Are 1 in 5 Women Raped at College? | 5 Minute Video
Is it true that 1 in 5 women are raped on America’s college campuses? If so, what does that say about our universities and the people who run them? If not, how did that statistic get into the mainstream? Caroline Kitchens, Senior Research Associate at the American Enterprise Ins
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Are American college campuses “rape cultures?” Are they dangerous places where sexual assaults against women are happening at an alarming rate?
According to many gender activists, academics and politicians, the answer is yes. Here’s what the Vice-President of the United States, Joe Biden, said in 2014.
“We know the numbers: one in five of every one of those young women who is dropped off for that first day of school, before they finish school, will be assaulted, will be assaulted in her college years.”
Let’s take a closer look at the Vice President’s claim.
Rape is a horrific crime, and rapists are rightfully despised. We have strict laws against sexual assault that everyone wants to see enforced. But, while rape is certainly a very serious problem, there is simply no evidence of a national campus rape epidemic, and there’s certainly no evidence that sexual violence is a “cultural norm” in 21st century America. In fact, rates of rape in the US are very low and they’ve been declining for decades. Why would it be any different on a college campus? Where, then, does the 1 in 5 rate that Vice President Biden cites come from?
Well, it turns out it comes from a study conducted over the Internet at two large universities, one in the Midwest and one in the South. The survey was anonymous, no one’s claims were verified and terms were not clearly defined. In round numbers a total of 5,000 women participated. Based on their responses, the authors, not the participants, determined that 1,000 had been victims of some type of “non-consensual or unwanted sexual contact.”
And voila! From one vaguely worded, unscientific survey we suddenly arrive at “a rape culture on college campuses.” Tellingly, the study authors have since explicitly stated that it is “inappropriate” to use their survey to make that claim.
Much more comprehensive data from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) estimates that about 1 in 52.6 college women will be victims of rape or sexual assault over the course of four years. That’s far too many, but it’s a long way from 1 in 5.
The same BJS data also reveal that women in college are safer from rape than college-aged women who are not enrolled in college.
But the truth doesn’t serve the purposes of feminist activists or vote-seeking politicians. Lies work much better. And the 1 in 5 claim is tantamount to a lie. Here are just a few examples of what this lie has wrought.
At Scripps College, Pulitzer-Prize winning commentator George Will was disinvited from giving a speech. The reason? He had dared to question the “rape culture” mantra in a column he wrote.
At the all-women Wellesley College, students demanded that the administration remove a campus sculpture of a sleepwalking man wearing only underpants. Why? Well, because the image of a nearly naked male could “trigger” memories of sexual assault for victims.
According to Harvard Law professor, Jeannie Suk, students now ask teachers not to include questions about rape law on exams for fear that such disturbing questions might cause them to perform less well.
And at Brown University, students were so traumatized by a debate on the subject of campus sexual assault that activists organized a “safe room” equipped with coloring books, Play-Doh, calming music, and a video of frolicking puppies.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/are-1-5-women-raped-college

It depends on how you define "rape." A lot of women experience unwanted touching, such as patting on the butt. I know that this is pretty common in High School.
But calling it "rape" with no qualification is indeed a lie.
The other half of it is him saying, she was a jump off or in some way implying complicity or fault in his decision to have casual sexual intercourse. Again he is shielded with the idea she should have known better or been honest with herself. This is why deceit and coercion are included in the concept of rape. A man pretending to want to marry you, you believing him and hi saying I was lying…your a fool is perfectly fine and the same as a man saying I want to have sex do you and you saying yes. Men get protection from this in so many ways and have women burden their elicit behavior if they choose to call her vulgar names. I was called someone who would drop by and have sex….I was never in that position. I started a business and men tried to create scenarios where that could be stated….they are children but everyone applauds them for it…..and again indicated I knew what was going on because he skews the conversation to show complicity….when we have no discussion about this, but he is waiting for the attack that goes on auto pilot if he can get one bit of it to be true…see she did come, we did have sex….so I can say what I want. I wasn’t raped until I was in my 30s, but always dealt with unfounded rumors and always defended women…..I felt 100% safe around men so it was hard to accept some men are hateful, conniving rapist who themselves flat out call their behavior rape were lurking and they would set into motion an attack on me that stands to this day. People while treating me in the way they orchestrated will say I should let it go and accept responsibility. It’s none of their business, and when pressed they would say so as well…yet get themselves heavily and joyfully involved in the take down. They are the wines giving relationships, wanting to look sexy, concentrate efforts to have sex. Yet want to,blame others for not having an enjoyable and consensual experience. It’s their own consequence that he behave badly.
