Are The Police Racist? | 5 Minute Video
Are the police racist? Do they disproportionately shoot African-Americans? Are incidents in places like Ferguson and Baltimore evidence of systemic discrimination? Heather Mac Donald, a scholar at the Manhattan Institute, explains. Donate today to PragerU! http://l.prageru.com/2ylo1Yt
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Does the truth matter?
Not to groups like Black Lives Matter. That’s tragic for many reasons, not the least of which is that black lives are being lost as a result.
When it comes to the subject of American police, blacks, and the deadly use of force, here is what we know:
A recent “deadly force” study by Washington State University researcher Lois James found that police officers were less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than unarmed white or Hispanic ones in simulated threat scenarios. Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer analyzed more than 1,000 officer-involved shootings across the country. He concluded that there is zero evidence of racial bias in police shootings. In Houston, he found that blacks were 24 percent less likely than whites to be shot by officers even though the suspects were armed or violent.
Does the truth matter?
An analysis of the Washington Post’s Police Shooting Database and of Federal Crime Statistics reveals that fully 12 percent of all whites and Hispanics who die of homicide are killed by cops. By contrast, only four percent of black homicide victims are killed by cops.
But isn’t it a sign of bias that blacks make up 26 percent of police-shooting victims, but only 13 percent of the national population? It is not, and common sense suggests why. Police shootings occur more frequently where officers confront armed or violently resisting suspects. Those suspects are disproportionately black.
According to the most recent study by the Department of Justice, although blacks were only about 15 percent of the population in the 75 largest counties in the US, they were charged with 62 percent of all robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults. In New York City, blacks commit over three-quarters of all shootings, though they are only 23 percent of the city’s population. Whites, by contrast, commit under two percent of all shootings in the city, though they are 34 percent of the population. New York’s crime disparities are repeated in virtually every racially diverse city in America. The real problem facing inner-city black communities today is not the police but criminals.
In 2014, over 6,000 blacks were murdered, more than all white and Hispanic homicide victims combined. Who is killing them? Not the police, and not white civilians, but other blacks. In fact, a police officer is eighteen and a half times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer. If the police ended all use of lethal force tomorrow, it would have a negligible impact on the black death-by-homicide rate.
In Chicago, through just the first six-and-a-half months of 2016, over 2,300 people were shot. That’s a shooting an hour during some weekends. The vast majority of the victims were black. During this same period, the Chicago police shot 12 people, all armed and dangerous. That’s one half of one percent of all shootings.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/are-police-racist

They can't handle the truth ! There for progressives never heard a word you said ! ALL LIVES MATTER !
This has been one of the most uncomfortably true videos on the internet for years. This is from 2016. Does anyone think it's gotten BETTER? I wish she would do another one. It's gotten infinitely worse. Read all of her books.
Result Ratio of Black people committing mass murders to white people committing mass murders😳😳😳
And things have only gotten worse.
police are tyrants
Not fitting the BLM or leftist media agenda, so no net change.
BLM.. what a joke
Statistics can be manipulated and twisted by the cultural Marxist ideologues.
Blue Lives Matter so they can protect and serve All Lives!
God Bless Blue Lives Matters🚔🚓
BLM(or BLA Black Lives Aborted) when they aren't pushing the Child Murdering Agenda, are making it worst for Black Communities.
Black on Black Crimes are astronomically Ample compared to White on Black Crimes.
BLA will use every False accusation against Law Enforcement. Even falsely equating them with Confederacy (a Rebellion opposed to the United States of America, to keep Chattle Coercion in existence).
Our Law Enforcement is the Best chance for Black Communities to be safe.
BLA have done the Stark Antithesis and has caused even more strife.
Sheriff David Clarke should've made this video
II blame cheap Glocks and CenterPoints. Glocks 4 Thugs. Glocks Not Hugs For Thugs
Back in the 90s an 2000s, I Seen Racist Cops, case like in Frederick County MD East Patrick Stover interstat I70. at Night 40mph Zone If your Blk driving the Speed Limit 38 40 they Will pull you Over say the Speed Limit is 25 When 25 didn't Even Exist, in 5 Mins get the K9 unit , Vs White Driver going 50 60 on east Patrick then its Just a Speed Ticket 60 in a 40 not 25?, no K9s, I telling Thats Their Racist Policy
This Heather chick is racist
The fbi crime stats go against what theyre saying, black people in comparison to other races commit less crimes. But what theyre not mentioning is how awful nyc is for example, 13 billion dollars in police funding (thats more then what taiwan spends on its military) and yet they still have crimes. Mayor eric adams is padding police budgets while decreasing school funding and library funding.
Its better to just remove police from black neighbourhoods and see if the murder rate goes down as they expect it to.
At least a lot of the blacks being killed by other blacks are also useless thugs, theoretically controlling crime by permanent thug removal.
I llike most of the Prager U videos, but this one is the best one I have seen of them all
you guys are a propaganda machine
The problem is no one in America talk about the truth that you are talking about
Would love to see these 2015 / 2016 statistics updated for today.
This video is a joke! Presenting studies that support your point of view while ignoring many others that do not, does not make you someone who cares about the truth!
The truth doesn't matter to ignorant people. Great video
Black Criminal Lives Matter.
Jesus Christ… people actually fall for this shit.
How do you all navigate life with such weak standards for truth?
There isn't any group or institution that cares less about black lives, than Black Lives Matter!
No way my teacher made us watch this💀
Great info.. thanks!
Is the Pope Catholic?!! Ps I'm Catholic too😅😅😅😅😅
I mean who else huh?
The truth doesn’t matter to these people. They VOTED FOR THIS! Every vote for Democrats is a vote to kill more blacks. No sympathy for self-destructive fools.
Does the truth matter? Well according to research done by Central Sankar men of color are two times more likely to be stopped by police five times more likely to be arrested by police and three times more likely to be killed or convicted. What did Al Gore say an inconvenient Truth?
😭 girlie what are u high on
Wrong and wrong.. these damn cops putting us 6ft under.
Is the police racist?
I saw a video once that claimed that half of black pro shot by police are shot by black police.
Has anyone else seen that? I can't find anything that breaks down the demographic of the police, only the demographic of the people shot.
Love Prager U. The problem with this is that it makes policing more dangerous when you have to second-guess someone.
It’s pretty sad that quoting statistics makes you racist.
Unarmed is a very deceiving word. If you are on the ground wrestling with a suspect that is trying to grab your gun to shoot you they are certainly unarmed until they grab your gun. Unarmed does not mean not dangerous.
Does anyone know where can I find these statistics