Anti-American E.U. Just Wants to Appease China | Nile Gardiner on Fox News Rundown
Nile Gardiner joined the “Fox News Rundown: Global Pandemic” podcast, Wednesday, July 1, to talk about the latest from Europe, the European Union’s efforts to appease China while antagonizing the U.S., and the various approaches to confronting the coronavirus European nations and the U.S. have adopted.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRWLg12nJrU&t=56s
Nile Gardiner is Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom. His key areas of specialization include: the Anglo-American “special relationship,” the United Nations, post-war Iraq , and the role of Great Britain and Europe in the U.S.-led alliance against international terrorism and “rogue states,” including Iran.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/nile-gardiner-phd
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Illustration: Getty Images/The Heritage Foundation

The EU is on it's last legs
With a Marxist former East German as chancellor of Germany i,m not surprised. Since the early 90,s universities ,schools and governments are being infiltrated by left-wing radicals. The EU itself is antidemocratic and hated by many citizens in the different European States.
yankies go home! 🇷🇸
You know its bad, when even your own fans are dropping dislikes
China FM is visiting Europe to enforce China’s divide and rule policy, establish Chinese as one of the official languages in EU and remind EU that by falling out of line will definitely stop financing from China’s deep pockets. Most important for China is to ensure that Noble Prize Committee does not, by mistake, award a Peace Prize to someone from Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong or Taiwan.
As an european : it's not à political descision, we don't hate America !
China has controle the epidemie and maintain their effort against a second wave.
This is absolutly not the case in America where the epidemie still increase.
So yes, it's a health descision.
Don't forget that in march, you banned EU travelers enterring in USA but for you that were normal.
Now, we do the same but we hate you ?
Bruh !
EU is a liberal globalistic plan to destroy the peoples of Europe.Eu might be anti-American but a lot of us Europeans aren't.Greeting's to my American brothers and sisters from Bosnia.God bless the United States of America and the American people.TRUMP2020
Sadly america continues to be blamed for coronavirus..saying our military planned this coronavirus to spread it. Now EU has banned America its really time to get petition to sign to pull out all Americans living in Europe who are military families to get out of europe come home to u.s. and stop all relations with foreign countries all trade and communications too.once all Americans are back home we need to be on Military alert for enemy from china and north Korea. Since China has gotten hold of Europeans they are bowing down to China are now enemies of the united states i dont trust Europe anymore they are not our friends nor are needed Europeans need to leave the United States close all embassies of europe passenger airlines need to return to Europe and American planes to return to u.s. its waste of money for thier lies, they are in sync with democrats,, liberals, far left and with evil doers of everything
European here, and I totally agree with the analysis. However the US need a strong EU. China has been undermining European solidarity to divide us and make each European country dependent on China signing individual deals. And this is what the EU is now aware to fight against. Also you need to keep in mind the EU itself is not always popular among European citizens, so they can't display a hard stance against China because they feel for their own legitimacy.
The EU is a vital for European geopolitical security. Look to weak divided geo-political regions, like South East Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America to see what happens to weak divided regions. They become proxy battle grounds for the superpowers. The European Union has ensured human rights and freedom across Western Europe, and now Eastern Europe for decades. Enemies of Western security want to beak up the European Union. Enemies of the European people, want to break up Europe.
This is true it’s the US democrats and major countries in Europe that are very deep in China’s pockets but not Australia
I’m curious. Who’s going to benefit from EU- USA divisions ?
This is so dumb. This is exactly NOT a political decision. They look at the number of the infection. That’s why they would allow China and not the US. But China is actually not allowed till China allows Europeans in there countries.
Trump fucked us, fucked us, fucked us and you keep trying to divert the attention away from his incompetence. I've lived through Carter, Regan, the Bushes, Clinton, and Obama all of them faced threats to the citizens of this country and none of them let over 100,000 citizens die. Trump passed the responsibility to lead the response to the threat over to the governors. Anyone that denies this man is not up to the task of the commander & chief is an ignorant piece of shit! I disgusted by my party for supporting this moron! I would vote for a single cell organism before ever voting for our pretend president.
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Name the jew – all the EU does is please Zion
The Eu is an sinking and irrelevant organisation. And weakened further now that the UK has left. A protectionist racket that’s economically oppressing its member states. The Eurocrats only care about lining their own pockets, nothing else….
They are all Globalist. The model they follow is a mirror of CHINA/CCP. If America falls completely to the GLOBALIST. It is gameover for the rest of the world. Full blown communism will take over and well you can guess what that will look like. THINK!