Rape is traumatizing and even more difficult is having to prove it happened. Men are sometimes rewarded for calling out or recognizing a whore. They are applauded for treating certain women like whores. This happens with men and women. They immediately blame her for having loose morals or being too easy. It’s her fault it happened because they avoided it or it simply didn’t happen to them. That’s our society. People collectively act outraged but only under specific circumstances think justice for the victim is fair. Men know this and I’ve actually had the full conversation in each instance of rape. “I’m a man, I can do what I want.” “If you tell people they will think they can do it too.” They learned that they would not face consequences, the more vulgar they are the less consequences they face and the more his behavior is reflected on the women being called names. It can be true or untrue but people will treat you as accused. I went on a date and had a man say that he was surprised I didn’t give a guy fellatio in the parking lot because that is what I would usually do. This men who people might think is Godly said something that was a lie, has never occurred and is not representative of me at all said this. To get a chuckle from friends and to remind them to be offensive toward me. I’m not loose, me cowering or trying to pull away is not me being sexually free or promiscuous. I have no desire and wouldn’t even try to figure out how to,please a man sexually and I receive no pleasure from sex. What these guys learned is that her own account would be discounted as a lie in favor of his account that is a lie…people just like to,be mean and woman want to protect their,standing and use someone as a scapegoat. It’s not me, it’s her…cowards.
Spoiler alert: NO
How about some of these girls lie because of the attention they receive. They have to push this narrative so that all men can be seen as monsters and all women as victims. I wouldn't believe anything coming out of these colleges.
They need this narrative to push toxic masculinity.
If we acknowledge the fallacy of the college rape culture the we might put the feminist rape husselers out of business, and it is a big business profiting off the misery of genuine victims, and they can't have that, they'd have to find an honest hard working job.
Rape and assault and not the same. You’re counting only one number. Assault is defined as a threat or attempt to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person. Most women I know have been assaulted. And rapists SHOULD be brought in front of a panel and charged. And you talking about parents dropping off kids with a 20% rape chance? That can literally happen just walking down the street or going to a park as a woman. On the street, in college, at a bar, club, etc. It is very real. Also the statue is extremely eerily realistic. He looks creepy.
In 1998, I helped move my girlfriend’s niece into a college dorm in Santa Barbara.
I was stunned to see male and female rooms on the same floor with young ladies
prancing down the halls (past me and my GF’s 40-ish year-old brother-in-law) in
their underwear.
In the USAF circa 1980 we at least had to sneak girls into the barracks.
I can only imagine how wild colleges are today. 🤷🏼♂️
serial victims are now mainstream, they look for any situation to exploit
I hate rapists, but I also hate liars because these monsters literally poison the relationship between females and males plus they ruin our society. Both liars and rapists deserve to be punished period.
I’m a man that got raped in my dorm at college. Wound up in jail and dropped out because of it.
the only rape culture is liberal activists DAs who keep letting actual rapists out of jail.
Thank you. When I was in CPE – a program to supposedly train Chaplains – the supervisor had a female student accuse me of being sexually inappropriate to see how I’d respond.
I don't understand why so many people are obsessed with going to college as though its the ONLY way to success?
It's just more demonization of men.
I would hands-down go to that coloring PlayDoh puppy video room any day of the week though!
Before the ending credits of the 1988 film The Accussed, there is a statement that calims that there is a rape in USA every 10 minutes, or some sh…it like that. I read somewhere that the Director make that up, for emotional artistic reasons. But everybody think that is truth.
Most women are getting convinced by feminism that they were rapped…. It's easy even when they made a decision to convince them to feel guilty about it and then move the blame to somebody else by a rape accusation…
here's a thought, women could stop going to college and stop using it as part of their mating strategy. 🤔
God loves you
They left out the #1 date rape drug, alcohol!
I’ve often warned my younger brother about consensual sex with an intoxicated girl could lead to a rape charge! Men, don’t let yourself become a victim to this! Women, don’t drug yourself! Intoxication makes you vulnerable to foul play & rape! Or if you had consensual sex you may not remember & you may think that someone took advantage of you!
0:25 and now he's president.
This makes no sense 1 in 4 women get sexually assaulted attending college. Yet there's more females than males who graduate college. So are 1 in 4 really getting assaulted because they seem content going to college likes it's a friendly environment. I call BS on these rape statistics and rhetoric making all men look bad.
Why am I not surprised Biden had a hand in this..
I bet some who answered yes wish they were raped by some guy they fancy.
sleepy joe
as a male university student… no. Ongoing consent really isn't a complicated concept, and I'm really terrified by the fact that some people don't consider it a prerequisite for any and all sexual activities.
I got accused of rape once. I was halfway across the country in BCT at the time. She didn’t know that and according to her it had happened well after I had left. You can imagine she shut up real quick when she found out I had been in S. Caroline for the last two months.
joe biden was a liar then & a liar now. biden is public enemy #1
The common denominator is drugs and alcohol
The second amendment should be a good hedge against rape.
The exact same data you used from the BJS, also mentions that r*pe is the most unreported crime. That more than 63% do not report it.
Are we going to ignore that most women don’t come forward? So it would be safer to rely on surveys where they feel more comfortable
You clearly didn’t mention that this survey did “seperate” all forms of SA. If you looked at the data, then you would see that physical force of penetration was actually at 1 in 5, unwanted sexual touching was at 1 in 5, and attempted rape was alot higher at 1 in 4.
Look at the unreported
Study Shria laws on rapes. But some think rapist have human rights but rapists have No human rights. Wild Animals deserve Rights Not Rapist.