Are People Born Good? | 5 Minute Video
In our universities, newspapers, and television shows, it is a given that external forces are the cause of crime. If not for poverty, murder and rape would be much lower. If not for racism, America’s inner cities would be far wealthier. So on and so on. At the core of this belief is that people are basically good, and it is society that makes them bad. This notion is simply not true. As Dennis Prager explains in this video, human nature is not basically good. It is not, though, basically bad. People are born more or less neutral. And it is incumbent upon parents, teachers, and yes, society, to turn children into good adults. It doesn’t happen on its own.
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There are two important — indeed, fundamental — questions you have to answer in life:
The first is: Is there is a God — specifically a moral and judging Creator. The second is: Are people basically good?
Your answer to the second question will shape just about all of your moral, social, and political views — even more than whether you believe in God. That’s why a believer and an atheist who have the same views about human nature almost always have the same social and political views.
Let me give you some examples:
You’ve probably heard the phrase “Poverty causes crime.” If you believe that people are basically good, you are likely to believe that poverty or bigotry or some other outside force causes people to commit violent crime. That’s the only way you can make sense of the fact that some people commit crimes despite their basically good nature — something drove them to it. But if you don’t believe people are basically good, you are far more likely to blame the criminals themselves, not outside forces, for their actions.
One more example: in a society where it is believed that people are basically good, parents and society don’t devote great efforts toward making good people. After all, if we are born good, why do you have to teach goodness? On the other hand, those who don’t believe we are born all that good understand that parents and society have to undertake major efforts to make children into good adults.
Ok, then, are people basically good? As I will show, given humanity’s history, the answer should be obvious. Of course, human nature isn’t basically good.
Now, this doesn’t mean that people are basically bad. We are born with real potential to do good. But we are not basically good.
Take babies. Babies are lovable and innocent, but they are not good: They are entirely self-centered — as they have to be in order to survive. “I want mommy; I want milk; I want to be held; I want to be comforted, and if you do not do all these things immediately, I will ruin your life!” That’s not goodness; that’s narcissism.
We are born narcissists, preoccupied with “number one:” ourselves. And if you’ve ever worked with kids, you know how cruel, how bullying, they can be.
And don’t parents have to tell their child tens of thousands times “Say thank you”? Now, why is that? If we are naturally good, wouldn’t feeling and expressing gratitude come naturally?
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/are-people-born-good

2:15 Me To Esdeath (Akame Ga Kill!)
of course its prager u.
Finally found it
I smell a sh*tty agenda in the "evils" part
This seems a bit black and white
2:15 “free thinkers” when they see a 6’ 5” goth girl
That's not narcissistic that's when your needs are being met. Lol. The babies are happy and connecting in the beginning.
Oh your here cause you want to see the original?Welcome to the bar,come and join us.
I love how the most viewed part is the 2:06
Damn. Can’t believe decisions made by small groups of people due to the influence of events that occurred in their lives that greatly affected them is evidence for the fact that humans are born evil. Like, obviously none of those genocides were justified, they’re genocides. But Hitler wasn’t born thinking he was gonna murder a bunch of Jews. In fact, when he was young, he wasn’t all that bad, he had dreams and ambitions in art. But he was abused, and eventually destitute later in life. It was Germany’s poor economy and stereotypes others taught him that led him to hate them. It was outside influence that led to him becoming evil.
Perfectly said. Thank you once again.
4:13 why didn’t he talk about how Israel have killed millions of innocent Palestinians including women and children since 1948?
The guy who made i want mommy i want milk i want to be held
2:14 literaly me
[insert mommy waifu name] fan be like:
"That's not goodness, that's narcissism."
– Prager Tzu, the art of babysitting.
Evil PragerU: I want daddy, I want water, I want to be thrown, I want to be disturbed! And if you don’t do all of this slowly, I will make your life better.
That is why I hate babies. They keep demanding attention and if they don't get what they want they'll ruin your life. I couldn't imagine having such a atrocious creature. Let alone taking care of one. Better to have a pet instead. Pets like dogs and cats are actually cute.
this should have been a condom commercial
Hey, idiot, the Ottoman Empire did not commit genocide against the Armenians! But the nouveau riche big-ass brothers are saying this everywhere as if it were true! The Ottomans always treated people of other religions well! The Jews took refuge here, and Armenians still live here! But you, with your inadequate and empty knowledge, shared that stupid video of yours here as if it were true! Shame on you and those like you! Moron!
i want mommy i want milk i want to be held i want to be comforted
This man is a sick, demented person; probably because of his religion.
“Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things, but for good people to do evil things, it takes religion.” ― Steven Weinberg
I love how in these 3-6 minute long videos that spawn a meme, almost all of the video is never replayed.
Then there’s this giant yet brief spike that people keep replaying over and over and over again.