Are Young People Really Leaving the Church?
For more information, read So the Next Generation Will Know: Training Young Christians in a Challenging World (https://amzn.to/2CftJza)
Read: UPDATED: Are Young People Really Leaving Christianity?
Are young Christians beginning to doubt Christianity? Are they inclined to leave the Church altogether? What can we do about this trend? J. Warner joins a conference panel from his time serving with Stand to Reason to answer these questions.
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the go , sit, listen, and leave gospel show… are they really leaving church, or just an institution made by men, thats been called church, for tax purposes of coarse.
Sadly the Truth is no longer in the church. Dispensationalism has destroyed the church. IMHO.
Socrates said "The unexamined life is not worth living." My corollary to that is "The unexamined FAITH is not worth BELIEVING." That's why many of these kids are leaving the church. They've never closely examined the evidences for the Christian faith.
Amen, Jim. Stand in the gap, stand where the walls are weak. Disciple the kids around you. Speak truth, explain why you believe, explain what you believe, explain why your beliefs are reasonable and rational. Amen. Stand in the gap.
The top two reasons (in order of largest to smallest) that I have heard from young people on why they are leaving the church are:
1) They disagree with the morals of the bible (prohibiting gay marriage as an example).
2) They doubt the existence of God because it cannot be proven with science.
Great video
I was hoping that they would touch on the actual reason they are leaving. Jesus said it in John 3:17-21….They Love sin, darkness and refused to come to the light. You can prove the Resurrection to a youngster beyond a reasonable doubt, it is very hard to overcome the temptations in the world and the hormons hitting youth for the first time.
If you give them a good strong base, when they leave, they will come back, no doubt !
I have seen 90% of young people walk away, for a few reasons: parents never had faith and were simply checking it off the list to get their kids confirmed. ✔ done. Married…✔ done. Having a baby need to get baptized…✔ done. Many are just going to church for tradition and checking boxes. Sadly.
There are other reasons.
Most churches are not teaching all of God with the right words and proper universal context.
Churches are bribing people with "free" coffee, donuts, pizza and even a "chance at winning a big flat screen TV".
They give bad reasons such as "Read your bible." or "Pray." or some random verse to give some "Magical insight" into their problems.
Many kids need advice outside of the church but that includes it and God.
We are NOT a simple bunch of creatures. God made us the most complicated living things on this planet. Mind, body, emotions, feelings, etc.
The Bible is an beginner's guide to life and this world. It takes a good family, friends, similar minded people, and faith to understand it.
When the Latter rain comes everyone will be able to learn about JESUS young and old ,
There’s a JESUS REVIVAL happening right now but it looks different than everything in the past because our Lord is correcting what’s gone wrong in the past. Kids are READING THE BIBLE Again and spending time to interpret it for THEMSELVES!
Go on TikTok. The Holy Spirit is being POURED OUT on the younger generations just as he promised💪🏼🙏🙏🙏
I came to church for my kids but I was totally convicted and my life is changed forever. It's hard for my husband to live a life like Jesus because of society. He is scared. We need more open Christian men so young men can feel confident being open.
Hmmm, from the scuttlebutt I'm hearing, it's the hypocrisy of the religious leaders and moral authorities that make people quit. That's why they come back when they have kids – they believe in morality, and they don't believe they will be hypocritical believers. They also suddenly really really really need the help of Jesus to protect and shepherd their beloved children in this fallen world.
You want the kids to stay in church? Make sure the church is transparent, merciful, full of grace and Biblical truth, and that the entire Bible is taught, because the Bible speaks of Jesus.