is lying. Small family farms are the way to go. They are not being targeted. FACTORY farming is being targeted and when they can no longer abuse animals for profit, small family farms will thrive.
AND SHE LOST MY SUPPORT WHEN SHE STARTED LYING ABOUT INSURGENCY AND HOW TRUMP IS A HERO.. peta is the devil. migrant workers have ALWAYS worked at chicken farms because they are paid piece meal not hourly. The answer to that isn't love trump its grow your own chickens and eggs. FARM. organize a community social and get to know your new neighbors because that is the right fucking thing to do!!! "I drive rural areas so I know whats going on in the world." Apparently she doesn't know whats going on in Somalia or she would be hugging their necks and saying "Glad you made it to AMERICA! My people were immigrants too!" Cause she doesn't look the least bit Lakota to me. She mashed 5 different issues into this interview. They all need repair. Starting with how we treat each other and ending with how our children will treat our neighbors children. She is going to be in a nursing home someday and if her nurse is Somalian and sees this how do you think she will be treated? Like an Enemy or a neighbor?
Peta puts down pets, core to their mission is that YOUR PETS would be better of dead than living as a pet. PETA has a really aggressive misinformation campaign that specifically targets youth with a 'save the animals' message without donating to conservation efforts (in-situ or ex-situ) or doing anything to actually help animals
The animal rights movement is terrifying.
Last year, according to a bill they were trying to pass, if they would have checked my property, all of my animals would have been seized because I had a 23 year old cat who was sick but under veterinary care, and two sick, starving ferals I picked up who were also under veterinary care.
Think on that. All of them seized because of a 23 year old animal and recently caught animals who were dying when I caught them. Not because I was doing anything wrong, but because they were on my property.
I'm all for animal welfare. I have a homestead because I want to know my animals have good lives. I am fully against animal rights or anyone who will condemn anyone else without knowing the facts.
The typical pet owner would be astounded what we see. People having pets stolen right out of Shelters before an owner can claim by rescues.. Vets pressuring owners to surrender pets just by their word, without option of a 2nd opinion- or threats of animal police if you don't.
Targeted raids pushed by those seeking to sell others goods.. and more..
There is no such thing as Animal Rights Activists. They are Animal Rights Terrorists.
The United States of America is no more, the land of freedom.
"The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution." These animal right clowns need to be exposed and ridiculed.